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597. Hoel's harp, to high-born, 383. Hog in Epicurus' sty, fattest, 393. Hogs eat acorns, greater ease than, 210. Hoist with his own petar, 141. Hold a candle, 351. enough, cries, 126. fast that which is good, 847. high converse, 356. his peace hereafter, forever, 850. makes nice of no vile, 79. the fleet angel, 362. the fort I am coming, 681. the mirror up to nature, 137. thou the good, 632. to have and to, 850. with the hare, 12. Holds fast the golden mean, 424. Hole, Cæsar might stop a, 144. in a' your coats, 449. like a poisoned rat in a, 292. mouse of one poor, 206, 336. of discretion, the little, 56. Holes, foxes have, 839. triangular and square, 461. where eyes did once inhabit, 96. Holiday, to make a Roman, 546. Holidays, all the year were playing, 83. Holiday-rejoicing spirit, 509. Holiest thing alive, 502. Holily, that wouldst thou, 117. Holiness, in the beauties of, 823. Holland lies, where, 395. Hollow, all was false and, 226. blasts of wind, 347. murmurs died away in, 390. oak our palace is, 537. Hollows crowned with summer sea, 629. Hollow-eyed, sharp-looking, 50. Holly branch on the old oak wall, 582. Holy angels guard thy bed, 302. ground, call it, 570. haunted ground, 541. text around she strews, 385. time is quiet as a nun, the, 470. writ, old odd ends stolen out of, 96. writ, proofs of, 154. Homage, all things do her, 31. from contemporaries, 591. of a tear, the, 541. of thoughts unspoken, 616. vice pays to virtue, 795. worthless pomp of, 571. Home, anchor of our peace at, 435. at ease, live at, 176. at evening's close, hie him, 386. behold our, 550. best country ever is at, 394. day's march nearer, 497. deep imaged in his soul, 345. draw near their eternal, 221. dream of, 525. exile from, 568. filled one, with glee, 570. God who is our, 477. his footsteps he hath turned, 488. homely features to keep, 246. I am going, 598. in a better place at, 67. in the ambush of my name strike, 47. is home though ever so homely, 568. is on the deep, 514. kiss till the cow comes, 197. keep his only son at, 392. make friends at, 722. makes her loved at, 447. man goeth to his long, 831. next way, farthest way about, 204. no place like, 568. of the brave, 517. old England is our, 605. on the rolling deep, 679. out of house and, 89. points of heaven and, 485. revered abroad and loved at, 447. sweet home, 568. that dear hut our, 362. there 's nobody at, 336. though never so homely, 568. to men's bosoms, 164. to roost, chickens come, 606. uneasy and confined at, 315. when you knock is never at, 415. Homes, forced from their, 395. homeless near a thousand, 465. of England, the stately, 569. of silent prayer, eyes are, 632. Home-bound fancy, 594. Home-bred kine, beeves and, 474. Home-keeping youth, 44. [980]Homeless near a thousand homes, 465. Homely features to keep home, 246. wits, home-keeping youth have, 44. Homer all the books you need, 280. deep-browed, 576. Greece boasts her, 271. himself must beg, 189. living begged his bread, 189. nods, nor is it, 323. our poets steal from, 185. sometimes nods, 706. seven cities warred for, 194. Homer's birth, seven cities claim, 194. golden chain, 191. lamp appeared, ere, 414. rule the best, 328. Hone, I like your book ingenious, 509. Honest and true, 450. as any man living, 52. as the world goes, 133. exceeding poor man, 62. good just and, 670. I am myself indifferent, 136. in the sight of all men, 844. labour bears a lovely face, 182. man is aboon his might, 452. man is the noblest work of God, 319. man preferred to rich, 733. my friends were poor but, 73. tale speeds best, 97. to be direct and, 154. whatsoever things are, 847. Honester, old man and no, 52. Honesty, armed so strong in, 114. corruption wins not more than, 100. dwells like a miser, 72. is his fault, 109. is the best policy, 790. neither manhood nor, 83. no legacy so rich as, 73. no, nor manhood in thee, 83. party, is party expediency, 669. spring