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Book online «The Skull Warrior Yajat Sharma (best ereader for comics txt) 📖». Author Yajat Sharma

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drew near, the guards noticed that the man was immensely fat. His stomach threatened to rip through his clothes.

“Business?” The lead guard plonked his spear onto the ground.

“I have to deliver fruits,” the man said in a monotonous voice. “To the master of this castle.”

The lead guard gestured to the others. “Search his cart.”

The man stepped back as the guards searched the cart laden with fruits. After a while, the lead guard nodded. “You can go now.”

The man pushed the cart inside the castle. As soon as he was inside, he looked around, ensuring that no one was watching. He then ditched the cart and moved to the shadows and lifted his shirt.

The Scavenger tumbled out.

The Scavenger stood up and stretched himself. “That worked like a charm!” he said. “They didn’t suspect a thing!”

“Let’s get on with the task,” the man – No One – replied.

The Scavenger and No One started to move towards the castle. Back in Lynx’s cave, they had diligently studied the detailed map of the palace, and No One and the Scavenger already knew it like the back of their hand. The mission had started.

No One and the Scavenger made their way into the castle silently, quickly knocking down every guard they met. Most of the guards didn’t even sense an attack and were knocked out at once, but some guards were alerted. One or two tried to fight, while the others started to run, but the Scavenger and No One managed to subdue them before they could alert the whole area.

The duo not only successfully disabled the traps from the Control Room but also stealthily managed to take weapons from the armoury. Soon, they were well on their way to the roof where all executions used to take place.

“It’s time for the execution! The coward Scavenger didn’t turn up.” The disgust was apparent in Grim’s voice.

Lynx jerked as the blindfold was ripped from his eyes. He saw that he was on a roof in front of a massive crowd, his arms and legs tied. Grim and many armed warriors surrounded him.

Grim raised a hand to calm the excited crowd. “Today is a lesson to all those who oppose the rule of the Skull Warrior. The fate of traitors is only one – execution.”

Grim gestured with one of his hands. A bulky man, hefting a long blade, stepped to the side of Lynx and raised it.

The crowd was shouting and yelling. Lynx gulped. Was this the end for him? Was this how he would die? Why had the Scavenger failed to rescue him?

Just as the blade was raised and was about to fall down, a loud voice boomed.

“Stop right there!”

James shouted into his mike just as he saw the blade of the executioner rushing towards Lynx’s head. The executioner paused and looked at Grim for further instructions.

“Hello, Grim,” James continued. “Leave him. We are the one you want. I am James.”

“And I’m Daniel,” Daniel spoke up next, from a different direction. Matt and Archer introduced themselves too. Everyone used their mikes from different directions, so that Grim would be confused and unable to locate any one’s position.

Daniel continued, “Leave Lynx and capture us if you can.”

“Just appear, you cowards,” shouted Grim, “You won’t escape from Voldmir. Come and try taking your fugitive from my clutches.”

As per the plan, the children engaged Grim in conversation, hoping that the Scavenger and No One would do their part soon.

Meanwhile, No One and the Scavenger arrived in an empty room. They could hear the voices of the children engaging Grim in conversation.

The Scavenger chanted a few words and levitated to the ceiling and chipped away wood with his knife. As the wood of the ceiling gave way, the Scavenger could spot Lynx’s legs hanging from a chair.

“We are bang on at the exact spot.” The Scavenger’s voice was full of excitement. No One nodded. They both strapped the ceiling with small, circular explosive material.

Everything was going as per plan. The children were successful in buying time by conversing with Grim.

“You made a great mistake,” the Scavenger heard Archer talking to Grim through the mike and amplifier. “We value our friendships. You were about to kill one of our friends, which is morally not right. Something’s going to explode.”

Archer’s voice stopped. Grim was confused. The Scavenger and No One covered their heads and ears as the strips on the ceiling exploded.

The children and Urrax saw the explosions from their vantage points. They skimmed down the trees and ran forward towards the front gate. The guards were in a state of shock due to the explosions.

From the holes created due to the explosion, Lynx saw the Scavenger and No One below. The Scavenger’s sword cut through the ropes binding Lynx’s legs and arms. Before Grim could understand what was going on, Lynx immediately snatched a guard’s sword and jumped into the hole. The Scavenger, No One and Lynx ran towards the front gate. Hundreds of guards, led by Grim, were chasing them. As they reached the front gate, they saw the children and Urrax and the unconscious guards. The Scavenger quickly summoned a chariot.

“Well done, folks,” he said, smiling. “The plan worked. Let’s get out of here fast before they get us.”

They all jumped into the chariot. The Scavenger rode it as fast as possible. No word was uttered until the palace of Voldmir was well out of sight.

“That was amazing,” Lynx said finally. “Grim and the others didn’t even realize what hit them. I am so thankful to all of you for saving my life.”

“You have James to thank for that,” Daniel said.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” James said in an impish tone. “It was like a piece of cake.” They all laughed.

During the ride, they updated Lynx on their attack on Hellfire. Lynx listened patiently. Once they were finished, Lynx was about to say something, but the Scavenger interrupted.

“Get off the chariot,” he said. “We have to walk on foot now. We’re about to enter a village and we

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