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Book online «Language of Flowers by Kate Greenaway (the first e reader .TXT) 📖». Author Kate Greenaway

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image not available Meadow Lychnis Wit. Meadow Saffron My fast days are fast. Meadowsweet Uselessness. Mercury Goodness. Mesembryanthemum Idleness. Mezereon Desire to please. Michaelmas Daisy Afterthought. Mignionette Your qualities surpass your charms. Milfoil War. Milk vetch Your presence softens my pains. Milkwort Hermitage. Mimosa (Sensitive Plant) Sensitiveness. Mint Virtue. Mistletoe I surmount difficulties. Mock Orange Counterfeit. Monkshood (Helmet Flower) Chivalry. Knight-errantry. Moonwort Forgetfulness. Morning Glory Affectation. Moschatel Weakness. Moss Maternal love. Mosses Ennui. Mossy Saxifrage Affection. Motherwort Concealed love. Mountain Ash Prudence. Mourning Bride Unfortunate attachment. I have lost all. Mouse-eared Chickweed Ingenuous simplicity. Mouse-eared Scorpion Grass     Forget me not. Moving Plant Agitation. Mudwort Tranquillity. Mugwort Happiness. Mulberry Tree (Black) I shall not survive you. Mulberry Tree (White) Wisdom. Mushroom Suspicion. Musk Plant Weakness. Mustard Seed Indifference. Myrobalan Privation. Myrrh Gladness. Myrtle Love. image not available image not available   image not available Narcissus Egotism. Nasturtium Patriotism. Nettle, Burning Slander. Nettle Tree Concert. Night-blooming Cereus    Transient beauty. Night Convolvulus Night. Nightshade Truth. image not available image not available   image not available   Oak Leaves Bravery.   Oak Tree Hospitality. Oak (White) Independence. Oats The witching soul of music. Oleander Beware. Olive Peace. Orange Blossoms    Your purity equals your
    loveliness. Orange Flowers    Chastity. Bridal festivities. Orange Tree Generosity. Orchis A Belle. Osier Frankness. Osmunda Dreams. Ox Eye Patience. image not available image not available Palm Victory. Pansy Thoughts. Parsley Festivity. Pasque Flower You have no claims. Passion Flower Religious superstition. Patience Dock Patience. Pea, Everlasting An appointed meeting. Lasting Pleasure. Pea, Sweet Departure. Peach Your qualities, like your charms, are unequalled. Peach Blossom I am your captive. Pear Affection. Pear Tree Comfort. Pennyroyal Flee away. Peony Shame. Bashfulness. Peppermint Warmth of feeling. Periwinkle, Blue Early friendship. Periwinkle, White Pleasures of memory. Persicaria Restoration.   image not available Persimon Bury me amid Nature's beauties. Peruvian Heliotrope Devotion. Pheasant's Eye Remembrance. Phlox Unanimity. Pigeon Berry Indifference. Pimpernel Change. Assignation. Pine Pity. Pine-apple You are perfect. Pine, Pitch Philosophy. Pine, Spruce Hope in adversity. Pink Boldness. Pink, Carnation Woman's love. Pink, Indian, Double Always lovely. Pink, Indian, Single Aversion. Pink, Mountain Aspiring. Pink, Red, Double Pure and ardent love. Pink, Single Pure love. Pink, Variegated Refusal. Pink, White Ingeniousness. Talent. Plane Tree Genius. Plum, Indian Privation. Plum Tree Fidelity. Plum, Wild Independence. Polyanthus Pride of riches. Polyanthus, Crimson The heart's mystery. Polyanthus, Lilac Confidence. Pomegranate Foolishness. Pomegranate, Flower        Mature elegance. Poplar, Black Courage. Poplar, White Time. Poppy, Red Consolation. Poppy, Scarlet Fantastic extravagance. Poppy, White Sleep. My bane. My antidote. Potato Benevolence. Prickly Pear Satire. Pride of China Dissension. Primrose Early youth. Primrose, Evening Inconstancy. Primrose, Red Unpatronized merit. Privet Prohibition. Purple Clover Provident. Pyrus Japonica Fairies' fire.

