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kaputz, I suggest you pop that envelope open. Where’s it at? I think we should have at it right here and now and settle this daddy debate once and for all.”

My mouth falls open as I look to Noah and Everett. “We left it at the studio. I guess I really do have an excuse to go back.”

The bell on the door chimes and in strides not one dodo bird but two, Cormack and Cressida. They’re both wearing matching yoga pants and tank tops, along with matching ponytails. My guess is they came from Swift Cycle across the street, the gym that Noah’s ex-wife Britney owns. Either that or Fanatical Fitness, the place next door. Funny how the clientele of both places head right over to my bakery when their classes are through. But I don’t mind, and Britney certainly doesn’t mind. I keep her business floating, and she’s doing the same for me.

“Big Boss!” Cormack makes a beeline to Noah. “There’s been another murder! Isn’t this exciting? Not to worry. Featherby Sleuths Investigative Services is on the case!”

Cormack’s father helped her buy a PI license with his billions. She bypassed all that pesky fieldwork and went straight into opening up shop right here on Main Street. I suppose it’s as good as any means for Cormack to get herself inadvertently killed. I’d say I wasn’t rooting for death, but I’m sleep-deprived, my hormones have gone haywire, and my boobs weep at random.

She rattles herself in front of Noah. “I’ve got a break in the case. I know who killed Candace Cottonwood.”

Noah growls at her, “Cormack, no. You’re not investigating this case. It’s too dangerous. And not only that, I’m investigating this case, and I can’t afford for you to get in my way.” He flits those evergreen eyes my way. “That goes for you, too, Lottie.”

Everett takes the baby back without asking.

“If you’re going to tell Lemon what to do, at least hand Lyla Nell off first. I don’t want her to hear anyone disparaging her mother.”

Both Keelie and Lily swoon.

“I’m not disparaging you, Lot.” Noah’s brows bounce. “I’m protecting you.”

“Who cares?” Cressida pulls her blonde tresses free from her ponytail. “The three of you didn’t live up to your end of the bargain. And I’m still stuck with that B&B.”

“Unstick yourself,” I tell her. “I’ll gladly take it off your hands.”

“No can do. I need a little suffering to come from it, just the way I’ve suffered putting up with those ghosts. Cormack won’t admit it, but those spooks are working double time to kick us out.”

To quote Carlotta, “Darn tootin’.”

“What are the new terms?” I sigh her way. If I was about to sell out my family’s privacy, it’s clear I’ll consider anything at this point.

“Same terms,” she says, folding her svelte arms over her chest. “I hear the producers are looking to replace that host your mother killed.” She shoots Carlotta a sharp look. “And when they do, the first show is set to take off where the last one left off.”

“How do you know all this?” I ask as amused as I am suspicious.

“My father owns the lot.” She shrugs. “I was out in Fallbrook yesterday and heard him yelling into the phone. Anyway, half the inn will belong to your mother once again if you can pull it off without dragging a dead body into it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a hot date with a chocolate croissant.” She gives the stubble on Everett’s cheeks a quick scratch as she passes him by for chocolate-laden pastures and Suze gets right to work taking her order.

Cormack holds up a finger. “I suddenly have some place to be.” She looks into Noah’s eyes and runs her finger over her teeth as if she were looking in a mirror. “I’ve been meaning to host my own show.” She tosses her shoulders back and her ponytail bounces like a spring. “Wish me luck. If I play my cards right”—her chest juts out a notch, letting us know exactly what cards she’ll be playing, or more to the point, someone else will be playing with—“the new show will be called Getting Candid with Cormack.” She takes off like a blonde hurricane, and I can’t help but growl in her wake.

“Everett, Carlotta”—I say, pulling off my apron—“let’s get moving before she steals the steak right off my plate.”

We pull ourselves together and sail out the door.

The steak’s name is Kit Knickerson, and she’d better watch out because I’m hungry for answers.


Under no circumstances was Everett going to let me near that studio with Lyla Nell if a suspect was lurking around in there.

And under no circumstances was I going to leave her for the very first time, despite the fact my mother generously offered to watch her.

So we met in the middle. Specifically, Mom met us in the studio parking lot and took Lyla Nell to a knitting shop next door.

I whimper as she drags my sweet little peanut away from me in such a heartless fashion.

“I miss you!” I call out after them. “Mommy loves you!”

Mom makes a face at me as if I were being silly, but surely she remembers the trauma of leaving her babies for the very first time.

The sun is still high here in downtown Leeds, where the concrete holds the heat and the scent of exhaust from the cars whizzing by stings our noses.

“Aw, come on, Lot.” Carlotta links arms with me. “It’s not like you left her on the floor of the Honey Hollow Fire Department and took off like a bat out of Hell never knowing if you were gonna see her again.”

“Carlotta”—I press a hand to my chest as I look at her in a whole new light—“were you just sick to your stomach like I am now when you left me there all those years ago?”

“Sure, I was sick to my stomach. I had just given you the boot out of my body and I had

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