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Book online «The Risks of Dead Reckoning Felicia Watson (books for 9th graders .TXT) 📖». Author Felicia Watson

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peerazu are capable of bearing a grudge. Since we fought itoff, it has perhaps decided to vent its fury on the Featay. Theonly way to stay completely safe is by avoiding theirnotice.”

“I guess that’s why theMaykure are so determined to remain hidden,” Con replied. The fightbetween the peerazu and the Featay raged on, with the Featayseeming to gain the upper hand. The animal’s flight pattern grewmore and more erratic until Kennedy became concerned. “That thing’scoming down – we better be prepared to run if it lands anywherenear us.”

“I think you overestimatethe Featay,” Corker replied. “I doubt their clumsy weapons couldbring down so mighty a beast.”

Con was ready to argue thepoint but watching the peerazu start to falter, he saw it wouldn’tbe necessary. Less than a minute later, about sixty-feet from theirhiding spot, the creature came down with a thunderous crash. To hissurprise, the Featay gave it a cursory examination from a safedistance and then ran off.

Eyes narrowed, lips curledin a sneer, Croker said, “They fear a dead thing?”

“They probably knowsomething we don’t.”

“It is more likely theresult of a superstition of theirs – primitives have many suchbackwards beliefs.” Croker stood up and started walking towards thefallen peerazu. “I have no such issues.”

“Where are you going?” Condemanded. “Stay away from that thing!”

With a laugh and a wave ofhis hand, Croker ignored him and kept advancing. Betang asked, “Youbelieve there’s still danger?”

“I never bet my life on anenemy being dead unless I’ve blown their head off or they crumbledto dust in front of me.” He knew Betang wouldn’t understand butnonetheless added, “And not even then.”

Croker had gotten to withintwenty-feet of the peerazu when Con saw some flickers of movementfrom it. “Son of a bitch!” Seeing that he was going to have toenter the fray, he hit his comm-link and hailed Decker. When sheanswered, he barked out a run-down on the situation, requestingimmediate back-up.

Deck sang out, “On my way.But it may take a few minutes to reach you – can you hangback?”

While considering thequestion, Con’s worst fears were realized – the animal had lurchedup on its legs and was moving, slowly but surely, towards Croker.Unfortunately, the man froze – seemingly immobilized by fear.Kennedy yelled, “No, I can’t, but I can hold it off ‘til you gethere. Just hurry!” He then turned to Betang, asking, “You have aweapon, right?” When she produced a hand blaster identical toCroker’s, Con said, “Until Decker gets here, I want you to cover mewhile I ensure that idiot— uh, your crewmate doesn’t get himselfkilled.”

Con wasn’t reassured by howgingerly Betang handled her weapon but he jumped up and ran towardsthe peerazu anyway. Before he’d gotten a third of the way there,the peerazu had moved to within literal spitting distance ofCroker. Kennedy motioned to Betang that she should join him but shewas similarly motionless, her eyes wide and staring at thespectacle unfolding.

Out of better options,Kennedy rushed the animal and diverted it away from Croker withseveral blasts from his rifle. The distraction worked a little toowell, as the peerazu immediately turned its full attention on him.The fury of being fired on seemed to revive it; in a rapid stagger,it advanced on Kennedy. A stream of deadly saliva missed him byinches. While blasting away, Con risked a quick glance back towardsCroker and Betang hoping they were coming to his aid but saw onlytheir backs in full retreat.


By the time Betang andCroker made it back to the Aurora,Vania was starting to regret abandoning Kennedy,though Croker had been trying to convince her otherwise. “It istruly for the best that we got out of the way. Decker will aid himand we have no experience in a fight such as this.”

A few minutes later,Croker was presenting the same argument to Lindstrom and Maddox.Their captain was concerned at the news but Lovelace’s first officer waspositively livid. Hands on hips, face growing redder every second,he glared down at them from his towering height. “You leftCommander Kennedy to fight that creature alone!? What iswrong with you?” Heimmediately hailed first Kennedy, then Decker, but got no response.“I hope to hell they’re too busy fighting off the peerazu torespond.”

After summoning Quan andKapoor, he turned back to snarl at the first mate, “I will tell youthis, Croker – if Kennedy dies and Decker lives – well, may Godhave mercy on your soul.”

“And why is that,Commander?”

“Because shewon’t.”

Maddox said, “I realizeyou’re angry, Lindstrom, but surely you would not allow Decker toharm—”

Lindstrom interrupted herwith a bitter laugh. “I’m flattered that you think I have the powerto stay the fury of Naiche Decker should she hold Croker directlyresponsible for the death of her best friend – but it’s not so. Noteven close.”

Maddox twisted her hands,her eyes unfocused as she digested that information. Finally, sheasked, “Is there some other member of your crew who…who doespossess such influence with her?”

“Now that you mention it –there is one person. But only one.”

“Oh, good – who is that?”Croker asked.


With that pronouncement, adead silence fell over the room, broken only by the entrance ofKapoor and Quan. Their hasty conference on deploying a rescueeffort was interrupted by a hail from Decker to Lindstrom. Betangheld her breath as they waited to hear what the lieutenant had tosay. After apologizing for not immediately answering his hail,Decker announced, “I’m afraid I have some bad news, sir —” Vaniawatched the color drain from Croker’s already pale face.


When Decker made it to theclearing, in the darkness she could just make out the sight ofKennedy in a desperate fight. He was struggling to keep the woundedpeerazu in front of him while maintaining a safe distance from itsdeadly saliva. Rifle blazing, she rushed into battle, firing overCon’s head at the furious animal. Charging closer, her heartlurched at the sight of Kennedy falling to the ground, apparentlywounded. Using every bit of strength she possessed, Deck leapt inthe air, sailing right over Con’s fallen body, while shooting thepeerazu in its open mouth.

While executing themaneuver she knew the chances of success were slim but she’ddecided that she and Con would either survive together – or dietogether.

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