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Book online «All For You (Rocktown Ink #5) Sherilee Gray (best memoirs of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Sherilee Gray

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We reached the lake, and I unhooked Jimmy’s leash. He bounded along the sand, then jumped in the water. Kicking off my flip-flops, I sat on the lake’s edge, digging my toes into the cool, damp sand.

I had an appointment with the bank in a few hours, and doubt was creeping in. I finally had enough for the deposit I needed for the section of land I wanted to buy. But every time I’d closed my eyes, I’d see the disappointment in Gran’s eyes. I'd hear her voice telling me I was conforming, that I was selling my soul to a bank like all the other sheep.

I took my phone from my pocket and hit Ross’s number. I hadn’t talked to my brother since the day after the funeral. When he’d given me a grocery list of excuses why he hadn’t made it. I missed Gran. I missed him. I just…I needed to talk to him.

“Baby sis, what’s up?”

I jolted at the sound of his voice. Honestly? I hadn’t expected him to answer.

“Hey, Ross…not much.” He'd been working construction last time I talked to him. “How’s work? You up to building houses yet?”

He chuckled. “Nah, that didn’t work out. Not a fan of those early mornings.”

They never did work out. “You have anything else lined up?”

“Yeah, a friend needed someone to help with his landscaping business, I start next week. Hey, since I have a few days to spare, why don’t I come visit?”

I tried to stifle my hope and excitement, but it was impossible. If ever I needed him, it was now. “Really?”


“I’d love that.”

There was a pause. “I don’t like to ask, but you know, since I’m between jobs…”

A rock settled in the pit of my stomach. “You need money?”

“I’ll pay you back, sis, it’s just for the plane ticket. I wanna see my sister. I promise, Trix. I promise, I’ll be there.”

I swallowed as my eyes stung and my throat burned. “Sure thing. I’ll do it now. Let me know when you’re flying in.”

“Will do. Can’t wait to see you.”

“Me too.”

He disconnected, and I drew in a steadying breath, did the money transfer on my phone—because I was an idiot who never learned—and sent up a silent prayer that he’d show, that this time he’d keep his promise. Because I needed my brother. For once I needed him to be there for me.

I slid my hand in my pocket and pulled out the letter Gran had written me, unfolding it. I’d read it once and put it away. I couldn’t avoid it anymore.

Hey, kiddo,

Tears immediately sprang to my eyes, sliding down my cheeks. I quickly brushed them away.

If you’re reading this, it means I’ve popped my clogs and upgraded to one of those fancy tour buses in the sky. Don’t cry. I know there’s no point saying that because you always were a soft one. I know you’ve got that tough armor, like all Faraday women, but promise me you’ll keep that softness, Trix, never get tough on the inside like me or your mom.

I want you to know how proud I am of you. Always have been, always will be, no matter what.

Now, I know being alone can be scary. But you’ve got gumption and a lot of it, and I know you’ll be just fine.

That brings me to the next promise: don’t give up your freedom ever again, not for anyone. I wish I could have saved you from that pain, but you’ve been burned once, I know you won’t let it happen again.

My only wish for you, my girl, is happiness. Lots and lots of it. And freedom. Yes, it bears repeating.

You’ll never learn more about yourself than when you’re traveling. Just you and the open road and all the possibilities that brings.

So, I’m pulling the dying-wish card, though I guess I should call it the dead-wish card? Since I’m obviously already, you know, dead. Anyway, at the bottom of this letter is a list of places I want you to visit, places that are special to me and I know will be to you as well. Map out the route you want to take, or not, and just drive and see where you end up first. But make sure you do it.

Be free (yes, again).

Be happy, whatever it takes (also bears repeating).

Live a beautiful life.

And remember, I love you, Trixie girl! Always and forever!

Gran xxx

Wiping away the tears, I breathed deep, folded up the letter, and put it away.

What was I going to do?

She’d brought up Adam, not to make me feel bad, but to remind me why it was so important to rely only on myself. I’d fallen in love with the worst kind of man and given up everything for someone who didn’t deserve me.

Yes, I loved this place, and I had a feeling I always would. But would owning land here mean I was relinquishing my freedom? Yes, I’d have a mortgage, a small one, which would mean keeping a steady job to make the payments. That didn’t mean I couldn’t still travel, that I couldn’t leave when I wanted to and fulfill her wish for me. I was a good tattoo artist. If I wanted to move, I could find work almost anywhere, especially with Cal’s contacts.

Because of the quality of my portrait work, I’d had enquiries in the past from other shops wanting to poach me or even have me there as a guest artist for a short time.

That wouldn’t be selling out, would it?

“Mind if I sit?”

I jolted and spun around as Mase moved into my line of sight. He was holding a fishing pole and had a frown on his face.

“Jesus Christ, Mason, you scared the shit out of me.”

“Sounds messy,” he muttered with a smirk and sat down.

I glanced at him, then looked around with fake alarm.


I wrapped my arms around my knees. “Just looking for the locusts. You made a joke, which can only mean it’s apocalypse time.”

He huffed out

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