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Quaking-Grass Agitation. Quamoclit Busybody. Queen's Rocket      You are the queen of
   coquettes. Fashion. Quince Temptation.   image not available   image not available image not available Ragged Robin Wit. Ranunculus You are radiant with charms. Ranunculus, Garden You are rich in attractions. Ranunculus, Wild Ingratitude. Raspberry Remorse. Ray Grass Vice. Red Catchfly Youthful lore. Reed Complaisance. Music. Reed, Split Indiscretion. Rhododendron (Rosebay)     Danger. Beware. Rhubarb Advice. Rocket Rivalry. Rose Love. Rose, Austrian Thou art all that is lovely. Rose, Bridal Happy love. Rose, Burgundy Unconscious beauty. Rose, Cabbage Ambassador of love. Rose, Campion Only deserve my love. Rose, Carolina Love is dangerous. Rose, China Beauty always new. Rose, Christmas Tranquillize my anxiety.   image not available

image not available Rose, Daily Thy smile I aspire to. Rose, Damask Brilliant complexion. Rose, Deep Red Bashful shame. Rose, Dog Pleasure and pain. Rose, Guelder Winter. Age. Rose, Hundred-leaved Pride. Rose, Japan Beauty is your only attraction. Rose, Maiden Blush If you love me, you will find it out. Rose, Multiflora Grace. Rose, Mundi Variety. Rose, Musk Capricious beauty. Rose, Musk, Cluster Charming. Rose, Single Simplicity. Rose, Thornless Early attachment. Rose, Unique Call me not beautiful. Rose, White I am worthy of you. Rose, White (withered) Transient impressions. Rose, Yellow Decrease of love. Jealously. Rose, York and Lancaster War. Rose, Full-blown, placed over two Buds     Secrecy. Rose, White and Red together Unity. Roses, Crown of Reward of virtue. Rosebud, Red Pure and lovely. Rosebud, White Girlhood. Rosebud, Moss Confession of love. Rosebay (Rhododendron) Beware. Danger. Rosemary Remembrance. Rudbeckia Justice. Rue Disdain. Rush Docility. Rye Grass Changeable disposition image not available image not available Saffron Beware of excess. Saffron Crocus Mirth. Saffron, Meadow My happiest days are past. Sage Domestic virtue. Sage, Garden Esteem. Sainfoin Agitation. Saint John's Wort Animosity. Superstition. Sardony Irony. Saxifrage, Mossy Affection. Scabious Unfortunate love. Scabious, Sweet Widowhood. Scarlet Lychnis Sunbeaming eyes. Schinus Religions enthusiasm. Scotch Fir Elevation. Sensitive Plant Sensibility. Delicate feelings. Senvy Indifference. Shamrock Light heartedness. Snakesfoot Horror.   image not available

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image not available Snapdragon Presumption. Snowball Bound. Snowdrop Hope. Sorrel Affection. Sorrel, Wild Wit ill-timed. Sorrel, Wood Joy. Southernwood Jest. Bantering. Spanish Jasmine Sensuality. Spearmint Warmth of sentiment. Speedwell Female fidelity. Speedwell, Germander     Facility. Speedwell, Spiked Semblance. Spider, Ophrys Adroitness. Spiderwort Esteem not love. Spiked Willow Herb Pretension. Spindle Tree Your charms are engraven on my heart. Star of Bethlehem Purity. Starwort Afterthought. Starwort, American Cheerfulness in old age. Stock Lasting beauty. Stock, Ten Week Promptness. Stonecrop Tranquillity. Straw, Broken Rupture of a contract. Straw, Whole Union. Strawberry Tree Esteem and love. Sumach, Venice Splendour. Intellectual excellence. Sunflower, Dwarf Adoration. Sunflower, Tall Haughtiness. Swallow-wort Cure for heartache. Sweet Basil Good wishes. Sweetbrier, American Simplicity. Sweetbrier, European I wound to heal. Sweetbrier, Yellow Decrease of love. Sweet Pea Delicate pleasures. Sweet Sultan Felicity. Sweet William Gallantry. Sycamore Curiosity. Syringa Memory. Syringa, Carolina Disappointment. image not available    

