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have loved to have a mother figure around.

“Too bad. That’s probably why you and your dad are so close.” Were they? Lucy wondered sometimes how her father really felt about her. He wasn’t outwardly affectionate, and the only positive reinforcement she’d received when

she was younger came upon making good grades in school. Even now, she’d get a pat on

the back for winning a case at work. At times she felt more a valued employee than a

beloved daughter.

“You and your dad? You didn’t get along?” she asked.

Jake laughed. “That’s an understatement.”

“Why not?”

“He was a mean, vindictive, sorry SOB who never had a kind word to say to anyone

in his entire life.”

She turned to him and rested her hand on his. “That’s a terrible way to raise a child.

No wonder you left home.”

“No big deal. I’m over it now,” he said with a shrug and another pull of his beer.

Wanting to ask more questions, to delve deeper, she could tell by the distant look on

his face that he didn’t want to continue the discussion. “Did you finish high school?”

“Eventually. I hooked up with Bob and he kind of adopted me. Took me home with

him. He and his wife, Shelly, gave me a place to stay. They never had kids, and I was

trouble in the worst way, but still, they looked after me. Bob made me finish school

before he’d let me work full time at the job sites.” Lucy warmed at the affection Jake showed for Bob. “Sounds like a very good man.”

“He is. Pain in my butt sometimes, but he’s been good to me.”

“And now you have your own construction company. You’ve come a long way.”

“I had to work damn hard to get here. Went to night school, again at Bob’s not so subtle urging, while working full time in construction. Got my degree in business, continued to work like a madman, then had an opportunity to buy a company, so I took


“Do you have everything you wanted now?”

He stared straight ahead, his voice a near whisper. “Yeah. I have what I wanted.”

“What about a wife and family? Is that on your list of things to do?” He turned his head, his lips curving into a smile. “Haven’t had time to even think about it.”

She knew all about being driven and single minded. Working nonstop, constantly pushing. And what did she have to show for it? She was a partner in the family law firm.

Big deal.

Her entire life had been spent fulfilling her father’s dreams for her. Not once had she

pursued her own. Now she stood at a crossroads, successful but not fulfilled. And she’d

never taken the time to find someone she wanted to share her life with, to talk about

having children with.

“What about you? Why aren’t you married with a houseful of kids?” he asked.

She sighed. “Same reason, I guess. Wanting to prove myself, to be successful, and suddenly here I am, thirty years old. No husband, no children, not even any prospects. I

hardly even date.”

He laughed. “Aren’t we a pair?”


They grew silent and Lucy was glad. Their conversation reminded her of areas in her

life that were lacking. Had a man ever told her he loved her? No. That would have been

too momentous to forget. Not that she’d ever dated a man she wanted to hear those words

from. The few relationships she’d had in the past were more to combat the occasional

bouts of loneliness, to fulfill a social expectation, or to appease her father’s constant need

to find a suitable partner for her.

She’d never had that one, burning, passionate romance filled with love and promises

of the future. And suddenly she ached for it, wanted it like she’d never wanted anything


Was it too late?

The night blessed them with a soft breeze, but she felt heated and restless.

Maybe it

was Jake’s bare leg brushing against hers, the crisp hairs rubbing against her thigh.

Maybe it was his hand lightly tugging at the loose curls at the back of her neck.


started to pull the mess back together in the ponytail.

“Quit doing that,” he said.


“Messing with your hair.”

“I wasn’t messing with it.”

He laughed. “Yeah, you were. You do that a lot, you know.”

“Really?” She resisted the urge to smooth her hair.

“Yeah. Your hair is gorgeous. Leave it alone. I like it a little messy.” He pulled the pony tail holder off and slid his hands into the back of her hair, massaging her neck with

his fingertips.

She shuddered at the sensual contact. His fingers worked magic, gently kneading the


“You’re tense. Turn around and I’ll rub your shoulders.” She didn’t need to be told twice. She shifted sideways and presented him with her back.

The first touch of his strong hands was heaven. She hadn’t realized how much tension she’d been holding in.

He had such an expert touch. She felt like clay as he molded his thumbs to the knots,

sliding along the tense spots until they melted away.

“You’re driving me crazy doing that,” he whispered in her ear.

“Huh?” She was so relaxed she was almost in a trance-like state, listening to the night sounds of crickets, Rascal’s light snore at her feet, and Jake’s breathing.

“You’re moaning.”

“I am?”


“Does it bother you?”

“Bothers the hell out of me.” His voice was low and husky and made her shiver.

She smiled into the darkness, feeling a tiny feminine thrill. She couldn’t recall ever driving a man crazy. It was an intriguing concept. “Your hands are magical.”

“You have no idea.” His hands traveled lower, gently pressing into the muscles of her back.

His touch weaved a tantalizing spell over her. Every nerve ending shot to life under

his ministrations. She wanted his hands everywhere, wanted to feel his touch in other

places besides her back.

Maybe it was the wine, or that she never relaxed, never let her guard down. Most men she knew were after one thing, and that was the Fairchild fortune. She was nothing

more than a means to a merger. With Jake, it wasn’t like that.

With him, she felt safe. Like he really wanted to be with her. Not because she was a

Fairchild, but because she

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