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Book online «The Ties That Bind Us: (The Ties Duet Part One) Danda K. (dark academia books to read TXT) 📖». Author Danda K.

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trip over a rock and almost land face first in the dirt. Strong arms wrap around my waist seconds before I’m introduced to the earth. He pulls me up and secures me close to his chest, my back to his front.

I try to catch my breath from the quick adrenaline rush, but it’s not working because now I’m very aware of what my ass is pressed into. Great. I can’t tell if it’s his heart racing against my back or if mine has jumped out of my ribcage.

I don’t know why he would be nervous since I almost face planted.

He pulls me tighter to him, and I think I feel the tip of his nose graze my hair. My heart is racing even faster with the close proximity of our bodies. Trying to ignore the way my body is desperate to feel even more of him, I attempt to slow my breathing.

I feel his warm breath on my ear when he whispers, â€ťDon’t worry, Nyx. I got you.”

The sound of his voice sends shivers through me right down to my toes. I’m baffled by his knowledge of Greek Mythology, but it figures he’d compare me to a creature of the night. Stepping out of his hold, I pick up my glasses off the ground and return them to my face.

I wipe down my legs and stand tall. Ignoring the nickname, I continue forward, more conscious of what lies underneath my feet. This area seems to be closed off to visitors. It’s unkempt and quiet, almost as if it’s a secret. The more we walk, the more I can tell how low traffic it is with fallen leaves looking as if they haven’t been swept away in years.

Suddenly I see a large and abandoned-looking archway ahead of us. It looks haunted from the outside, with dark vines and brown twigs entangled and covering the sides and top. When we reach the entrance, I can’t believe my eyes; the sight ahead of me is stunning.

The vines inside are so much more vibrant and lively. They still appear dark because they haven’t been trimmed in quite a while, but it’s definitely painting a much prettier picture from this angle.

As I walk in, I notice branches from the ground reaching up and wrapping around the shape of the walls, closing us in.

Beautiful yellow flowers are sprinkled around the entire structure of the arch, and the way the light from the sun peaks in from random openings on the top, it looks as though they’re glowing.

I lift a hand up to the light shining through the hole above me and watch how it filters through my fingers. Jaxon slides up next to me and looks around.

“You know, this archway was closed down years ago to plant the cherry blossom garden this place is now known for,” he says, disappointed. “They decided to pay more financial attention to the areas closer to their newest money maker. I don’t know what it is about cherry blossoms that make Millennials so crazy over them.” He shrugs. “I mean, yeah, they’re pretty to look at, but I’m sure it’s the trendy Instagram shots that are more appealing to them.” He looks around again. “This will always be my favorite place here.”

I nod in understanding. “I can see why. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

He turns his head in my direction, and I shuffle my feet from discomfort.

“Yeah, it sure is.” Jaxon says as he continues to stare, and I am grateful I’m in a dark spot because my cheeks are now as red as an apple.

I look down and tuck some hair behind my ear. Obviously, he wasn’t referring to me. I don’t know why my body would assume something that absurd.

Trying to take the focus off me, I go back to his previous comment. “The cherry blossoms are popular because most people love the idea of their outward perfection and obvious beauty. It’s harder to find that in something that has been neglected.”

He doesn’t push the issue. Instead, he runs his hands across the prickly wood poking out through the greenery. “You know...” he pauses for a minute, “life can throw the ugliest things your way, but it’s what makes its way inside you that determines your worth.” He signals around the structure we’re standing in. “Take this archway, for example. The constant battle with the weather has put such a strain on its physical appearance from the outside. But it still manages to protect what’s in here and turn it into something magnificent.”

Jaxon stops and stares at me as if trying to convince me of his words. “We are not the sum of our misfortunes. We’re a product of what we’ve learned from them.”

Taken aback by his statement, I change the subject and nod towards the watering can on the floor. “Seems like someone else has taken a liking to your little paradise.” He picks up the can and gives it a small shake. The sound of the water sloshing back and forth is suddenly echoing throughout my ears. The sensory overload, and a lack of food, are throwing me off balance.

He notices the change in my face and his demeanor morphs to one of concern.

“You okay? You look a bit flushed.” He gently grabs my arm as if to keep me upright.

“Yeah, I’m okay. I guess sitting in the sun all day and not eating anything isn’t such a good idea.”

He smiles from ear to ear, suddenly reminding me of a young Paul Walker.

“Well, we’ll just have to fix that now, won’t we?” He checks his phone. “Just in time. C’mon, let’s go. I know just what you need.”

I feel sad to be leaving so soon, but I oblige and gesture for him to lead the way. I can’t help but feel like I need to know more about him. I want to see where he goes, where he’s been, and what makes him, him.

I want Jaxon to be contagious. Because everything about him not only comforts me but makes me feel

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