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Book online «Family Feud in Savannah: A Garlucci Family Saga (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 16) Hope Callaghan (best way to read books .txt) 📖». Author Hope Callaghan

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“Luigi!” Carlita rushed forward. “What happened to you?”

“I got caught in the middle of a minor scuffle over at Sandy Sue’s Bar-B-Que.”

Carlita’s eyes widened in horror. “A customer attacked you?”

“Not a customer, an employee.” Luigi explained it was close to closing time. It involved two of the male workers. He attempted to de-escalate the situation and instead ended up getting caught in the middle.

“Believe me, after they blindsided me, they got the worst end of the deal.” Luigi grimaced, tentatively wiggling his jaw back and forth. “That place is a hot mess.”

“I heard. What’s your take on Sandy Sue?” Carlita listened carefully while Luigi explained there was some bad blood between the workers.

“How can that be?” Carlita asked. “They just started working there.”

“Some of ‘em came from the other joint the couple owned out near the highway.” Luigi told her he had planned to track Carlita down, to warn her. “The owners claim you called the health department on them.”

“More like the other way around.”

“And you’re harassing them by calling the cops.”

“Because they blocked our street.”

“I would be cautious and watch your back.”

Carlita thanked him for the advice and then watched as he limped down the alley before disappearing inside their apartment building.

Troubled by Luigi’s warning, Carlita continued making her way around the building. Perhaps she should start carrying some sort of protection. Of course, Rambo would come to her defense, but he wasn’t always with her.

They made their way to the end of the block. She could see dim lights on inside the restaurant across the street. The parking lot was empty.

Had Sandy Sue called the health department on Ravello’s? If so, who had called the health department and reported Sandy Sue’s place? It wasn’t Carlita or any of her employees. They would have no reason to.

From what Luigi had said, there seemed to be some bad blood among her employees. But why bring the employees and lingering problems to her new restaurant? Why not make a fresh start with new staff? And then there was Luigi’s ominous warning for Carlita to watch her back. Her tenant was savvy, savvier than most people. Could Ravello’s also be a target?

The situation with her new neighbor weighed heavily on Carlita’s mind. She finished the walk and returned to their property, double checking the pawn shop’s doors before heading upstairs.

Mercedes was in her room. Soft light filtered out from the bottom of the closed door. Carlita gave it a soft rap. “Mercedes?”

The door flew open, and Carlita stumbled back. “You know how I hate it when you do that.”


Carlita briefly filled her in on what had happened to Luigi and his ominous warning. “Based on what he told me, I’m wondering if Sandy Sue’s problems aren’t coming from within.”

“It’s too bad we can’t go over there and get a feel for the atmosphere.”

“There’s no way she’s going to welcome me into her restaurant. She would probably throw me out.” Carlita shook her head. “Besides, we have enough to worry about right now with Tony and Shelby.”

“Unless…there may be a way. Let me give it some thought,” Mercedes said.


Carlita was up early the next morning and looking forward to seeing Pete. He was returning from his trip and planned to stop by to pick up Gunner.

She turned the kitchen light on and discovered she had, once again, forgotten to cover his cage.

He squawked his annoyance as he watched her approach. “I’m sorry, Gunner. I forgot to tuck you in last night and cover your cage.”

“Cops. Hide the body.”

“There is no body, but Gunner is handsome,” Carlita said. “Are you hungry?”

“Fool’s gold. He’s trying to break down the door.”

“Now, that’s a new phrase.” Carlita fed Gunner and then started a pot of coffee. “Pete will be back today.”

“Pirate Pete. Don’t let him steal your booty.”

Rambo and Grayvie were next. After feeding each of them, Carlita poured her first cup of coffee and stepped out onto the balcony. It was a beautiful morning with only a touch of crispness to the air.

Her gaze fell to the alley below. The dumpster’s lid was up. Certain someone had been messing around, she hurried back inside and hustled down the steps.

When she reached the dumpster, she teetered on the edge and peered inside.

There was a thin layer of trash – mostly scraps from the restaurant. The recycle bin next to it was full of flattened boxes and empty cartons.

With nothing amiss, she carefully closed the lid and turned to go when she decided to check her storage area around the corner.

The storage area was a project she hadn’t yet tackled. She’d been putting it off, unsure of how to best use the space.

Her heart skipped a beat when she realized the storage room door was ajar. Carlita braced herself as she eased the door open. The interior smelled damp, a sign it hadn’t been opened in quite some time.

It was empty except for a handful of antique tools she suspected had belonged to the former casket-making company. Thinking there might be some value in the antiques, she’d hung on to them.

She pulled the door shut and made a mental note to replace the lock. Carlita walked to the corner and shifted her attention to Sandy Sue’s. All was quiet.

Continuing on, she made her way to the courtyard. Her heart sank when she realized the gate was wide open. Carlita couldn’t remember if she’d locked it after being distracted by Sandy Sue’s street barricades.

She cautiously made her way inside. Flowerpots were strewn across the brick pavers. Shattered pieces were scattered about.

The bistro tables and chairs were in disarray. She righted the furniture and surveyed the rest of the courtyard. The vandals had also spray-painted a large “x” and a symbol on one

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