image not available Tamarisk Crime. Tansy (Wild) I declare war against you. Teasel Misanthropy. Tendrils of Climbing Plants Ties. Thistle, Common Austerity. Thistle, Fuller's Misanthropy Thistle, Scotch Retaliation. Thorn Apple Deceitful charms. Thorn, Branch of Severity. Thrift Sympathy. Throatwort Neglected beauty. Thyme Activity. Tiger Flower For once may pride befriend me. Traveller's Joy Safety. Tree of Life Old age. Trefoil Revenge. Tremella Nestoc Resistance. Trillium Pictum Modest beauty. Truffle Surprise. Trumpet Flower Fame. Tuberose Dangerous pleasures. Tulip Fame. Tulip, Red Declaration of love. Tulip, Variegated Beautiful eyes. Tulip, Yellow Hopeless love. Turnip Charity. Tussilage (Sweet-scented) Justice shall be done you. image not available image not available image not available image not available Valerian An accommodating disposition. Valerian, Greek Rupture. Venice Sumach Intellectual excellence. Splendour. Venus' Car Fly with me. Venus' Looking-glass     Flattery. Venus' Trap Deceit. Vernal Grass Poor, but happy. Veronica Fidelity. Vervain Enchantment. Vine Intoxication. Violet, Blue Faithfulness. Violet, Dame Watchfulness. Violet, Sweet Modesty. Violet, Yellow Rural happiness. Virginian Spiderwort Momentary happiness. Virgin's Bower Filial love. Volkamenia May you be happy. image not available image not available image not available Walnut Intellect. Stratagem. Wall-flower Fidelity in adversity. Water Lily Purity of heart. Water Melon Bulkiness. Wax Plant Susceptibility. Wheat Stalk Riches. Whin Anger. White Jasmine Amiableness. White Lily Purity and Modesty. White Mullein Good nature. White Oak Independence. White Pink Talent. White Poplar Time. White Rose (dried) Death preferable to loss of innocence. Whortleberry Treason. Willow, Creeping Love forsaken. Willow, Water Freedom. Willow, Weeping Mourning. Willow-Herb Pretension. Willow, French Bravery and humanity. Winter Cherry Deception. Witch Hazel A spell. Woodbine Fraternal love. Wood Sorrel Joy. Maternal tenderness. Wormwood Absence. image not available image not available Xanthium Rudeness. Pertinacity. Xeranthemum Cheerfulness under adversity. image not available Yew Sorrow. image not available image not available Zephyr Flower Expectation. Zinnia Thoughts of absent friends. image not available image not available Absence Wormwood. Abuse not Crocus. Acknowledgment Canterbury Bell. Activity Thyme. Admiration Amethyst. Adoration Dwarf Sunflower Adroitness Spider Ophrys. Adulation Cacalia. Advice Rhubarb. Affection Mossy Saxifrage. Affection Pear. Affection Sorrel. Affection beyond the grave Green Locust. Affection, maternal Cinquefoil. Affectation Cockscomb Amaranth. Affectation Morning Glory. Afterthought Michaelmas Daisy. Afterthought Starwort. Afterthought China Aster. Agreement Straw. Age Guelder Rose. Agitation Moving Plant. Agitation Sainfoin. Alas! for my poor heart Deep Red Carnation. Always cheerful Coreopsis. Always lovely Indian Pink (double). Ambassador of love Cabbage Rose. Amiability Jasmine. Anger Whin. Animosity St. John's Wort. Anticipation Gooseberry. Anxious and trembling Red Columbine. Ardour Cuckoo Plant. Argument Fig. Arts or artifice Acanthus. Assiduous to please Sprig of Ivy with tendrils. Assignation Pimpernel. Attachment Indian Jasmine. Audacity Larch. Avarice Scarlet Auricula. Aversion China or Indian Pink.
