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Colt says abruptly, and I jump in my seat, my gaze flying back to his.

“What? Your highness?” I snarl, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Let me make this perfectly clear to you, to all of you,” he says, raising his voice and staring Nate down with an icy expression, “Finn Hart is mine. You don't talk to her. You don't look at her, and you sure as shit don't think about her.”

Gasping in outrage, I lean forward, my words tripping off my tongue, heatedly, “Fuck you! I am not yours. I will never be yours. That ship sailed when Sarah Bitch Fremont sucked your tonsils down your throat at Dick’s party.”

“Hey now,” Dirk drawls behind me, pretending offense at my insult. I flip him off but don’t bother to look, not surprised to hear him chuckle in reaction.

Colt’s face grows darker with each word, his jaw ticking with rage, but he’s not given a chance to respond when Sarah barges up.

Shoving her hands on her hips, she tosses her dark glossy hair over her shoulder, and says, “Colt, what's going on?”

Raising my brow at him, because the fucker is skating on thin ice with his proclamations while his bitch stands over him, he smiles, the ice around his eyes thawing. The look, the promise, makes me shiver, and his eyes light up with satisfaction.

“Colt!” Sarah demands again, and without looking at her, not even a quick fucking glance, he says harshly, “Fuck off, Sarah.”

She gasps behind him, “What? What's going on? You’ve been a total dick since prom! You can’t mean to go back to her,” she says, her tone implying I’m lower than dirt.

I’d say I’m insulted, but coming from bitch it’s almost a compliment.

“Did you really think I would take you back after you fucked my friends? Are you really that fucking delusional?” he asks silkily, still drilling me with his eyes.

“Colt, you know I didn’t mean it. You were just so mean to me, you know? Remember what you said, Colt? Remember? We were meant to come together.”

My heart drops in my chest, reminded of the conversation I’d overheard between her and Dirk at Colt’s surprise birthday party, where she said the very same thing. I should’ve known then and walked away - it would’ve saved me the heartache that same evening.

For those were the very same words he said to me, right before he started his seduction. Fucking psychopath.

Breaking his gaze, I turn to Nate and mutter, “Can we get out of here?”

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, Sarah. I’ve never said - I would never say something like that to you,” Colt says fiercely.

Ignoring him, I stand with Nate when he agrees but stop dead in my tracks when Sarah whines, “Really? I guess you’re going to deny giving me the damn crane too? Was nothing we did special to you?”

My hate-filled gaze flies to Colt before turning away quickly. Is there no end to the cruelty from him?

With a pained heart, I damn myself for being surprised and follow Nate from the diner, vaguely hearing Colt say as I do, “You’re a lying fucking bitch.”

Rushing to Nate’s car, I get inside as soon as he pops the lock and shut the door behind me, locking it as soon as Nate slides behind the wheel and none too soon when Colt comes barreling out the door seconds later.

He skids to a stop when Nate pulls away, and I stare at the grim look on his face until we pass, watching his face fall.

I thought there was nothing more Colt could do to hurt me, but the aching pulse in my chest tells me I’m dead wrong.

“You okay?” Nate says softly beside me.

Avoiding his gaze, I look out the window and nod. When our relationship was brand new, achingly new, Colt gave me a crane carefully folded into perfection for Christmas. It was a weird but sweet gift - he proclaimed the only thing he could give someone who had it all.

In return for his birthday, I painstakingly created a dragon, my fiftieth attempt to get it right. All wasted when I found him back together with Sarah.

Colt’s assumption I have it all is laughable. I don't have it all. Actually, I have nothing. Something Colt never could seem to understand. It's one more piece of our time together that’s been ripped away from me as no longer special because apparently nothing was.

Chapter Four

Unfortunately, I spent the evening brooding, and no amount of pep talk could get me out of my mood. So, the following morning I pull up to school with a sour expression and brace myself for whatever comes next.

Luckily, I make it to class unscathed, settling in and readying for the school day. Truthfully, I haven’t spent much time on my studies, what with all the drama going on. Good thing I wasn’t banking on a future at university anytime soon.

Students start strolling in after the first bell, but Colt is not among them, which is for the best but heightens my curiosity, and morosely I playback all the lies he’s told me, knowing it’s entirely possible he’s with that bitch right now.

And I have to admit to myself, even after everything, I’ve still held out hope. When will the seed of hope die because it sure as shit isn’t getting any water? Ugh.

In second period I receive a text from my fan. I’m so caught up in agonizing over Colt’s betrayal that I’m caught by surprise when I open the message.

My dear Finn, now that the asshole is out of the way, it’s time for us to be together. I knew you’d see the light, Finn. After all, you’re mine

Shivering, I shove the phone in my bag and hunch into myself. Is it coincidence? Was he throwing Colt’s words in my face? Is this really a woman? Is it fucking Sarah?

I go through the motions of my classes with an aching head, but I don’t hear the words.

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