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Kimshee’s job to deal with them on behalf of the Taelach people and Krell generally enjoyed it. But occasionally, like tonight, it could tax the short limits of her patience. She paused in the compound courtyard. It was deserted this time of night and the light breeze between the buildings gave it a desirable, peaceful air. Meditating briefly, she focused away from the frustrating sentry commander and centered on the business at hand, a cross-planetary conference with Belsas Exzal, Taelach of All.

Midmorning in the Taelach lands of Saria Three found Belsas in her sunlit workroom, waiting for Krell’s transmission. She stood at a window, watching a bandit beast herd amble by on the open grasslands below. It was calving season and the gawky newborns struggled to keep a stumbling pace with their mothers. Resembling bison, bandit beasts left a path of bare ground as they grazed, effectively robbing all plant life including seeds, fruit, and roots. Their kilometer-wide paths swathed across the northern plains in every direction. Reseeded and fertilized by their droppings, the land rejuvenated rapidly, the life cycle staying in complete balance.

The door to the workroom opened, admitting Belsas’s gentle-natured life mate Chandrey. Her full skirts rustled as she joined her guardian at the window and she laughed lightheartedly at two calves that were engaged in a game of chase. “I never get tired of watching them play. Children are the same no matter the species.”

“If life were only that simple for us.” Belsas drew Chandrey close to kiss her on her high forehead. “What have you been doing this beautiful morning?”

“Pulling tuft snarls from the flowering beds.” Despite a thorough washing, she could still smell the muskiness the dandelion-like weeds had left on her hands. “No news yet?”

“Not as yet. It’s late where she is on Langus. First Officer Middle may wait until morning her time to contact us.”

“Surely not. Kimshee Middle knows you’re waiting for confirmation of LaRenna’s arrival.” Chandrey stood tiptoe to reward Belsas’s kiss with a passionate one to her mouth. Sensing the tension in her mate’s face, she frowned, her lips drawing in a similar fashion. “Relax, darling. We’ll hear something soon.”

Appropriately timed, a plump face, cheeks pink with excitement, appeared in the doorway. “Pardon, Belsas, but a coded transmission is waiting for you.”

“Thank you, Rona.”

“See!” Chandrey grinned so merrily Belsas couldn’t help but chuckle. “I told you we’d hear.”

“You’re correct as usual, love,” Belsas said, entering the access number into the adjacent computer panel and the view screen flared to life. “Well, First Kimshee, did she make it in one piece?” Krell’s image was dim on the screen. “Are you having transmission difficulties?”

Krell whispered salutations. “Greetings, Grandmaster Belsas. Good day, Lady Chandrey. There’s no problem here. I have the lights low so they won’t wake your daughter. She’s travel exhausted, but otherwise fine.”

“She near?” asked Chandrey, mindful of the overcrowding on Langus.

“Look for yourself.” Krell turned the viewer so LaRenna’s outline was visible, her white mass of curls peeking from the blankets.

“Poor baby,” fretted Chandrey in her melodious soprano. “She’s already asleep. The journey from the Training Grounds to Langus can be so hard.”

“She’s no baby,” reminded Belsas. “LaRenna’s fully braided and at a post. But then again,” she added with a loving smile to Chandrey, “you always were one to worry over the young ones.”

Chandrey’s eyes never moved from her daughter’s form. “I’m a teacher, Bel, it’s in my nature.”

Belsas gazed reflectively at her mate then turned back to Krell, who again dominated the screen. “All going as planned there?”

“As well as can be expected. I had a meeting with an Aut by the name of Starnes Bane this morning. The reconnaissance was right, two of the Branded are holed up here.”

“Did you find out who?”

Krell murmured the answer in a tone so low Chandrey wasn’t sure what she’d said. She was about to ask when Belsas’s pallored expression told all she needed know.

“The Creiloff Twins!” The color drained from Chandrey’s face.

Belsas collapsed heavily in her worktable chair. “I should have executed them when I had the chance. Why did I believe the reports of their deaths?”

Chandrey followed to rub her guardian’s bunched shoulders. “How were you to know they would break the Trimar barricades?” she whispered.

“I knew someone would sooner or later.” Belsas spoke no louder. “Others have tried.”

“And they’ve been caught,” reminded Krell. “We’ll catch these two just the same.”

Belsas peered at the viewer to lock determined eyes with Krell. “Whatever you do, First Kimshee Middle, make sure LaRenna is prepared. She should know exactly what she’s getting into.”

“You have my word.”

But Belsas continued as if she hadn’t heard. “You have three days to be certain. If she’s not ready, abort the mission. We’ll call it a loss and pull all Taelachs off Langus. The High Council has received serious threats. Autlach authorities have foolishly chosen to ignore them, but for me to do so would be imprudent.” Sinking back into her seat, Belsas let out a weighty sigh. What was LaRenna getting into?

Chandrey glided across the room to face the viewer close up, her eyes exuding the same concern as Belsas until her hands trembled. “For the love of the Mother Maker,” she whispered to Krell, a fair amount of pleading in her voice. “Don’t let her fall to them. If they find out who she is”—she glanced over her shoulder at her shaken lover, then back at the screen—“they’ll do far worse than just kill her.”

Chapter Twelve

The mind phase can be simultaneous in its joy and terror.

—Taelach wisdom

Krell woke LaRenna at first dawn. She shook her once, then again, then finally shaking her so hard she almost fell from her chair. “Wake up, LaRenna Belsas.” Krell stood over her with a brooding expression. “Planning to sleep away your post on Langus? I’ve work to do and you’ve things to learn.”

LaRenna’s eyes shot open, wide but unfocused as they glanced about the room. Disoriented by the new surroundings, she stood, scratching her

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