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and then managed to get it back.”

“My life flashed before me.” Carlita swallowed hard, willing her pulse to stop racing.

“Whoo-eee.” Elvira twirled her finger. “I saw you flying through the air and thought to myself, ‘I hope Carlita knows how to swim.’ Do you know how to swim?”

“I do, but it’s not something I want to partake in when I’m fully clothed,” she snapped.

“Touchy, touchy.” Elvira tsk-tsked.

Tony jumped off the edge of the ledge, landing lightly on his feet. “You okay, Ma?”

“Yes, now that both feet are firmly planted on a dry dock.”

“We made it off just in time.” He nodded toward the upper deck of The Flying Gunner, where Pete now stood with two uniformed officers.

She was certain he had noticed them because seconds later, he led the officers away from the railing. “We better go.”

It was a brisk walk from the ship to Elvira’s van. Back home, Vinnie, Brittney and Paulie were waiting for them in the living room. “Don’t tell me you have more bad news.”

“No. Nothing new yet. Last I heard, Mariani was at the airport trying to fly standby.” Vinnie explained Vito was putting Jersey Joe up at a hotel on the river. “It’s the one right down the road.”

Elvira let out a low whistle. “That’s a hoity-toity hotel. He must be someone special for the head honcho to be forking out the big bucks for that joint.” She let out a short laugh. “Listen to me? I’m sounding more like all you ‘family’ types by the minute.”

Vinnie changed the subject. “You find anything?”

“Nope. Nothing other than there was no way Roxy would have been able to extricate herself from that bathroom. Someone let her out. The drops of blood start less than a foot from the bathroom door, and trail all the way to the railing.”

Tony picked up. “She was definitely injured when she went over.”

“So, we’re not any closer to figuring out how she died or who was responsible than we were before you went over there,” Vinnie draped an arm on the fireplace mantel. “The cops were pretty cool to Pete ‘n me.”

“What happened when you went down there?”

Vinnie told them the police wouldn’t let him and Pete see Roxy, and that they positively identified her from a headshot. “I told ‘em we were down here visiting family, and that Roxy was my employee.”

“Did you mention the bathroom?” Mercedes asked. “You know, about Pete locking her up?”

“Yep. We told them she was causing trouble and had argued with other guests on the ship. Pete neutralized the situation by placing her in a secure area, and he planned to let her out once we got back to Merry Bay.”

“We all need to have our stories straight,” Paulie said. “If there are holes, the cops are going to get suspicious.”

“We have nothing to hide,” Carlita placed a hand on her hip. “Roxy is Vinnie’s employee, she was causing trouble, she did have a physical altercation and she was contained. All true.”

“All by individuals who were at one time on the police radar,” Mercedes said.

“Bite your tongue,” Elvira argued. “I’ve never been in trouble with the cops.”

“Never?” Carlita lifted a brow. “What about the time you trespassed on Tori’s property and were arrested?”

“There was that, but it was a minor incident, not even a misdemeanor.”

“Or the time you did that gig for the museum and was a suspect when a painting went missing?” Mercedes added.

“Okay. Well, a time or two, but I’m definitely not on the cops’ radar, not like some other people.” Elvira gave Luigi a pointed stare.

“My hands are cleaner than yours,” Luigi shot back. “Hopefully, the police don’t start snooping around your businesses and find out about the Agamerian Project.”

“Agamerian Project?” Carlita echoed.

Elvira glared at Luigi. “You signed a confidentiality agreement, buddy. You’re treading on thin ice unless you want me to fire you.”

“You can’t fire me.”

“We’ll see about that.” Elvira dusted her hands. “I would love to stay and chit chat, but I have businesses to run.” She propelled Luigi toward the door. “And if memory serves me correctly, you have a security assignment down at the trolley station.”

Shelby and Violet passed Luigi and Elvira on their way in. Shelby did a double-take at the living room full of people. “I hope we’re not interrupting.”

“Not at all.” Tony joined his wife and stepdaughter. “We were wrapping up a little meeting about Roxy’s disappearance and D-E-A-T-H.”

Violet tugged on her mother’s hand. “What is Tony spelling?” she whispered in a loud voice.

“We’re talking big people talk.” Shelby scooped her daughter up, and it was then that Carlita noticed the candy apple red dress her granddaughter was wearing and the matching bow in her hair. She remembered the special event Reese had planned for the children.

“I almost forgot about our special surprise. We need to get Gracie, Noel and PJ.”

“We’re here,” Gina sing-songed as she herded her triplets into the crowded apartment. “We figured we had better get here a few minutes early.”

“Yes. Early. I’ll be right back.” Carlita darted to the bathroom, where she freshened up before returning. “Reese and the trolley will be around shortly. Let’s go wait at the stop.”

The family made their way out of the apartment to the other side of the street to the covered trolley stop. The children settled on the bench to wait.

Paulie pointed to the construction site nearby. “Sandy Sue’s Bar-B-Que. You got another food joint coming in across the street?”

“Yeah.” Carlita stared at the sign that had been up for so long it was starting to fade. “They’re not moving very fast. I heard from Bob Lowman, my construction guy, that they’re having some money problems.”

“So, now you have an eyesore,” Gina said.

“I’m sure the city isn’t going to let

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