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Book online «Famous (The Soul of the World Book 1) David Skato (bill gates books recommendations .txt) 📖». Author David Skato

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up,” She smirks.

“Don’t be like that. I don’t want you going home. Get a room or something or go stay with some friends. Tomorrow, you’re leaving town until this is over.” Dontae suggested.

“Bullshit. I’m staying right here. They don’t scare me. I’m a cop, same as you.”

“It’s not about being scared.” He countered. Dontae’ got out of the car, and Jessi slid to the driver’s side.

“Well, the – “She tries to speak, but he cuts her off.

“We will talk about it tomorrow. Just don’t go home.”

“Yes, paw paw.” She snarked as she looked up at him while starting the car.

“Text me when you get to your destination. Don’t text me where you are though. Don’t tell anyone.”

“Gotch ya.” She puts the car in gear and drives away. Dontae walks across the street towards home. Out the corner of his eye, he could see someone standing on the street staring in his direction. He turns to get a better look. A man stood on the corner maybe forty feet from Dontae’. He could make out fuzzy white hair but not much else. He thought it could be the same people who blew up the house but then he thought it would be foolish to send one man, an old man, directly to a detective’s home. This was probably a homeless person or drug addict. The man begins to walk away, and Dontae’ continues into his apartment building.

He walks up the stairs to his apartment door, but as he puts his key in, he notices black soot lining the bottom. The same kind he’d found at Rochelle’s crime scene. Pulling his gun, he unlocks the door and lightly pushes it open. The soot left a trail to the middle of the living room floor. From the door, he could see broken dishes scattered on the floor of the kitchen. He steps forward, being careful not to walk in the soot. Suddenly, he hears a gurgling sound coming from the bedroom. He aims his gun and heads in that direction. He pushes the door open to see Sandy lying on the floor bleeding from her mouth and a vicious wound in her chest.  He rushes over without giving it another thought. He lifts her head and places it into his lap, holding her tightly.

“Babe, you’re going to be ok. Just hang in there. I’m going to call an ambulance.”

Sandy’s eyes are filled with terror, confusion, and helplessness as she looks at Dontae’ wanting to say something but unable to speak. Her eyes roll in and out the back of her head as she tries to hold consciousness. She then looks towards the door and raises her arm, and points with her last bit of strength. Dontae’ looks in the direction only to see a dark shadowy figure coming towards him at full speed. The Carasaca grabs him by the neck and slings him across the room, sending Sandy tumbling to the floor. The creature screeches with the sound of a thousand sirens causing Dontae’ to put his palms over his ears as he winces in pain. As the monster screams, Dontae’ briefly opens his eyes to see a lamp lying on the floor. He remembered these were the lamps Sandy picked out, and he complained about them because they were too expensive. They were also too heavy. With a moment of clarity, he grabs the lamp and swings it so viciously that when it hit the Carasaca across the face, black inky residue spewed all over the bedroom wall. The creature went down, crashing onto the wooden floor. Dontae’, brandishing the lamp, stands over the creature and cracks it once again across the face. The creature looks confused for a second, as if this was not supposed to be happening. Dontae’ swings once more, but this time the Carasaca grabs his arm mid-swing and tosses him across the room. The creature rises and looks for an exit. He notices the balcony window and slides towards it. Dontae’ rises, “oh no son of a bitch” and dives into the creature causes them both to crash through the window. The creature manages to turn them both mid-air and land on top of Dontae’.  He snaps profusely, only inches from Dontae’s face dripping the nasty inky mess all over his eyes and mouth as he holds the creature steady by its neck. The creature finally gives up and breaks Dontae’s grip, flipping from the 2nd-floor balcony landing unharmed on the street below.

Dontae’ roles over just in time to see the creature slither down the street. He stands as the creature turns around and lets out the same loud screech. It then starts to dissipate into a cloudy smoke as Dontae’ turns and rushes back to Sandy.  Dontae’ picks Sandy up and moves her to the bed. He looks into her eyes and knows that she could be taking her last breaths. He starts to weep and whispers, “Stay with me baby.” He pulls out his phone and dials 9-1-1. Instead of ringing, the phone beeps once and hangs up. He tries again, but he gets the same response. He immediately dials “Jessi.”

She answers. “You miss m- “

“Help! Jessi, something has happened to Sandy, please help!”

“I’m on my way” She hangs up. She whips the car in a fast-and-furious U-turn, tires screeching, white smoke following.

Dontae’ rocks Sandy back and forth as he talks calmly, trying not to upset her. “You are going to be fine. Help is coming. Just stay with me.” Dontae' wipes blood from her mouth and for the first time in his life, prayed to God. “God, please, please, help her. Please.”  Tears were now rolling down his cheeks in tracks that were unfamiliar and unused for a long time. In the front room, he could hear the door open with footsteps following. “Jessi,” he thought. To his surprise, six uniformed officers barge into the room, guns drawn.

“Help help! Get an ambulance here!” he begged.

“Let me see your hands!” One shouted.

Confused by their orders,

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