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her cheeks. “Of course not.  I would tell you if I did.”

“Just seems a bit suspicious that this Augment Scotclan are so interested in managed to escape from a place managed by their own people.”

“Every member of my team was from my own clan.  Unbribable.”

“But still…”

Macleod gave a curt nod. “But one of them must have been.  You’re right, I’ve come to the same conclusion.  Damned if I know who.  Of course, as head of the team I was called to account by the main council of the Clan.  They wanted to chuck me back in Widdershins 3, as a resident this time.”

“But you persuaded them to let you chase down the Augment?”

“Just as I was about to be sent away word came through about your assignment.  I called in every single favor I still had and Scotclan sent me here.”

Biddy narrowed her eyes. “And your mission here?”

“Just as I said.  To observe your efforts to find the Augment.”

“Why did Scotclan want me observed in the first place?  I’ve tracked down plenty of criminals in my time, why didn’t they trust me?”

“This mission is very high stakes.  Scotclan’s reputation is on the line.  We were in charge of the Augment’s incarceration, and we failed.  Plus there’s the question of your fee.  The whole Celtic Alliance is watching your every move.”

Biddy wasn’t sure this was an adequate explanation, but she sensed that it was the best she was going to get.

“All right.  Here’s how it’s going to go.  I don’t have time to take things up with Scotclan right now.  But once we’ve got the Augment I am going to make a formal complaint about your presence on my ship.  For the moment, seeing as you clearly have specialist knowledge, I am going to let you remain on board.  You will however recognize my authority.  Are we clear?”

“Clear.” Macleod smiled her sweet little old lady smile.

Biddy stalked back to the command room, not entirely convinced that she had come out top.  But at least she now had some hint of Macleod’s motivation.  Assuming she had been telling the truth, of course.

The command room was quiet, the screens still filled with the debris of the explosion on Eritree.  Biddy realized that there was one possibility that Macleod had carefully not mentioned.  If the Augment had bribed someone to get out of his prison cell, would Macleod not be the most likely suspect?  And if that was the case then Biddy had a collaborator of the very criminal she was trying to catch, right on board her ship.

“Tea?” Frances asked, spotting her frown.

“Yes please.” Biddy accept the cup of brown liquid and tried not to grimace when she took a sip.  Sometimes even insta-tea had to do.

Elvis and Hastings were looking from Biddy to Macleod and back again.

“All right,” Biddy said with a sigh. “Our observer is staying for now.  Macleod has informed me that she was involved in the security of Widdershins 3.  I am hoping this gives her some insight into where our Augment might be.”

The Detective turned to Macleod and gestured for her to speak.

Macleod took a seat and folded her arms. “We could tell from the Augment’s progress through this sector of the galaxy that he was heading to the Fuller system.  He has previous there: he was involved with many of the mining planets over a century ago when they were initially founded.  So we knew where to start looking.  We put out feelers among the gangs that run the mines.  Rumors reached us a few days ago that something was being planned on Eritree.  But the gangs were unconcerned.  Time had moved on and the present rulers didn’t much care about the person who had set them up more than a hundred years ago.  I guess the Augment felt he had to do something to get their attention.  He did that.”

“How many were killed?” Biddy asked.

“According to the news channels there were no deaths,” Francesca said.

“He got lucky,” Macleod said with a shrug. “Not that he would care anyway.  Gods are not famous for being concerned about the deaths of a few measly human beings.  Which is what concerns me.  I don’t know what he’ll do next, but something tells me that the humans won’t be quite so lucky this time.”

“He could be miles away by now,” Elvis said.

“I don’t think so.  He’s got the attention of the gangs now.  He wouldn’t leave before he’s got what he wants.”

“And what exactly is that?” Biddy asked.

“I don’t know,” Macleod said.  Biddy didn’t believe her for one second.  She thought about having it out with the woman, but what would that achieve?  All it would do would be to demonstrate to her crew that the Scotclan woman could say whatever she liked.  Biddy didn’t want them getting anymore reminders about how much control she had had to give up.

“All right, we will assume for the moment that the Augment is responsible for the explosion.  If you think he’s still on the planet, do you have any idea where?”

“May I?”

Macleod stepped over to the navigation module and spun the screen towards her.  Francesca met Biddy’s eyes and Biddy gave her a nod.

“There!” Macleod pressed a button and the main viewscreen was filled with a ship.

But no ordinary spaceship.  It had to be some sort of glider class.  The huge, delicate golden sails were far too fragile for something that would ever have to land on anything solid.  It was the most ostentatious show of wealth Biddy had ever seen in a single craft.

“So what you’re telling me,” Biddy said slowly, “is that we’ve found our Augment.  And he’s on that ship?”

“That’s right.  Or rather, the mining station where the ship is docked.  They are owned by the same person.”

Biddy stared at the object on

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