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Book online «LEAD ME ON Julie Ortolon (mind reading books .TXT) 📖». Author Julie Ortolon

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one. Her gaze shot to his.

He smiled, that lazy lopsided grin that had attracted her from the beginning. “You said you wanted to touch me.”

She took the condom from him, praying she didn’t give her inexperience away, but her first attempt proved a dismal failure.

“Like this,” he said, and covered her hands with his own.

She closed her eyes to savor the feel of him, so hard and hot within the circle of her fingers and palm, while his hand guided hers.

“Jeez.” His breath hissed through his teeth. In one swift move, he pulled her down beside him and was looming over her, staring at her with his intense amber eyes. “I already loved watching your hands. Now I won’t be able to look at them without getting hard.”

Nibbling her jaw, he shifted until he lay with his hips cradled between her thighs. “Talk to me, sweet Alli. Tell me what you want.”

“You,” she said, as her heart began to pound. Everything inside her felt wild and reckless. She arched beneath him, telling him with her body as well as with words that tumbled from her lips how desperately she wanted him inside her. He answered with a hard nudge that made her gasp. He pressed again and she bit her lip because he didn’t seem to fit.

“Gawd, you’re tight.” His expression looked pained as he started to pull back.

“No!” She wrapped her legs around him, holding him close. “I want you. Now, please, now. I want you.” She kissed his neck, feeling his beard against her cheek and his rapid pulse against her lips.

With a groan, he pressed forward again, forcing his way inside her one small thrust at a time. Her head arched back on a gasp of both pleasure and pain.

“Please tell me you’re not a virgin,” he said between clenched teeth.


“Thank God.” He moved a hand to her thigh, adjusting one of her legs higher on his hip. “Hang on.” He drove himself to the hilt with one brutal thrust. She gasped in shock and wonder at the feel of having their bodies joined. He kissed her mouth, her face, her neck, waiting for her to adjust to him.

When she did, he moved over her, inside her.

She held him tight as the world fell away and words tumbled from her lips. Yes, please yes, now, right there. Oh. Yes. Right. There. She arched again, as sensations crashed through her, more shattering and glorious than before. She felt him stiffen against her, heard his strangled cry of pleasure, and then she melted with a sigh into the mattress. She didn’t even care when he collapsed on top of her, as boneless as a hot, heavy blanket.

For the first time in years, she didn’t feel damaged inside. She felt... womanly, powerful, and free. Hugging him to her, she smiled.

Chapter 8

Alli stirred at the sound of running water and wondered why Adrian was using her shower instead of his. Moaning, she rolled over in hopes of a few more minutes of sleep. Then morning sunlight landed on her face and she bolted upright thinking she’d overslept. She tossed the covers aside, felt a blast of cool air against her naked breasts, and jerked the covers back.

Her surroundings registered: pale green and white wallpaper, elegant gold draperies, soft light seeping through sheer curtains. Memory returned, heating her cheeks. She glanced sideways to find Scott had already left the bed, which explained the shower noises coming from the bathroom.

Dropping back to the mattress, she clutched the sheet to her chest while she tried to decide if she was relieved or disappointed that he wasn’t there. Relieved. Being alone gave her a minute to adjust to the reality of waking up naked in a hotel room with a man in the shower.

How did a woman behave the morning after? Did she act as if nothing unusual had happened? Or did she compliment the man on being a fabulous lover? Which Scott certainly was. Even with her limited experience, she knew he was good. Very, very good.

She closed her eyes to savor the memories. She’d assumed their first time would be it, but twice more during the night he’d pulled her to him and brought her nearly to the point of screaming and begging. Okay, so she had begged all three times, but she’d only screamed once. He’d seemed to enjoy every sound she made, so it hadn’t embarrassed her at the time. But that was in the dark during the throes of passion. Remembering all the intimate details in the light of day was a bit... disturbing.

And titillating.

A little smile tugged at her lips as heat flickered to life in her belly. Daylight or not, she wouldn’t mind having him bring her to flash point a few more times before they checked out of the room.

Which proved how wrong people were about her. She could have recreational sex without falling in love and getting hurt. Once she left this room, that would be it, no expectations from either one of them that the affair would continue.

She waited for relief to follow. But the only thing she felt was a vague discomfort. And a little hollow inside. Okay, so maybe sex without emotions took a little getting used to. But if she had to pick between her previous experience with Peter and last night with Scott, sex with Scott would win hands down for a lot of reasons. His honesty being high up on the list. Along with his skillful hands and the way his kisses made her head spin.

Smiling, she sat up ... and saw that he’d draped one of the white hotel robes across the foot of the bed. And he’d laid a flower on it.

The sweetness of the gesture made her smile fade. Why does he do things like that? she wondered as she stared at the flower. It didn’t make sense. The world-weary cynic who could be generous in bed, that she understood, because

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