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though, and he was pleased. Three menstepped forward, offering themselves to his service. They were unaware of whatform that service would take, but in the end none of them would care.

He studied them carefully. They were strong men, andwarriors. He could almost see the pride in them, the desire to achieve the taskhe had set, and the unwavering righteousness that he himself felt.

But the gaze of one man was hotter. His eyes burned withpassion, and Savanest made his choice.

“You,” he said, pointing at the man, “step forward.”

The man did so, and his eyes burned even hotter.

“What is your name, soldier?”

“Maldurn,” the man answered.

“Are you ready for glory?”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Are you ready to serve our cause?”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Are you ready for your name to live through eternity?”

“Yes, my lord! I live to serve!”

“Then you will be rewarded.”

Savanest stepped forward. He did not touch the man, but hestood close to him, and he looked into his eyes. He wanted to study the change.

He sent more magic into the master stone, and he felt ittremble against his chest. It was cold as ice one moment, then hot against hisskin like fire. But it would do him no harm.

His power surged through it, joining with it, and activatingthe ancient magic within. That flared to life, and it roiled uncontrollablybefore suddenly stabbing like lightning into the soldier’s own stone.

The man stiffened, and his eyes sharpened. He did not knowwhat was happening, not yet. But he would.

The change began slowly, but then it hastened. Hairthickened on the man’s head, and it lengthened on his arms. It darkened, andgrew coarser. His muscles bulged next, and Savanest saw surprise in the man’seyes as he flexed his muscles and felt increased strength.

But he screamed as the magic in him grew and waxed to fullstrength. His muscles bulged more, and his shirt split and hung in tatters. Hiseyes held pain and fear, then darkened, and a growl escaped his throat. Hecollapsed, but he did not fall. Rather, he went down on four legs, for his armshad lengthened, and he was become a beast, half man and half dog.

The change continued. The beast that had once been a manhowled, and Savanest still gazed into his eyes. His humanity was gone, butthere was still intelligence in the fierce look that gazed back at him.

And, perhaps, hatred. But did a beast feel hatred? No matterif it did, for it must obey regardless. It was now a were-hound, and thewere-stone still hung around its neck, nestled tightly into the fur of itsupper chest.

The huge dog panted and whined. The men behind it wereshocked, but only some in an unpleasant way. The others were wondering how thisnew development would aid them.

Savanest pulsed magic into their stones. Approval was thethought that went with it, and the men stirred. A moment they hesitated, andthen a few cheered in support.

That was only the beginning. Others fell in, raising theirvoices in wild shouts and cheers. Soon it became a roar, and the sound of itfilled the sky and surely the mountain had never heard anything like it.

He that was once Maldurn, yelped and howled, capering aroundand thrashing his tail. This caused the men to roar louder.

Savanest watched them silently. Unwitting fools that theywere, they did not realize that from the moment the were-stones had gone aroundtheir own necks the same fate awaited them. They would all turn, in the end.

Savanest raised both hands high, and then lowered them. Theroaring slowed and then halted. The men watched him, waiting.

He looked down at the hound before him, and he gave hiscommand.

“Maldurn that was, you will lead the hunt. Find the scent ofour enemies. Find the freshest trail, and follow it.”

The dog understood him, as he knew it would. Through his ownstone he felt a vague sense of its emotions, but greatest of them all was thedesire to hunt. The change had made it hungry.

With a leap, the hound set itself in motion, nose to theground and tracing the many scents that came up from the earth. A good while itdid this, crossing to and fro and circling. Then it stood rigid and trembling,before loping toward the southern slope of the mountain.

“Follow!” Savanest commanded, and he and the soldiersfollowed the hound as it raced ahead.

Through the stone, Savanest knew the were-hound had foundwhat was sought. With his mind, he restrained it at times so it would not gettoo far ahead of the men.

The chase was begun, and it would end swiftly now. But whatto do when he found his enemies? This had puzzled Savanest for a while, but heknew now the answer.

The rest could be killed. But Ferla, the seventh knight,would have a different fate. She would serve the king to replace Lindercroftthat she had slain. If the were-stone could change a man into a beast, then theMorleth Stone could transform her from a Kingshield Knight into a MorlethKnight. Of that, he had no doubt.

10. The Magic of the Land

Ferla led Asana and Kubodin, but a fourth traveler camewith them. Fear.

They knew it was but a matter of time before the enemysought them out. Likely, they would find a trail. All this would take time, andshould they get enough of a start then they would not be found. Rain andweather would obscure their tracks. Eventually, they would reach lands thatwere better suited to hiding their passing. A creek that they could cross, orbetter yet ride a raft down to hide their trail completely, would give themconfidence.

But they had none of these things as yet. The plains werenot good ground to hide a trail, and they did not know how far away the enemywas and what time they might have to try different tactics.

And the words of the dragon had been disconcerting. It wasclear that it was about to give some warning before they broke its magic. But awarning about what? Not that it could be believed. According to legend, most dragonshad a heart of evil and joyed in malice and deception. But their wisdom wasalso deep, and their knowledge of the past

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