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Book online «Forever Hers Walters, Ednah (best novels for teenagers .TXT) 📖». Author Walters, Ednah

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a surprise. Great guy. Funny sense of humor. Tell him I’ll see him tonight at Eichardt’s Pub.”

“I’ll do that.” Great guy, my butt. More like dense and arrogant. Her anger at Eddie’s high-handedness grew with each step. It irked her that she couldn’t yell at him in front of Raelynn. And to imagine she was ready to tell him every ugly, dirty detail of her past life.

Stiffening her upper lip, Amy started her car and jacked up the AC then took a deep breath before opening the back door of the SUV. She unbuckled Raelynn and helped her down. When she turned around, Eddie had already unhooked the booster seat.

She gripped the booster seat and yanked it from his hands. “You and I are going to have a long talk when we get home.”

He gave her a puzzled look that only pissed her off more. Grinding her teeth, she turned and snapped the seat in place than buckled Raelynn in and closed the door. She yanked her wallet from her purse, pulled out five hundred dollar bills, which should cover what she owed him, including towing her car and groceries, and slapped them in his hands.

“I know your family has money, Fitzgerald, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t turn me into your latest charity project. I pay for my own things.” She marched to the driver’s door, opened it and slid behind the wheel.

Eddie rapped on her window.

She ignored him, started the car and turned to watch the rear as she reversed. When she faced forward, her eyes widened. What the hell was he doing? Eddie had planted himself in front of her car and from his flashing eyes, he was furious.

Well, tough. That made two of them. Amy gripped the steering wheel and glared. She could either run him down or continue going in reverse. The problem was there was very little space between her rear fender and the line of second hand cars in the parking lot.

She pressed a button and the window rolled down. “What are you doing?”

“Do you mind explaining this,” he waved the money, “and that ridiculous comment you threw at me?”

“That is the money I owe you. I told you…” Amy looked at the rearview mirror to make sure Raelynn wasn’t watching them. Raelynn was busy playing with Mr. Rabbit. Amy shifted the gear into park, then stepped out of the car, crossed her arms and glowered. Eddie moved closer, his eyes narrowed.

“Your buddy Randal just told me what you did. You shouldn’t have paid for the repairs behind my back. This is my car, therefore my responsibility.” His expression grew thoughtful. “That money should cover everything including the towing fee and the groceries. As for the self-defense lessons, they’re off. I will not be treated like—”

Eddie muttered something then shoved the money in her hand and took off toward the service shop. Amy stared after him, wanting to yell at him. What was he going to do? Punch Randal for telling her the truth? She would have found out anyway when she picked up the car. Shaking her head, she turned to enter her car and froze. The words he’d mumbled finally registering.

“I didn’t pay for your car repairs,” he’d said.

If not him, then who? Even as the question crossed her mind, everything fell into place. Nolan. She owed Eddie an apology.


Eddie searched the sprawling and busy interior of the auto shop until he located the young man Amy had been talking to earlier. “Are you Randal?”

The young man turned and frowned. “Yes?”

“Did you service Mrs. Franklin’s car?”

“One of our guys did. Why? Is something wrong?”

“The car is fine. I’m more interested in the man who paid her bill.”

Confusion flashed in the mechanic’s eyes. “Her brother?”

“Is that what he told you?”

“Yes. He knew her name and her little girl’s and had pictures of her.” His voice became defensive. “He even had one of her when she was pregnant. Her hair was a different color, but it was Mrs. Franklin. He said it was a surprise.”

“That’s the oldest trick in the book, Randal. He pays the bill, you give him the receipt, he gets access to her phone number and address.”

Randal frowned. “You mean he’s not her brother?”

“No, Nolan is my ex-husband and a very disturbed man,” Amy said from behind him.

Something cold settled inside Eddie at her words. This was worse than he’d thought. Whenever exes were involved, it always meant custody dispute. And custody disputes were ugly. Raelynn, seated inside Randal’s cubicle a few feet away, played with Mr. Rabbit. She appeared completely oblivious to the unfolding drama.

“Can you describe him?” Amy asked, surprising him.

“About five-eleven, maybe six, skinny, black hair and a thin moustache. I had no idea he was crazy. I would never—”

“Yet you did.” Eddie wasn’t in the mood to placate the man. “I don’t know how you do things around here, young man, but you never give out information about a customer to strangers just because they claim to be a relative. I don’t care how many pictures he flashes and how much money he spends in your shop. Because of you, he’s been calling the house and harassing her.”

Randal glanced at Amy. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

“It doesn’t matter now,” Amy said. “Eddie, let’s go.”

“No, it matters,” Eddie said. “Stalking is against the law, and by giving out your information to your ex-husband, Randal can be found culpable of aiding and abetting a stalker.” Eddie peered down at the shorter man, deliberately using his size to intimidate. “Unless you’re willing to help us catch him?”

“I’ll do anything,” Randal said eagerly. “I’m meeting him at Eichardt’s Pub for drinks this evening. He’s new in town and doesn’t have, uh, friends.” He glanced at Amy, who was already leaving the building with Raelynn, and winced.

“Did he tell you where he’s staying?” Eddie asked.

“No, sir, but he left a number for me to call.” Randal opened a folder on his desk

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