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road and the dust kicks up, which tells me that the guys are already here. Quickly changing from a smooth ride to a bumpy terrain has Marni grabbing the ‘oh shit’ handles and looking like she’s ready to attack me with her bare hands. “Would you slow the hell down?” she snaps.

“I thought you liked it bumpy, my bad.”

“Oh my God, would you quit it with the sexual innuendos? They’re getting old.”

I tsk. “My, my, you have a dirty mind. I was referring to the ride. What did you have in mind?”

She doesn’t even humor me with a snappy response.

Razor sharp edges that reach the tip of the point cover our entire viewing area. Tommy’s car looks like a Hot Wheels toy parked in front of it. The closer we get, the more life-sized it becomes, until we’re parked right next to it. Tommy is sitting in the driver's seat with the door open. His head shoots up from his phone when we get out. Zed is laying back on the hood of the car puffing on a joint and blowing smoke circles into the still air. He doesn’t even acknowledge our presence. And Lars is taking a piss right in front of us and makes no attempt to hide his pencil dick.

“Bout fucking time.” Lars huffs as he gives himself a shake and zips up his pants.

I glance around for the car. “Where is it?”

“Don’t worry. Everything’s in place,” Lars says, as he walks over and throws an arm over Marni’s shoulder. “Should have put on some hiking boots. Those white tennies won’t be so pretty when we’re done here.”

Marni tosses his arm off her and takes a step back, planting her hands on her hips and looking around. “What’s in place?”

Zed jumps off the hood, still pinching the joint in his hands. “Oh, didn’t our boy, Talon, tell you? We’re planning to gang bang you then hike up that point and toss your beaten body over the ledge.”

Tommy finally pockets the phone his face is always shoved in. “Don’t listen to him. He’s a bit fucked in the head.” He snatches the joint out of Zed’s hands and draws in a long drag.

Zed undresses Marni with his eyes, and I clench my fists at my side. “I mean, we could change the plans. Sounds like a good time to me.” He says with a wink.

Marni turns around to face me. “Please, just take me home. I don’t like this,” she whispers. As if she’s seeking comfort in me. Like I’m the one who would save her from this madness. Little does she know, I’m far from a savior. I’m a whole goddamn nightmare.

I spin her around to face the guys. “Walk,” I demand. “Zed, lead the way. You’re the one who parked the car out here.”

The terrain is difficult to drive through, but, somehow, Zed managed to get the car back there last night and walked back when it was in place.

Tommy passes me the joint, and I take a couple drags while Marni is fanning the smoke away from her face. “Oh come on, don’t act all innocent. I know you indulge.” I offer it to her, but she side-eyes me with a glare that has the veins in my dick pulsating. For some reason, angry Marni turns me on. Which could be very bad for me, considering she’s gonna be angry for the foreseeable future.

“Did indulge. Now that I’m living with you whack jobs, I need a clear head. One eye open at night and a deadbolt on the bedroom door. Make that happen, please.” She smirks, and it’s loaded with sass and sarcasm.

Tommy laughs. “I like her.” His shoulder nudges mine. “Looks like you’re gonna have your hands full with this one.”

“Don’t forget, we’re in this together. She’s not just my problem.” Sure, I’ll cut off the fingers of any hand that tries to touch her, but as far as her attitude, we get to share in that misfortune.

“I’m not anyone’s problem!” she shouts, “and if you all think that I’m a problem, you can gladly take me back home and forget you even know me.” She grabs the joint so fast from my fingers that I’m pretty sure she just burnt the tip of her thumb. Drawing in a puff, she holds it for a minute then coughs out a cloud of smoke.

Tommy pats her on the back. “Easy there, girl, we need you alive.”

“Could someone give me my fucking joint back,” Zed grumbles in front of us but doesn’t bother turning around.

Marni skips up next to him and sticks it in front of his face. He takes it away and glares daggers in her direction. Zed is a bit of a robot. Heartless, cold, and made of steel. He’s unbreakable, because you can’t break what isn’t even whole. We’re all used to it, but Marni, she has no idea what he is capable of. The thoughts that go on in that head of his are satanic and eerie. All the more reason why I need to keep an extra eye on him. Marni is with us for a reason, and I’ll be damned if he pushes her over the edge before she serves her purpose.

Twenty-minutes later, we’ve finally made it to the backside of Miners Point that looks out over Lake Ruin. The old beat-up tan Chevy sits right at the edge of the cliff. We keep walking, but Marni backsteps once she realizes how far down the drop is. “Holy shit.” She stretches her neck to try and look without getting too close. When she stumbles a bit, I instinctively grab her by the waist.

“Watch yourself,” I say. She looks at me and giggles. Noticing that her eyes are small and squinted leads me to believe she doesn't indulge as often as I thought she did. “You ok?”

“I’m fine, but what’s with the old car?” She takes a step forward, and her eyes widen. “Wait, that’s Josh’s car.” Clapping an open hand over

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