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a force in her day and everyone had liked her.

The simple ceremony took place in the local church. Afterwards, a small procession of people trooped out to the burial ground to witness the coffin being lowered into the ground.

Pushing his dad’s wheelchair, Michael glanced round hoping to spot Mamie, who so far had not put in an appearance.

He couldn’t see her, so he decided she probably hadn’t meant it when she’d said she’d be there. Why would she want to come to his grandma’s funeral anyway?

As the priest chanted a prayer over Lani’s coffin, Michael stared straight ahead, thinking that things would be different now. He’d be in total control, with nobody to answer to.

His friend Max suddenly nudged him. ‘Take a look at that,’ Max muttered.

He took a look.

Mamie Giovanni was tottering across the grass clad in a skin-tight red suit cinched in at the waist, a revealing black blouse, and four-inch hooker heels. Her dyed blonde hair was teased high on her head, and she was heavily made up. Her Cousin Roy was with her. She hovered at the edge of the crowd, standing out like a beacon in a sea of sombre black.

Max stifled a laugh.

‘Shut the fuck up,’ Michael whispered, sneaking a quick glance at his dad, who didn’t appear to have noticed her arrival.

Later, everyone came back to the house. Some of the women in the neighbourhood had organized a spread of cold cuts, salads, and baked goods. As they all sat round eating and talking, there was quite a festive atmosphere. After a short interval, several of the women trooped up to Grandma Lani’s bedroom and began rifling through her clothes.

Michael stayed close to Max, Tina and Charlie. Max and Tina were still together in spite of Tina’s no-sex edict. They seemed like the perfect couple. Tina broke his balls, and Max enjoyed every moment. She treated Michael with a mixture of coolness and contempt–still smarting because he’d dumped her. He suspected she was dying to break up the close friendship he shared with Max, only she had no chance. He and Max were tight, lifetime best pals, and no girl could come between them.

Picking at the food, he kept an eye out for Mamie, wondering if she’d turn up at the house.

Across the room, trapped in his wheelchair, Vinny couldn’t wait for them all to leave so he could get back to his TV. He hated the house being filled with people disturbing his routine. In fact, he hated the house, period.

He hadn’t told Michael, but his plan was to sell the business, then the house, and move to Florida where he’d get himself a place on the beach and a big TV. They could all go screw themselves, he didn’t care. Michael was nineteen, he could fend for himself. The boy was big enough and handsome enough. And he was able to walk, for crissakes. Up until now Michael had had it too easy; it would do him good to be out on his own without his grandma fussing round him.

Sometimes, when Vinny looked at his son, he saw himself at the same age, when he’d had a future. Anna Maria’s murder and getting shot in the robbery had destroyed not only his legs but his spirit too. As far as he was concerned everything had ended that fateful day. Now he didn’t care about anything.

Michael spotted Mamie the moment she walked into the house. She was hard to miss in her tight red suit and teased blonde hair. People stared and gossiped.

Mamie couldn’t care less; as Vito Giovanni’s wife she was used to it.

She headed straight for Michael. ‘Take me to see Vinny,’ she commanded.

He jumped up and obliged. Behind him he heard Tina say, ‘Who’s that? What a tramp!’

He led Mamie across the crowded room until they reached Vinny. ‘Hey, Dad,’ he said. ‘Got a friend of yours here–she’d like to say hello.’

‘Who?’ Vinny said, shifting in his wheelchair.

‘Mamie Giovanni.’

And to Vinny’s surprise, there she was, Mamie, his old girlfriend, standing in front of him, just as big and brassy and blonde as ever.

‘Hiya, big boy,’ she drawled. ‘Long time no see.’

‘Mamie,’ he said, utterly shocked.

‘Remember me?’ she said, flashing him a big smile. ‘I’m the girl you dumped for that piece a trash you dragged back from Italy.’

‘Don’t talk about my wife like that,’ he muttered, his face twisting with fury.

‘Oh, so sorry,’ Mamie said sarcastically. ‘Have we made her into a madonna now she’s gone?’

‘Why don’t you get outta my sight?’ he said, livid that she could be so disrespectful.

‘Didn’t want you worryin’ about me, Vinny,’ she said, savouring every moment. ‘Y’see, I did okay for myself. Married the most important guy in the neighbourhood. Vito Giovanni, I’m sure you know who he is.’

‘Did you hear me?’ Vinny shouted, blinking rapidly. ‘Get the hell outta my house!’

There was a hush in the room as everyone strained to see what was going on.

‘Dad!’ Michael interjected.

‘And you,’ Vinny said, glaring up at his son, ‘what kind of fool are you, bringin’ her here?’

‘She, uh…wanted to pay her respects to Grandma,’ Michael mumbled, shocked at the way things were going.

‘Respect, my ass,’ Vinny said harshly. ‘Lani couldn’t stand the sight of her, and she knows it. The bitch came here to gloat ’cause I’m in a fucking wheelchair.’ His voice rose. ‘Now get her out!’

Michael had never seen his father display so much emotion, and now the entire room was watching. ‘Uh…Mrs G,’ he said, quickly grabbing her arm, ‘I think we gotta leave. I’ll, uh, walk you outside.’

But Mamie wasn’t going anywhere until she’d finished having her say. Shaking Michael’s hand off her arm, she leaned over Vinny’s wheelchair. ‘Still the same old Vinny,’ she taunted. ‘Funny, I don’t remember you telling me to get out when I was sucking your little dick!’ And with those final words she stood up straight and flounced her way to the front door.

‘Jeez,’ Michael said, running after her while everyone in the room

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