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Book online «Kayla & the Rancher Paige Tyler (top fiction books of all time txt) 📖». Author Paige Tyler

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slightly embarrassed that she’d fallen off her horse.

“I’m fine. The gunshots spooked my mare and she took off. I hope she’s all right.”

He glanced around, but the horse was nowhere in sight. “Don’t worry about it.

She probably just went back to the barn. She’ll probably be back before we are.” He frowned down at her. “What happened?”

She looked up at him, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. “I was out riding when I saw those men up by the fences,” she explained. “I thought they worked for you and were out here doing repairs, but when I rode closer, I realized that they were cutting the fences. When they saw me, they chased


Cord’s mouth tightened, but he said nothing, though she could tell from the scowl on his handsome face that he was annoyed with her.

Kayla opened her mouth to speak up in her defense, but could think of

nothing to say, so when he held out his hand to help her onto his horse, she took it without a word. She put her foot in the stirrup, expecting Cord to seat her in front of him, but instead she found herself hauled up and thrown

unceremoniously over his well-muscled thighs.

“Cord!” she protested, the word coming out in a gasp as her breath whooshed from her lungs.

His hand smacked her upturned bottom hard. “I told you that I didn’t want you riding out this far, Abigail,” he said.

“But...Owwww!...Cord!” she yelped as his hand came down again and again

on the seat of her riding skirt.

His spanking quickly made her forget the fact that she had just been shot at.

The smacks didn’t sting that much through al of her clothing, but her position got her immediately aroused, and when Cord pulled her upright to sit in front of him side-saddle after only a few more slaps, she almost asked him not to stop.

She looked up at him, her face flushed to find Cord gazing down at her, and she caught her breath at the expression in his golden brown eyes.

“You have got to be more careful,” he told her, brushing back a strand of

loose hair. “And you’ve got to start doing what I tell you.” He caressed her face. “You really came close to getting yourself killed today, you know that?

Just the thought of you being hurt scares the hell out of me.”

She suddenly felt terrible that she had worried him so much. “I’m sorry,” she said softly, looking up at him from beneath lowered lashes.

Cord said nothing for a moment, and then, lowering his head, he kissed her.

She kissed him back, one hand reaching up to curl around his neck. They

kissed for some time and Kayla would have enjoyed it even more if it weren’t for the saddle horn digging uncomfortably into her bottom. Cord lifted his head at the sound of approaching horses. Her breath caught for a moment

until she recognized the foreman and several other ranch hands.

“Two men were cutting the fences to the north of here,” Cord said to them.

“Ride up that way to check and make sure they’re gone, and then get at least one strand up by nightfall.”

They rode back in silence, Cord holding the reins with one hand, his other arm around Kayla. Though she relaxed against him, she couldn’t help but

think about how close she had come to being killed that day, and she gave a little shiver.

Instinctively, Cord’s arm tightened around her. This was their ranch, and

Abigail should be able to go anywhere that she wanted on the property

without fear of getting shot.

He swore silently. He had no doubt that Jeffries had put those two men up to it. The man had practically threatened Cord the other day when he’d been at the house, so it wasn’t difficult to believe. Cord seriously considered going over to Jeffries’ place and confronting the man after seeing Abigail safely home. Though he would enjoy going after Jeffries after what the man’s thugs had almost done to Abigail, Cord was smart enough to know that it would

accomplish nothing. Dalton Jeffries would deny it, and Cord could prove

nothing. But he could put in a complaint with the sheriff. Perhaps if Abigail could give him a description of the men, it would be enough to connect


Kayla, however, hadn’t seen the men well enough to describe what they

looked like when Cord asked her. Though she had to admit she was only

mildly surprised to hear that Dalton Jeffries was probably behind what had happened. After they had gotten back to the house, she was concerned when

Cord announced that he was going to ride into town to talk to the sheriff.

“Perhaps you should have one of the men go with you,” she suggested when

he told her. “Like Lucas,” she added, referring to the foreman.

“I’ll be fine,” he said, brushing his thumb over her cheek. “Besides, Lucas is going to be up fixing the fences for a couple of hours.” The corner of his mouth curved. “I’ll be home before dark.”

She chewed on her lower lip as she watched him mount his horse. “Be


He gave her a lopsided smile. “Always,” he said, bending to kiss her before riding off.

Still concerned, Kayla watched him go. If Cord was right, and Dalton Jeffries was behind what had happened that afternoon, then there was no telling what lengths the man would go to get Cord’s ranch.

With a sigh, Kayla turned and went into the house. Thinking to occupy herself, she made dinner, and then when that was done, she took out her sketchpad

and tried to concentrate on her designs. As she put the finishing touches on a day dress, she couldn’t help but smile. Not so long ago, she would have been up in Cord’s room trying to pry open the lock on that metal box while he was out. But ever since she had decided to stay with

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