and root of, 729. Honey, flowing with milk and, 813. gather, all the day, 302. words sweet as, 337. Honey and the honeycomb, 819. Honey-dew, hath fed on, 500. Honeyed dew, 692. showers, 247. Honey-heavy dew of slumber, 111. Honeyless, leave them, 115. Honorable, ancient and, 833. Honour, all is lost save, 807. and greatness of his name, 101. and shame from no condition rise, 319. and years, full of, 655. as in war, 103. bed of, 212, 305. but an empty bubble, 272. chastity of, 410. comes a pilgrim gray, 390. dead on the field of, 808. depths and shoals of, 100. faithful and clear in, 323. from corruption keep, 101. gives greatness, if, 436. grip, where feel your, 448. hath no skill in surgery, 87. hurt that, feels, 626. is a mere scutcheon, 87. is at the stake, 142. is lodged, place where, 214. is lost, what is left when, 709. is spick and span new, 212. is the subject of my story, 110. jealous in, 69. lies, there all the, 319. love obedience troops of friends, 124. loved I not, more, 259. man being in, abideth not, 820. mine shall be the post of, 349. new made, forgets men's names, 78. of more weight than an oath, 757. one vessel unto, 844. our fortunes and our sacred, 434. pension list the roll of, 669. perfect ways of, 101. pluck up drowned, 84. post of, is a private station, 298. praise and glory given, 303. pricks me on, 87. prophet not without, 839. public, is security, 689. razed from the books of, 161. rooted in dishonour, 629. set to a leg, 87. she knew what was, 237. sin to covet, if it be a, 92. sinks where commerce long prevails, 394. that part more hurts, 214. the king, fear God, 849. thy father and mother, 695. there comes, 390. to pluck bright, 84. turns with frown, defiant, 637. unto the wife, giving, 849. what is that word, 87. without deserving, 35. Honours, bears his blushing, 99. more substantial, 406. of the dead, fading, 487. on its head, beauteous, 337. to the world, he gave his, 100. Honour's truckle-bed, 212. voice, can, 384. Honourable, men, all, 113. retreat, 70. wife, true and, 112. Honoured bones, Shakespeare's, 251. by strangers, 335. how loved how, 335. in his grave, 620. in the breach, 130. in their generations, 837. so known so, 330. Hood, a page of, 637. drink with him that wears a, 22. Hooded clouds like friars, 613. Hoodwinked, judgment, 422. Hoofs of a swinish multitude, 410. Hook baited with a dragon's tail, 217. or crook, 15, 28. salt-fish on his, 158. Hooks of steel, 129. [981]Hookas, divine in, 555. Hook-nosed fellow of Rome, 90. Hooping, out of all, 70. Hoops of steel, grapple them with, 129. three-hooped pot shall have ten, 94. Hoop's bewitching round, 378. Hooting at the glorious sun, 501. Hope abandon who enter here, 769. against hope, 496, 844. animated by faith and, 369. bade the world farewell, 513. bate a jot of heart or, 252. break it to our, 126. cling to weakest, 561. constancy in wind, 539. could never hope too much, 634. deferred, 826. earthly, how bright soe'er, 535. elevates, 239. exiles feed on, 695. farewell, fear remorse, 231. final, is flat despair, 226. flag of the free heart's, 574. fooled with, 276. for a fool, more, 828. frustrate of his, 253. hath happy place with me, 655. heavenly, is all serene, 535. her to attain, 28. high, for a low heaven, 54. I laugh for, 655. in sure and certain, 851. is brightest, 491. is theirs by fancy fed, 381. is there no, the sick man said, 349. light of, leave the, 514. lighthouse looked lovely as, 528. like the gleaming taper, 399. lined himself with, 88. never comes that comes to all, 223. never to, again, 99. no other medicine but only, 48. none e'er loved without, 377. nor bate a jot of heart or, 252. of all ills that men endure, 261. of all who suffer, 619. of day, without all, 241. of many nations, 547. of my spirit, the, 524. of the resurrection, 851. of Troy, Astyanax the, 338. one only, my heart can cheer, 587. phantoms of, 367. pleasure, yet all,
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