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Book online «The Decameron Giovanni Boccaccio (popular ebook readers TXT) 📖». Author Giovanni Boccaccio

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and coming to the head of the stair, received him with as good a grace as she might and asked him what brought him thither; whereupon he caught her in his arms and clipped her and kissed her, saying, ‘My soul, I understood that your husband was abroad and am come accordingly to be with you awhile.’ After these words, they entered a bedchamber, where they locked themselves in, and Messer Lambertuccio fell to taking delight of her.

As they were thus engaged, it befell, altogether out of the lady’s expectation, that her husband returned, whom when the maid saw near the house, she ran in haste to the lady’s chamber and said, ‘Madam, here is my lord come back; methinketh he is already below in the courtyard.’ When the lady heard this, bethinking her that she had two men in the house and knowing that there was no hiding Messer Lambertuccio, by reason of his palfrey which was in the courtyard, she gave herself up for lost. Nevertheless, taking a sudden resolution, she sprang hastily down from the bed and said to Messer Lambertuccio, ‘Sir, an you wish me anywise well and would save me from death, do that which I shall bid you. Take your hanger naked in your hand and go down the stair with an angry air and all disordered and begone, saying, “I vow to God that I will take him elsewhere.” And should my husband offer to detain you or question you of aught, do you say no otherwhat than that which I have told you, but take horse and look you abide not with him on any account.’ The gentleman answered that he would well, and accordingly, drawing his hanger, he did as she had enjoined him, with a face all afire what with the swink he had furnished and with anger at the husband’s return. The latter was by this dismounted in the courtyard and marvelled to see the palfrey there; then, offering to go up into the house, he saw Messer Lambertuccio come down and wondering both at his words and his air, said, ‘What is this, sir?’ Messer Lambertuccio putting his foot in the stirrup and mounting to horse, said nought but, ‘Cock’s body, I shall find him again otherwhere,’ and made off.

The gentleman, going up, found his wife at the stairhead, all disordered and fearful, and said to her, ‘What is all this? Whom goeth Messer Lambertuccio threatening thus in such a fury?’ The lady, withdrawing towards the chamber where Leonetto was, so he might hear her, answered, ‘Sir, never had I the like of this fright. There came fleeing hither but now a young man, whom I know not, followed by Messer Lambertuccio, hanger in hand, and finding by chance the door of this chamber open, said to me, all trembling, “For God’s sake, madam, help me, that I be not slain in your arms.” I rose to my feet and was about to question him who he was and what ailed him, when, behold, in rushed Messer Lambertuccio, saying, “Where art thou, traitor?” I set myself before the chamber-door and hindered him from entering; and he was in so far courteous that, after many words, seeing it pleased me not that he should enter there, he went his way down, as you have seen.’ Quoth the husband, ‘Wife, thou didst well, it were too great a reproach to us, had a man been slain in our house, and Messer Lambertuccio did exceeding unmannerly to follow a person who had taken refuge here.’

Then he asked where the young man was, and the lady answered, ‘Indeed sir, I know not where he hath hidden himself.’ Then said the husband ‘Where art thou? Come forth in safety.’ Whereupon Leonetto, who had heard everything, came forth all trembling for fear, (as indeed he had had a great fright), of the place where he had hidden himself, and the gentleman said to him, ‘What hast thou to do with Messer Lambertuccio?’ ‘Sir,’ answered he, ‘I have nothing in the world to do with him, wherefore methinketh assuredly he is either not in his right wits or he hath mistaken me for another; for that no sooner did he set eyes on me in the road not far from this house than he forthright clapped his hand to his hanger and said, “Traitor, thou art a dead man!” I stayed not to ask why, but took to my heels as best I might and made my way hither, where, thanks to God and to this gentlewoman, I have escaped.’ Quoth the husband, ‘Go to; have no fears; I will bring thee to thine own house safe and sound, and thou canst after seek out what thou hast to do with him.’ Accordingly, when they had supped, he mounted him a-horseback and carrying him back to Florence, left him in his own house. As for Leonetto, that same evening, according as he had been lessoned of the lady, he privily bespoke Messer Lambertuccio and took such order with him, albeit there was much talk of the matter thereafterward, the husband never for all that became aware of the cheat that had been put on him by his wife.”

The Seventh Story

Lodovico discovereth to Madam Beatrice the love he beareth her, whereupon she sendeth Egano her husband into the garden, in her own favour, and lieth meanwhile with Lodovico, who, presently arising, goeth and cudgelleth Egano in the garden.

Madam Isabella’s presence of mind, as related by Pampinea, was held admirable by all the company; but, whilst they yet marvelled thereat, Filomena, whom the king had appointed to follow on, said, “Lovesome ladies, and I mistake not, methinketh I can tell you no less goodly a story on the same subject, and that forthright.

You must know, then, that there was once in Paris a Florentine gentleman, who was for poverty turned merchant and had thriven so well in commerce that he was grown thereby

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