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she didn’t have to worry about whether to invest in the business venture, she slept soundly and woke to Rambo whining at the bedroom door.

“Ugh!” Carlita glanced at the bedside clock. “I overslept.” She grabbed her robe and joined Rambo in the hall.

Her first stop was the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and then they headed outdoors. After a quick trip to Rambo’s favorite spot, they darted back inside, nearly colliding with Sam who was on his way out.

“I’m sorry.” Carlita took a quick step back and Sam grinned.

“Good morning, Mrs. Garlucci.”

“Carlita.” Carlita patted her ruffled hair. “Sorry for the bed head look. I overslept.”

“You look as fresh as the morning dew,” Sam complimented.

“And you look very dapper.” Carlita pointed at Sam’s striped seersucker suit.

“I’m on my way to meet a group of Tupperware ladies. They booked an early morning walking tour.” He placed a tan straw hat on top of his head and gave it a light tap. “I love Savannah this time of the year, don’t you?”

“Yes, but then I love Savannah all year-round.” Carlita wished Sam a good day and then waited until he stepped out before closing the door behind him. She could hear him whistling as he walked away and she thanked God for giving her a wonderful new tenant, even if Mercedes disagreed.

Back upstairs, Carlita filled Rambo and Grayvie’s food dishes and then fixed a bowl of cereal. She poured a cup of coffee and took both onto the balcony to enjoy the cool and quiet morning.

As she ate, she thought about Ravello again. Was she getting in over her head?

It was a little too late to change her mind. The restaurant was almost ready. Would she regret investing in Pete and Tori’s new business venture? She needed to make sure they weren’t expecting more than a silent partner.

After finishing her cereal, she headed to the computer to check the weather. It was going to be another beautiful day and she began jotting down a list of things she needed to do before Ravello opened.

One of those was to ask Pete if he could spare his restaurant manager for a day or two. She also needed to come up with appetizers for Cool Bones’ party.

Carlita turned her computer on and checked her email before beginning her search for recipes. She printed off a handful of promising ones and studied the list of ingredients.

Carlita could hear Mercedes rustling around in her room and glanced at the clock. It was time to call Tori and Pirate Pete to give them the good news. She dialed Pete’s cell phone first. The call went right to voice mail, so she tried Tori’s number.

Tori picked up right away. “Oh dear. Carlita, I was getting ready to call you.”

“I tried calling Pirate Pete. The call went right to voice mail.”

“You haven’t heard,” Tori said.

“Heard what?”

“Someone attacked Lawson Bates last night on the dock near the Mystic Dream.”

Chapter 10

“You’re kidding.” A cold chill ran down Carlita’s spine. “Is he going to be okay?”

“He’s in the hospital in a coma. The authorities have already stopped by here to ask me a few questions since my name is listed as the second lessee for the pirate ship’s docking slip. I assume they’ve already talked to Pete or are with him now since he’s the other lessee listed.”

“Because Bates told the authorities, specifically the fire chief, he suspected Pete of setting fire to and damaging his riverboat.” Carlita pressed a hand to her chest. “That’s awful.”

“It is terrible. I left a message asking Pete to call me. I’m sure I’ll hear back shortly.” Tori changed the subject. “Have you made a decision on partnering up with Pete and me on what may now be our short-lived business venture?”

“Yes. I talked to my children last night. We ran some numbers and as you know, I need to hold onto some of my money for Ravello. We figured we could safely invest twenty-five thousand if that helps.”

“It would help immensely. I’ve got most of my money tied up in stocks right now.” Tori breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you sure you want to partner with us now that it appears there will be an investigation? The city may put a hold on our business license until they can sort out this sordid mess with Lawson and his riverboat.”

“That might pose a problem, more for you than for me. I guess I should talk to Pete. I know you and Pete didn’t damage the Mystic Dream, and I know neither of you injured Lawson.”

“The best we can hope for is that Lawson makes a full recovery and can tell the authorities who attacked him.” Tori paused. “We had such high hopes for this venture.”

“Don’t get discouraged,” Carlita said. “I’m sure it will all work out.”

Carlita thanked Tori for including her in the venture and promised they would talk again soon. She disconnected the call and started to set her cell phone on the counter when she remembered what Glenda told her - how her husband, Mark, planned to confront Lawson when he returned to Savannah the previous evening.

Could it be Mark and Lawson had words, the argument escalated and Mark attacked Lawson? If that were the case, why would the authorities question Tori and Pete?

She quickly dialed Glenda’s cell phone. It went to voice mail and then she promptly received a text message from her friend, telling her she would return the call as soon as possible.

Carlita began to pace. It was obvious someone had it in for Lawson Bates. She remembered hearing the reporter, Brock Kensington, saying Lawson also rattled off Emmett Pridgen’s name as a suspect in the riverboat damage.

What if Pridgen was behind all of this?

She’d had her first contact with Pridgen

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