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Book online Ā«City of Fallen Souls: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 3) Jez Cajiao (best color ebook reader txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Jez Cajiao

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back and forth, mostly frantically working on the huge battleship that hulked over the rest on the far side of the field. It was enormous, and the air of panic as people sprinted about on it made Grey grin as he shook his head.

ā€œWonā€™t catch me doing that, oh, no, sir. Grey donā€™t work for nobodyā€¦ā€ he muttered. The foolish little ants he saw rushing about were distracting enough people that he managed to slip right up to the south engine on a small ship without being seen.

ā€œOkay, now, how did it goā€¦?ā€ He furrowed his brow, trying to remember the rhyme heā€™d taught Felis to help him remember the stepsā€¦ ā€œRed, blue, green for youā€¦ blue for me and blue for youā€¦ā€ As he whispered, he tapped the symbols that pulsed and glowed on the side of the mana-engine, each one flaring as his fingers danced. ā€œGreen and blue, theyā€™re mine too, One red andā€¦ two blue!ā€ As his fingers tapped the last symbols, the engine went suddenly quiet, the top slipping off and the lights starting to dim.

He reached inside, feeling a smooth crystal the size of his thumb. Carefully, he pulled it free, slipping it into his bag and forcing himself not to think about how much gold the damn thing was worth.

He blew out a short breath and crawled under the braces that held the ship up, moving on all fours to the far side of the ship. Keeping a watchful eye out for any nearby guards, he tried to ignore the sound of the ship creaking above him and the noise of feet walking across the deck. He suddenly looked to the left, a thievesā€™ instinct flagging that something that was wrong. Dismissing the concern, he grinned, watching the other half of the team, the three-woman squad of ā€˜Jesterā€™s Ruinā€™ sprinting across the shadowy area between the wall and the most guarded building in the compound.

ā€œDamn glad that not my job!ā€ he breathed to himself, frowning as he saw a fourth slower and vaguely familiar looking shadow join the first three. ā€œTheyā€™ve replaced Hella already?ā€ he mused briefly, before shaking himself. It didnā€™t matter. All that mattered was the payday and being free of Megan at last! Grey crawled on, ignoring the mud and the puddles as he reached up to the second engine, unconsciously quietly singing the foolish rhyme heā€™d made up.

ā€œRed, Blue, Green for youā€¦ā€


ā€œFire!ā€ screamed a voice, and Thomas was jerked awake at the same moment that the ground rumbled, and an explosion went off nearby.

ā€œWhat the hell?ā€ he cried, trying to unravel the coarse blanket that was wrapped around his legs. He sat up, the usual darkness of the tent he shared with the rest of his new squad lit by the flickering of flames, and he heard screams rising nearby.

Thomas finally kicked the blankets free and stood, his hand going to his new mace quickly. Its weight and reassuring solidity was all he needed to feel in order to know that he was no longer a slave or a prisoner. He was a Soldier-Aspirant of the Dark God Nimon, and heā€™d damn well never be a slave again!

ā€œAll right, maggots!ā€ a rough voice boomed from the doorway as Belladonna strode in. The tall, stunning female elf was half naked, her shorts barely covering her ass, and for the first time since meeting her, he didnā€™t immediately wonder what sheā€™d be like in bed, thanks to the blatant fury in her eyes. She stood there, a swordstaff in one hand, and glared at them as the entire tent came to attention.

ā€œSomeoneā€™s dared to attack us. Theyā€™ve been declared an Apostate by the Church, and in Nimonā€™s name, weā€™re going to find them. Theyā€™ve used a fucking Airship cannon on our camp and kicked the hornetā€™s nest! Weā€™re going to rip their tongue out, and weā€™re going to nail the idiotā€™s dick to my bedside table! Any questions?ā€ she growled, and the tent barked the expected response as one.

ā€œNo, Sergeant Belladonna!ā€

ā€œDamn right!ā€ she barked back at them. ā€œNow get your armor on; weā€™re going hunting!ā€ With that, she spun about, her long black hair billowing out in the night breeze behind her, as Thomas turned to Coran.

ā€œWhat the hell kind of an idiot attacks the Dark God?ā€ he said, stunned at the stupidity.

ā€œThe kind who gets us a hell of a lot of experience and free stat points when we kill them!ā€ Coran said, grinning as he looked into the distance, his eyes twitching in that weird way they always did when someone was reading prompts.

Thomas brought the notifications up and read them quickly, grunting as he realized that the ā€˜permanentā€™ section of the prompt meant that, on top of the plus three to his Strength, Endurance and Agility that heā€™d gain by fighting any of the enemy forces, heā€™d get an additional point to each of those stats with every one he killed. Hell, if he killed twenty, heā€™d get the equivalent of five levelsā€™ worth of stats, free!

For a soldier, there was no better chance than this, and he could hear the rising bloodlust of the forces around him.

He saw the name ā€˜Jaxā€™ and he paused for a second, his heart clenching as he thought of his ā€˜olderā€™ twin brother. Heā€™d used that as his gaming handle, and now some dickbag was sullying his brotherā€™s name.

Heā€™d never know it, but Thomas would kill him. Heā€™d make sure that the Dark God didnā€™t have time to grow to hate that name. Just in case Nimon ever opened a portal to Earth, heā€™d make sure his brother could live his life safely.

For a second, thoughts of Jack filled his mind; the fights, the girls, the parties, and he silently wished his brother well, letting go of the last of his hopes and dreams that theyā€™d be together again one day.

Jack would never kill the people in the arena that heā€™d have to in order to come here. He was the better of

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