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Book online «Ultimate Dilemma (Justice Again Book 2) M Comley (ready to read books txt) 📖». Author M Comley

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Adele and the kids rely on me. Without me, they won’t survive. Think about it, please, I’m too young to die.”

The assailant’s arm raised above their head and, in what appeared to be slow motion, the ice pick came towards his face. He grappled behind him, searching for some kind of rock to use as a weapon, but there was nothing within reach. He used his arms to pull his body along the road, his legs weakly pushing him. He stared down at his chest, his white shirt stained with deep-red patches. He was doomed. He might as well give up, his strength was virtually non-existent now. His arms gave way beneath him. Crushed, he lay on the ground and stared up. His breath allowed one more attempt to save his life.

“Please, I’m begging you to spare me. I have money tucked away, you can have it all. It’s supposed to be my retirement fund, but you can have it, all of it.”

The stranger’s arm rose again. The ice pick found its target. Dale cried out; the pick stuck in his throat. The assailant twisted the implement to make the hole wider, deeper. Dale had lost too much blood to continue his fight now. Instead, he made peace with his maker in his final few seconds, offering up a silent prayer. His eyes closed, blocking out the stranger at last, and he exhaled his final breath.


Katy received the call during the drive home that evening. She punched herself in the leg—she’d been looking forward to bathing Georgie and reading her a bedtime story. Instead, here she was, turning around and heading out to what appeared to be a murder scene. As if she didn’t have enough on her plate already. Actually, that wasn’t quite true. The Crawford case had ground to a halt, leading her to tell the desk sergeant to contact her if any other major crimes cropped up in the area.

“Charlie, did you get the call?” she asked through her hands-free.

“I did. I’m ten minutes out. Where are you?”

“I’m about the same, give or take. It’s a gruesome one, so Mick said. Just what we need at this time of the day. Will Brandon be all right about you doing overtime if it’s necessary?”

Charlie laughed. “You worry too much. He’s a pussycat. I didn’t give him the chance to complain. I’ve told you before, I’m committed to the job, Katy, there’s no need to be concerned for me or my relationship.”

“I’m not. Hey, forget I asked. I’ll see you soon.”

Katy ended the call and put her foot down. She arrived at the location soon after, Charlie not far behind her. They slipped on their protective suits and shoes and joined Patti on the other side of the cordon.

“What have we got?” Katy asked, staring down at the bloody mess lying horizontal on the tarmac.

“Looks like a murder scene to me. I know, stating the obvious as usual. You shouldn’t ask such a stupid question,” Patti said, a grin forming at the end of her tetchy response.

“Ha bloody ha. You definitely missed your vocation, Patti. You should have been a court jester.”

“Cheek, do they even exist nowadays? For your information, I’m not that old, I’m considered to be in the prime of my life.”

“At least you still have a life, unlike this chap. Bloody hell, someone really did a number on him, didn’t they?”

“Oh God, I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so horrendous. I’m having trouble holding on to my stomach here. I never thought I’d hear myself say that,” Charlie piped up, a green tinge shadowing her features.

“Step away from my crime scene if you think you’re going to spill your guts,” Patti advised with a stern warning edging her tone.

“You do look a little off-colour. Go on, Charlie, step back. Either that or don’t look at the victim.”

“I can’t help it, it’s gross but compelling at the same time. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

Katy and Patti rolled their eyes at each other.

“Anyway, my guys have had a chance to survey the area,” Patti said. “Fifty yards or so up the road we have a hefty amount of blood spatter, telling us that in all probability the attack began back there and ended in the man’s death here.”

“Do you think someone did this to him…? I mean, yes, I appreciate someone killed him, but the eyes, do you think the perp did that or could it possibly be the birds treating him as roadkill and instantly going for his eyes?”

Patti stared at her. “Since when does a bird pluck out the eyes and leave them at the scene? You did notice them sitting on the man’s chest, didn’t you?”

“Sorry, my mistake. Okay, I should have realised what I was thinking was daft before saying it out loud.”

“You’re not wrong there. This was a hate crime. People rarely tend to inflict this much pain and torture on someone they don’t know.”

“Torture? Are you telling me he might’ve still been alive when his eyes were gouged out?”

“It’s hard to tell. Maybe the assailant did it directly after he was killed. Pure speculation either way, until I get a chance to examine him properly.”

“I don’t suppose you’ve discovered any ID on him, have you?” Katy glanced around. All she could see were four SOCO team members and the two uniformed officers at either end of the crime scene, ensuring no other cars came closer than was necessary. “No witnesses either by the look of things.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, on both counts. There’s a man in the back of one of the squad cars, he called it in to your lot. I asked him to stick around when I got here, knowing that you’d want to speak to him. And the victim’s ID is in an evidence pouch, sitting by my bag.”

“Okay, Charlie, why don’t you go and question the man? See if he saw anyone hanging around, either on foot or if he noticed another car in the

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