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Book online «Without Law 18 Eric Vall (reading well TXT) 📖». Author Eric Vall

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I realized I was missing someone.

“Where’s Tara?” I asked.

“She went to get some supplies to start breakfast,” Bailey explained.

“How long have you all been up?” I asked.

“Only a few minutes,” Anna answered. “We figured we’d let you sleep in, but that didn’t seem to last long.”

“I appreciate the thought,” I chuckled, then I thought for a second. “I should go help Tara.”

“No need,” I heard the platinum-blonde’s voice from behind me, and I turned to see her with a small box of things in her arms.

The platinum-blonde looked as beautiful as always. She was basically a supermodel, and with her family’s connections, I was honestly surprised that hadn’t been the route she’d gone. She definitely fit the part when it came to looks.

She had long platinum-blonde hair down to her mid back, beautiful almond shaped light-brown eyes, a small, delicate nose, and plump red lips. She had high cheekbones, and a small, pointed chin that just made her look that much more uniquely beautiful. The platinum-blonde wore a black tank top that showed off her ample cleavage, a pair of light-blue denim shorts, and her hiking boots.

Not only was Tara absolutely stunning, but she was the best girl for stealth operations. She moved quickly and quietly, and she was great with hand to hand combat.

At the moment, though, all I could see was the fact that she was pregnant with my child. I was more excited than I’d ever been for anything in my life, and I couldn’t wait to start our family together. However, at the moment we were still in a war, and I had no idea when it would be over. I had tried to convince her not to fight, but there was no arguing with Tara. She wasn’t going to do anything she didn’t want to, she’d made that abundantly clear the first time I met her.

Still, I could do what I could to try and make sure she didn’t push herself too hard.

“Let me get that for you,” I told her as I reached for the box.

“I got it,” she assured me, and she quickly jerked the box to the side so I couldn’t get a hold of it. “I’m pregnant, not useless.”

“I never said you were useless.” I frowned.

“I know,” she chuckled. “And I know you never would. But I still want to feel like I can do things.”

“We didn’t get much of a chance last night to talk after you told us,” Bailey said with an eager smile. “How do you feel?”

“She’s been puking like crazy,” Anna snickered. “I’m guessing not too great.”

“Oh.” Bailey frowned. “Right.”

“As gross as Anna’s phrasing was,” Tara said, and she glared at the redhead, “she’s right. I don’t feel one-hundred percent like normal. I’m a little queasy all the time.”

“We brought fresh ginger with us,” Paige reminded her.

“I know.” Tara nodded. “I’ve been sucking on it, like, all the time. I feel like my mouth is permanently ginger flavored. But that only helps so much.”

“I’m sorry,” Bailey said with a frown. “Is there anything we can do for you?”

“Not really.” Tara shrugged. “Thanks, though, Bails.”

“I gotta say, I am liking this new, nicer Tara,” Anna teased. “Where’s she been hiding this whole time?”

“Behind my bitchiness.” The platinum-blonde flashed her a cocky grin.

“Do you feel hot yet?” Bailey asked. “My mom always got super hot when she was pregnant.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty warm,” Tara laughed and gestured to her shorts. It wasn’t a particularly cold day, but it was cold enough that all the other girls were in pants. It was still fall, after all.

“Oh, yeah,” Bailey chuckled. “I guess I didn’t really notice.”

“I’m fine, guys, seriously,” Tara said, and she looked at me pointedly.

She understood how concerned I was, and I appreciated her trying to reassure me, but it did nothing to quell my overwhelming desire to keep her safe and away from danger. Something primal in me had been triggered, and I knew I couldn’t allow her to be harmed in any way. I’d kill anybody who tried, and that wasn’t a promise, it was simply a fact. I had no regard for anybody’s intentions anymore. If someone tried to harm Tara and my child, they’d get a bullet to the brain, no questions asked.

“You promised you’d let us know if you needed a rest,” I reminded her. “Just remember that.”

“I know, I know.” She rolled her eyes at me.

“Soooo,” Anna said with a playful grin, and I knew whatever she was about to say wasn’t going to be nice. “How are you feeling about giving birth without any sort of pain relief?”

Tara had previously stated how she would never want to give birth without the epidural. She felt it was far too painful, and she’d even gone so far as to say that any woman who gave birth without one was basically spitting in the face of science. She felt there was no reason to give birth without one when the option was there to have a much less painful delivery.

“Eh, women have been doing it for centuries.” The platinum-blonde shrugged, and Anna’s eyes widened incredulously.

“Wasn’t expecting that,” the redhead muttered with a laugh.

“I’m proud of you,” Bailey told Tara. “You seem like you’re doing so well with this.”

“I’m trying,” Tara said, and she started to pour oatmeal into the pot of boiling water on the fire. “I feel a little weird, but I always wanted kids. And I especially wanted Tav’s kids. He’s the only guy I’ve ever dated who didn’t turn out to be a total douchebag.”

“Is what we do technically dating?” I teased with a raised eyebrow.

“Mmmm,” Tara said, and her perfectly shaped eyebrows pinched together as she thought. “I’ll get back to you on--”

Tara’s face went pale, and she leaned forward slightly.

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