Bantering Southern-wood. Baseness Dodder of Thyme. Bashfulness Peony. Bashful shame Deep Red Rose. Beautiful eyes Variegated Tulip. Beauty Party-coloured Daisy. Beauty always new China Rose. Beauty, capricious Lady's Slipper. Beauty, capricious Musk Rose. Beauty, delicate Flower of an Hour. Beauty, delicate Hibiscus. Beauty, divine American Cowslip. Beauty, glorious Glory Flower. Beauty, lasting Stock. Beauty, magnificent Calla Æthiopica. Beauty, mental Clematis. Beauty, modest Trillium Pictum. Beauty, neglected Throatwort. Beauty, pensive Laburnum. Beauty, rustic French Honeysuckle. Beauty, unconscious Burgundy Rose. Beauty is your only attraction Japan Rose. Belle Orchis. Be mine Four-leaved Clover. Beneficence Marshmallow. Benevolence Potato. Betrayed White Catchfly. Beware Oleander. Beware Rosebay. Blackness Ebony Tree. Bluntness Borage. Blushes Marjoram. Boaster Hydrangea. Boldness Pink. Bonds Convolvulus. Bonds of Affection Gillyflower. Bravery Oak Leaves. Bravery and humanity French Willow. Bridal favour Ivy Geranium. Brilliant complexion Damask Rose. Bulk Water Melon. Gourd. Busybody Quamoclit. Bury me amid Nature's beauties Persimon.
Call me not beautiful Rose Unique. Calm repose Buckbean. Calumny Hellebore. Calumny Madder. Change Pimpernel. Changeable disposition Rye Grass. Charity Turnip. Charming Cluster of Musk Roses. Charms, deceitful Thorn Apple. Cheerfulness in old age American Starwort. Cheerfulness under adversity Chinese Chrysanthemum. Chivalry Monkskood (Helmet Flower). Cleanliness Hyssop. Coldheartedness Lettuce. Coldness Agnus Castus. Colour of my life Coral Honeysuckle. Come down Jacob's Ladder. Comfort Pear Tree. Comforting Scarlet Geranium. Compassion Allspice. Concealed love Motherwort. Concert Nettle Tree. Concord Lote Tree. Confession of love Moss Rosebud. Confidence Hepatica. Confidence Lilac Polyanthus. Confidence Liverwort. Confidence in Heaven Flowering Reed. Conjugal love Lime, or Linden Tree. Consolation Red Poppy. Constancy Bluebell. Consumed by love Syrian Mallow. Counterfeit Mock Orange. Courage Black Poplar. Crime Tamarisk. Cure Balm of Gilead. Cure for heartache Swallow-wort. Curiosity Sycamore.
Danger Rhododendron. Rosebay. Dangerous Pleasures Tuberose. Death Cypress. Death preferable to loss of innocence White Rate (dried). Deceit Apocynum. Deceit Flytrap. Deceit Dogsbane. Deceitful charms Thorn Apple. Deception White Cherry Tree. Declaration of love Red Tulip. Decrease of love Yellow Rose. Delay Eupatorium. Delicacy Bluebottle. Centaury. Dejection Lichen. Desire to please Mezercon. Despair Cypress. Despondency Humble Plant. Devotion Peruvian Heliotrope. Difficulty Blackthorn. Dignity Cloves. Dignity Laurel-leaved Magnolia. Disappointment Carolina Syringa. Disdain Yellow Carnation. Disdain Rue. Disgust Frog Ophrys. Dissension Pride of China. Distinction Cardinal Flower. Distrust Lavender. Divine beauty American Cowslip. Docility Rush. Domestic industry Flax. Domestic virtue Sage. Durability Dogwood. Duration Cornel Tree.
Early attachment Thornless Rose Early friendship Blue Periwinkle. Early youth Primrose. Elegance Locust Tree. Elegance and grace Yellow Jasmine. Elevation Scotch Fir. Eloquence Indian Lagerstræmia. Enchantment Holly Herb. Enchantment Vervain. Energy in adversity Camomile. Envy Bramble. Error Bee Ophrys. Error Fly Orchis. Esteem Garden Sage. Esteem not love Spiderwort. Esteem and love Strawberry Tree. Estranged love Lotus
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