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Book online «Never Say Never Rachael Sommers (story read aloud txt) 📖». Author Rachael Sommers

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When she saw the unknown number she frowned but pressed the green button anyway. “Hello?”

“Emily Walker?”

The voice was unfamiliar, and Emily wondered if the caller was just another person trying to sell car insurance. She hovered her thumb over End Call. “Yep, speaking.”

“I’m calling about a nanny job.”

Emily gasped—she’d only been in New York City for two weeks and hadn’t expected any calls about a job so soon.

“You sent in your résumé. My boss would like to talk to you about filling a position.”

“Seriously?” It sounded too good to be true—she was living in her dream city just two streets over from her sister and she was already being considered for a job she was reasonably sure she wouldn’t hate.

Maybe she would have graduated from college earlier if she’d known this was waiting for her on the other side.


Emily heard the smile in the other woman’s voice.

“Would you be willing to meet for an interview the day after tomorrow? Say, eleven o’clock?”

“Absolutely,” Emily agreed. “What’s the address?”

“The CEBC building, floor thirty.”

Emily’s stomach flipped. “CEBC as in the CEBC building? As in Camila—”

“Evans?” The woman filled in. “That’s correct. The interview will be with her.”

“The job ad never mentioned that…” She definitely would have noticed—Camila Evans had been Emily’s celebrity crush since she was a teenager.

“As a precaution,” the woman explained. “Is that a problem?”

“N-no, not at all.”

“Excellent. When you arrive, let them know at the front desk what you’re there for, and if there are any problems, call me back on this number.”


“See you then!”

The line clicked. Emily pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at it, wondering if it was all a dream. Because surely, surely there was no way that Camila Evans would have read her résumé out of the countless others she must have gone through, and decided that she was the one for the job.


Emily Walker.

Camila Evans could probably hire the most expensive, experienced nanny in the city, so why was she interested in her? And tomorrow she was going to meet the woman herself—to potentially work for the woman herself, the woman who had been her idol when she was growing up, the woman who had almost singlehandedly helped Emily realize she was gay when she was fourteen when Camila herself came out as bisexual in a time when few in the public eye would have dared and—oh God, she was going to throw up.

Camila’s talk show had been the highlight of Emily’s weekdays when she was younger, and it was no surprise to anyone when the woman went on to found and run her own television network. She should probably do some research before the interview tomorrow. Her laptop sat on the breakfast bar. Emily opened it with trembling fingers and typed Camila’s name into the search bar. Almost every article that popped up was about her messy divorce from her third husband in twenty years. Emily sighed. Camila ran a television empire, but the only thing the news focused on was her relationship with a man.

She clicked on an article about Camila accepting an award, taking in the sight of her wearing a black dress that clung to every curve. Her blonde hair curled around her shoulders and her green eyes sparkled under the bright lights. She was gorgeous, and Emily was pretty sure she was going to make a fool out of herself tomorrow morning.

Her front door opened, interrupting her reverie. Emily turned and grinned at her sister Cassie and her girlfriend Maia striding into the apartment wearing matching smiles, their hands clasped.

“You eat pastries for breakfast?” Maia asked as she looked down at the croissant Emily had abandoned on the dining table. “And still manage to be that skinny? That is so not fair.”

“I’m waiting for it to catch up with her in a few years,” Cassie said, bumping her hip against Emily’s. “One day she’ll wake up huge.”

“I will not.” Emily rolled her eyes, but she smiled. Seeing the two of them together always made her day. Cassie had spent so many years guarded and alone before Maia lit up her life, and Emily couldn’t be happier for them.

“Will so,” Cassie argued, then glanced at Emily’s computer screen. “Why are you stalking Camila Evans?” she asked, and Emily’s cheeks warmed at being caught with Camila’s photo on-screen. “Is it still 2010?”

“Oh, shut up,” Emily muttered, quickly closing the cover.

“You think you might have a shot with her now that she’s divorced?”

“No!” Emily’s cheeks burned, and when she glanced up, Maia was watching the two of them bicker with an amused smile. “If you must know—remember those résumés I sent out about nanny jobs last week? Well, I just got a call from a woman who’s presumably Camila’s assistant. I have an interview with her tomorrow.”

“No way. You have a job interview with the woman you’ve had a crush on since you were fourteen?” Cassie grinned. “You couldn’t even write this. Oh, my God. You’re going, right?”


“There is no way you can keep your cool in an interview with her.” Cassie’s grin changed to a wicked smirk. “Not without stammering and blushing every five seconds.”

“Can so.”

Cassie raised an eyebrow, and Emily huffed before reaching for the coffee she had forgotten about. It was lukewarm, and she set the mug down.

“That’s crazy, though. You used to watch her show every day.” Cassie turned to face Maia. “And I do mean every day. It was all she talked about. ‘Did you hear what Camila said yesterday?’ ‘Camila is so clever’ ‘Camila looked so good to—’”

“Cassie!” Emily slapped a hand over her sister’s mouth. “Stop embarrassing me in front of your girlfriend.”

“But that’s no fun.” Cassie said when Emily let her go. “Half the fun of having a girlfriend is that now I have someone to tease you with.”

“I don’t know, Cass.” Maia looked at the sister with affection. “I’m with Emily on this one. Camila Evans is hot.”

Cassie covered her mouth in mock horror, and Emily snorted before sliding off of

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