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Book online «The Passenger Jacqueline Druga (top 10 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Jacqueline Druga

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that word. They believe you weren’t alone.”

“They don’t believe a man was in the car, but they don’t think I was alone …” Then it hit him. “You mean, like they think it was God that was riding with me?”

“Some folks feel that way. Old Joe does.”

“Hmm. Interesting.”

“Wow, no scoffing. I’m shocked.”

“Another feeling … I feel like usually I would scoff,” he said. “But I really think whoever was in the car with me is a key to a lot. I can’t put my finger on it. I keep thinking that once I figure him out, I can figure me out. A key.”

“A key to your survival that night? Your new journey.”

He chuckled. “Is that why you’re here Maw-Maw, to take me to wherever I am going?”

“I am.” Marge nodded. “I am your driver. You can’t just be discharged from the hospital, Chip, with only a good riddance. You don’t know who you are and you’re still healing. You landed right smack in Williams Peak. You couldn’t ask for a better place. We take care of our own and right now, you are one of our own. Until you figure out who you are. Until you find your way, we have a place for you.”


“You’ll find out shortly.” Marge tapped his food container. “Eat your nachos.”


Jonas just stared at the room, taking in the simplicity of it. Everything in the town was simplistic. The room had a twin bed which was in the corner of the room. A window on each wall was by it. There was a television on a desk and a dresser.

It was a room in Pastor Rick’s home. The two story, white frame building directly across the street from the church.

Maw-Maw, Pastor Rick and Haley were crowded by the door. He supposed they were waiting for him to say something.

“You don’t …” Pastor Rick stepped to him. “Have to stay here or take the job. We just thought it would be good for you. Once you’re on your feet, know who you are, it’s up to you then. Who knows? You may even stay in Williams Peak.”

Jonas turned around. “I doubt I am the type of person that lives in a town like this. But, as Maw-Maw always says, I don’t know, because I don’t remember.”

“You’ll take it?” Pastor Rick asked. “As I said, we can call the Motel Six. They offered you a room there, the chief is working on finding out who you are …”

“No.” Jonas shook his head. “This is great. What will I be doing? I’m not sure I have any skills. If I do, I don’t remember them.”

“We’ll all help you,” Pastor Rick said. “Help me take care of the church, put the books out for service. Help set up for music rehearsals, stuff like that.”

Maw-Maw added, “We have the bazaar in six days. On Friday, and we will need some help with that.”

“It’ll add a few bucks in your pocket, not much,” Pastor Rick said. “A roof over your head and food. I’m a great cook.”

Haley cleared her throat.

Jonas quickly looked at her.

“What?” Pastor Rick asked. “I’m a great cook. And you’ll find out shortly.” He waved his finger at Jonas. “Lunch is in a few minutes, Chip. Marge, lend me a hand?”

“Absolutely.” She and the pastor walked out.

“So … was this your room?” Jonas asked Haley.

“It was. We grabbed some things from the donated bazaar items. My dad had this crazy idea to make this his exercise room after I moved out. But that never happened.”

“How long ago did you move out?” Jonas asked.

“Six years ago. I have a place in town near my job. I work at the veterinary clinic.”

“Oh, you don’t work here?”

“I do that, too.”

“I didn’t see your mom. Does she live here?” Jonas asked.

Haley shook her head. “She lives in California, teaching high school or something. Long story. I’ll tell you all about it one day. As for right now.” She walked toward the door. “You’re about to experience my dad’s cooking.”

“I’m sure it’s fine. Everyone is trying to feed me.”

“That’s because you’re so thin,” she said. “And that didn’t happen because of the car accident.” She paused in the doorway. “Hey, Chip. I’m sorry you and I got off on the wrong foot the day we met.”

“Why are you apologizing to me?” he asked. “I wasn’t very nice.”

“No, you weren’t, but it wasn’t my place to call you out like I did.”

“Someone had to.”

“Yep. But that’s Maw-Maw’s place. She has a way of doing it without you knowing it. Trust me.”

“I know.”


“Yeah.” He walked to the door, pausing to look back at the room before he left.

Jonas couldn’t decipher how he felt about it all, the room, the job, the town he accidentally arrived in. It was hard to figure out how he felt about anything, when he couldn’t even figure out who he was.


The squad car was parked curbside directly in front of the walking path to the church. Marge knew it was the Chief’s car, his name was on it. She was curious when she saw it, she couldn’t recall seeing the Chief ever at the church. Surely, he wasn’t there for services, a quick in and out of some sorts. Not even the chief would be so brazen as to block the main walkway to the church right before the eleven am service.

As she made it up the path, the chief was walking out. He nodded to the church goers as he passed them and stopped before Marge.

“Well, hello there, Chief. This is a surprise. Are you checking up on Chip?”

“I’m going to. I heard he’s on the side of the church working on the flower beds.”

“Oh, boy, Pastor Rick will just let anyone touch those flowers. I knew there had to be some reason for seeing you here.”

“I’m here every Sunday,” Russ replied. “You go to this contemporary service; I go to the traditional. The coffee at the mingle is much fresher.” He held up his obnoxious cheese

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