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the subject. “She is still alive, and she is not on this list.” I raise the parchment for him to see, drawing him in closer to his demise.

“Who’s still alive, Your Divineness?”

General Greyson asks as if he doesn’t know who I’m referring to. I believe it to be cowardice, but sometimes I weigh toward fucking idiot.

“Who?” I remain calm. For now. “Use that black hole in your skull, and think about it. You know the answer to that incredulous question.”

“Jaymes McLarin?”

He answers with the best of his ability to conceal his fear, but I can feel it pumping through his veins. This man is weak.

“Congratulations, General Greyson. After several seasons of asking the same question over and over, you’ve figured out what we’re asking. Where is Jaymes McLarin?”

It is not utter stupidity, although a simpler mind might think so. It is fear that prevents him from answering the question. He knows the primary goal of this overblown search, and he knows he does not have an answer for me. He tries to play the ignorance card, not because he believes it will fool me, but because it’s better than playing nothing at all. It’s unfortunate for him it doesn’t matter what card he plays. My mind is already set on the outcome of this meeting.

“General…” I lean into my chair. “Of the four races, not considering the hypothetical mixed blood, which do you find the most destructive?”

He stutters a few rambling noises.

“It’s not a trick question. It is the Dihkai. We know this. And I take no offense to that. As with the seasons, we all have purpose. The Lahyf have the ability to regenerate life. The Sprhowt have the ability to make life flourish. And the Hiberneyt have the ability to render us all dormant. Not one of these is a destructive force. Not like the Dihkai and their ability to decay any lifeform they touch.” I pause to let it sink in. “With training, of course. All talent will go unnoticed without training.”

The General nods and remains attentive with a tension in his stance.

“And this is where she differs. As you know, General, Jaymes McLarin is not only a threat to the rest of society due to her unnatural talent in the Nox Sciences, but she also killed her parents. She is an untrained destructive force and a fugitive. We must find her. Tell me, General Greyson, where have you searched thus far?”

“All populaces down to the smallest of townships, as well as all of the remote plantations spread across the open plains of Vedora. If there is a building standing, then we know who or what lives in it, Your Divineness.”

“And what if she lives in a hole in the ground or in a tree in the forest? Do you know the meaning of moron? It is a person who is notably stupid or lacking good judgment, a person of borderline intelligence and classified as mentally retarded. General Greyson, there are days I believe you fall into that classification. Have you searched the uninhabitable regions?”

“No, Your Divineness, we have not.” His cowardice shines brightly.

“Of course not. Why would you search all of Azure as I initially instructed? That, however, is not why I summoned you to my chambers. Although your incompetence is utterly infuriating, only I am to blame for allowing such incompetence to be associated with me. No. That is not why—”

“Then, why, sir?” the General interrupts.

I remain silent, refusing to answer his question after being interrupted. Instead, I stare at him.

“Your Divineness?”

“Incompetent and lacking manners,” I respond when realizing he’s too dull for a silent lecture. “You are here because of your inability to remain loyal, General. You are supposed to be my General, yet here you are, under my own roof, spying on my every action.”

“Excuse me, sir?” he asks with false astonishment.

He is a fool. Best to be honest at this point. For the sake of self-dignity and honor. Not that a treasonous snitch has any honor, but he only makes it worse for himself.

I lean into my desk, placing my elbows on it and coupling my fingers together. “General, you were once an admirable man. A man of honor. A value you regarded highly and protected. What do you think your family would do if they knew?” I ask. I know his family is a sensitive subject for him, and discussing it will reveal his motive quicker. I would like to be done with this.

“My wife…she’s been dead for several seasons…” His voice trails off as he lowers his eyes. Shame.

“Indeed, she has. And your son…where is he?”

The General’s eyes snap back up to meet mine. Fear. “You wouldn’t…”

“If I knew where he was…” I offer a subtle nodding confirmation. “…I would. If you hold onto your dignity with honesty…I will spare him.”

“My wife…she would have understood.” Acceptance. “She was loyal to me. I made a choice I believed to be true. A choice I still believe in. And she would have supported me to the end. My son…he knows. And he has fled for fear he would be forced to follow my footsteps. I tried to prove to him the value of my choice. I tried to show him the world beyond what you allow us to see. But he wanted no part in the sacrifices required. He wanted no part in my decision. He’s innocent.”

“Yes. I know. He made the right choice in disappearing. I wouldn’t want to be associated with you either.”

“Then why have you banished him?” General Greyson shouts. “He was only a boy, and you chased him away. I don’t even know if he still lives. And you have done this! You have done this to me!”

“General, don’t blame me for your actions. You admitted it was a choice. A treasonous choice.” My voice remains relaxed

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