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Book online «BLOOD STAINED an unputdownable crime thriller with a breathtaking twist (Detective Claudia Nunn Book Rebecca Bradley (the best e book reader txt) 📖». Author Rebecca Bradley

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to happen to him. For all I was angry with him I still adore the old chap and had to keep track of him.’ His voice faltered. There was real love between human and dog.

‘And you found him . . .’ prompted Dominic, eager to get to the pertinent part of the story.

Derek physically jolted. Like a small electric shock had been sent through his body. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘I found him. He was standing still, his nose down to the ground, but I was still running when I found him and didn’t realise I had caught up with him. I had lost sight of him, you see, and when I suddenly came across him I was pulled up short and fell over him and right into what he had his nose in.’ He went quiet, hugged his body and rubbed his hands up and down his arms.

The temperature was dropping as the clock was ticking on but Dominic knew that wasn’t why Derek was rubbing his arms. It was the memory. He was back at the graveside. Stumbling and falling into the shallow grave of an unknown woman. A grave filled with flies. Dominic gave him a moment even though he was desperate to carry on and get all the information he could out of the man. But he would be a better witness if they handled him with kid gloves and they were compassionate rather than bull-headed.

Krish crouched down and rubbed the dogs head. Ralph lifted his nose and sniffed his hand before accepting the fuss and going back to his sleep. It broke Derek out of his reverie.

‘It startled old Ralph. He jumped back away from the grave.’ He barked out a laugh. ‘I’d frightened him by falling but he hadn’t been scared by the grave. That’s the difference between us and animals.’ The laugh died in his throat. ‘I was terrified when I saw what it was I was lying in. I could feel something solid yet squishy under my hands and there was this sound that was freaking me out. It was persistent and loud. It was surrounding me and I thought it was going to invade me. I was terrified even if Ralph wasn’t. I saw her face. My hand was on her stomach. I tried to push myself back, but didn’t have my balance as I was still flat on the ground, so ended up falling back onto her.’ He looked from Ralph up to Dominic. ‘You should have heard me squealing. Not very manly, I’m afraid.’

‘I can’t say I blame you,’ replied Dominic. ‘It wasn’t a pleasant sight and if you’re not used to that kind of thing, well . . . it’s not easy.’

Derek frowned. ‘You find it easy, Detective Sergeant?’

Dominic took a step backwards. It was as though he had been physically punched. That wasn’t what he had been saying. He wasn’t used to this kind of thing either. It wasn’t supposed to come out that way. He put his palm up. ‘No. No, not at all. That’s not what I was saying. I may have more of a coping mechanism in place to deal with death than you have because it’s part of my job, is what I meant. Not that I have become desensitised to it. Especially difficult jobs like this.’ He cleared his throat. He was making a mess of this. ‘Any job. Any person who has been killed or has died in suspicious circumstances. None of it is pleasant, but we have to get on with it for the sake of the person we are investigating. To get the best result for them and for their family.’ He stepped back up to Derek. ‘You understand it’s about putting something right that has originally been very, very wrong? Right in the best way we know how anyway.’

Derek nodded silently.

Dominic lowered his voice. ‘I’m sorry you have had to go through this. No one should have to. It’s wrong that people like myself and Krish are in a position where we have to make a place in our heads for this kind of stuff, but the world isn’t all good and shiny. It’s dark and sharp and people are hurt by it.’

Derek held up his hand. ‘It’s okay, Detective Sergeant. I’m sorry if I overstepped. It’s been a long day as you can imagine.’

‘I understand. We need to get you to the station when you’ve been to the hospital, as we have to get a statement from you covering what you’ve said.’

Derek scratched his head. ‘But there’s nothing there. Nothing I saw that would help you.’

‘I know you feel that way, but as the person who found the body you are an integral part of the investigation and we have to get your account down as soon as we can. Is there anyone who can come and collect Ralph so you can go and get checked out at the hospital?’

Derek started, shaking his head. ‘My wife, she’ll be so upset by all of this. But she can take Ralph. I’ve already called her and she’s on her way. I couldn’t tell her everything as I wanted her to get here safely, but she’s already worried by my cryptic message to come and get Ralph.’ He peered sadly down at the dog. ‘Wasn’t she, boy?’ He let out a sigh. Ralph swished his tail in response.

Dominic grabbed hold of Krish’s arm and pulled him to one side. ‘Follow him to the hospital, stay with him and as soon as he’s ready to be released bring him back to the station and get his account down. For now we treat him as an unknown quantity. If he’s going to trip himself up in any way I want it down officially and let’s see him wriggle out of it then.’

Krish tapped his notebook. ‘I’ve got his first account logged in here and I’ll make

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