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Book online Ā«Blaedergil's Host C.M. Simpson (first e reader .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author C.M. Simpson

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keeping what I hadnā€™t eaten for lunch in my stomach. By the time I had a grip on that, Doc was back and offering me a glass of water.

ā€œYou look fine,ā€ he said, ā€œbut thereā€™ll be no mats for a week, whether itā€™s to settle a dispute, or for trainingā€”and you should stay off the range for that long as well. Daggers is fine, but nothing else, until Iā€™m sure that implant has settled. Got it?ā€

Well, there really was only one answer for that. I did not want Doc mad at meā€”ever.

ā€œGot it.ā€

Mack, however, had other plans.

ā€œYou have to familiarize!ā€ he snapped, and then repeated the phrase when I insisted he go see Doc.

ā€œDonā€™t make me take you to the mats,ā€ he warned, and I grinned.

ā€œYouā€™re not allowed to; doctorā€™s orders.ā€

ā€œWeā€™ll see about that!ā€ heā€™d said, and stalked toward Medical.

I followed at a relatively safe distance.

Mack did his usual act of storming into the Docā€™s terrain uninvited, and Doc did his usual of reminding Mack where he ended up if things went wrong on a mission.

ā€œYeah. In some assholeā€™s custody,ā€ Mack retorted, and Doc reached out and smacked him upside the head.

ā€œAnd my care!ā€ Doc snapped. ā€œOr do you want to take that to the mats?ā€

Iā€™d never seen Mack back down so fast in all the time Iā€™d known him.

ā€œThe mats, Doc? Arenā€™t you getting too old for that kind of shit?ā€

ā€œYou want to find out?ā€

Mack raised his hands in surrender, and backed up a step.

ā€œNot particularly, Doc,ā€ he said. ā€œI just want to find out if thereā€™s any wriggle room in the training restrictions.ā€

Which wasnā€™t exactly how heā€™d phrased it, when heā€™d spoken to me. Docā€™s response was almost instantaneous.

ā€œNo mats for a month.ā€

Funny. I remembered him saying ā€˜at least a weekā€™. Apparently, Mack had been listening in.

ā€œI thought you said not for a week.ā€

ā€œI went back over her scans. Frankly, if the mission was something you could put off, Iā€™d be telling you to do that, too. As it is, you are going to have to make sure she doesnā€™t get thrown around.ā€

Mack stared at him in disbelief, and I didnā€™t blame him. Iā€™m pretty sure I was staring at him, too. Doc glared at us both.

ā€œHow...ā€ we began, together, and Doc held up his hand.

ā€œYou have to tell me youā€™ll do your best to not let it happen, or Iā€™ll put you both in stasis until sheā€™s fully fit.ā€

ā€œYouā€™reā€”ā€ Mack started, but Doc cut him off.

ā€œNo, Iā€™m not!ā€

ā€œWeā€™ll do our best,ā€ I said, answering for both of us, and they both stopped staring at each other to stare at me, which I wasnā€™t sure was that much better.


Doc rolled his eyes, and turned back to Mack.

ā€œI suppose youā€™re going to push it on the firing practice, now?ā€

Mack ducked his head.

ā€œShe does need to familiarize.ā€

ā€œDamnitall. Iā€™m right here!ā€

They both ignored me, and kept staring at each other. Finally, Doc closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

ā€œFine. Ten minutes at a stretch. Once in the morning. Iā€™ll do a scan straight after and then an hour after that, and then two hours later.ā€

I rolled my eyes and huffed a sigh. Great! More tests, and I meant that in the most unhappy of ways. I was oddly relieved when Doc added, ā€œBut she practices on her own, with only one weapon firing at any one time.ā€

At least there wouldnā€™t be an audience if things went wrong, but Mack was still trying to push the training schedule.

ā€œIf those tests come out okay, can we try for fifteen minutes in the afternoon?ā€

ā€œYou give it an eight-hour break between shoots, wait for my okay, and then try for a fifteen-minute stretch, followed by the same testing regime. If everything looks okay, weā€™ll move to two thirty-minute sessions the following day, and slowly crank it up thereafter.ā€

ā€œDone,ā€ Mack said, and Doc grimaced, turning away from Mack to whatever heā€™d been studying on his terminal.

Of course, Mack had to try, one more time.

ā€œAnd youā€™re sureā€”ā€

ā€œGet out.ā€


Doc turned his head, and glared.

ā€œDonā€™t. Make. Me. Come. Over there.ā€

Mack did a smart about face and left the clinic. I gave the Doc a happy grin, and started to follow him. Docā€™s next words wiped the smile from my face.

ā€œYou overdo it, Cutter, and I will make you regret it.ā€

ā€œGotit!ā€ I said, and fled.

Mack was smirking, when I got out into the corridor.

ā€œCome on,ā€ he said. ā€œTonight, youā€™re learning how to take ā€™em apart and put ā€™em back together. Tomorrow morning, weā€™ll put you on the range.ā€

Iā€™m not going to go through just how many times we took those damn side arms apart, or how many times I dropped something, or even how close I came to throwing something at Mackā€”you know, like a punch, or a stock, or a cartridge, or maybe just the whole damn gun. I just wonā€™t. But Docā€™s expression stayed fixed in my head, and I did not want to find out exactly how he was going to make me regret overdoing it.

For his part, Mack seemed to be keeping the Docā€™s words in mind, too. He kept everything he said related to the process of dismantling and reassembling the weapons Iā€™d just acquired. There was not one single snark about the amount of time I spent fondling the Zakrava, before I followed his instructions. Nor did he complain when I made extra sure I could get it apart and back together againā€”even though heā€™d wanted to start on the Blazer 54.

We went from simple instructions to me racing the clock. Mack set me a time to get the weapon apart and back together again. If I made it, he paid a bounty into my account. I knew how much I owed Odyssey, and I pushed it, until I could make his times, and then go one better.

ā€œAgain,ā€ I said, putting my least favorite toy, the Blazer, down on the table in front of me. Iā€™d made the time, and then half the time, and Iā€™d made it to those times

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