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Book online «Alaskan Mountain Pursuit Elizabeth Goddard (best short novels .TXT) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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sit on the edge of the bed. It seemed like such an intimate gesture for a man she hardly knew, but they’d been through something together. She had a bond with him and struggled to remember what it was. He’d stayed with her through this; she believed that. Why couldn’t she remember more?

“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t keep it from him.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When our helicopter came and the rescuers hoisted us up, I had to share your secret with him because...well, I thought you were...” Will hung his head. “I thought you were dying.”


She had almost died?

“What secret, Will? You’re scaring me.”

“Please forgive me for telling him, but I believed the circumstances warranted full disclosure.”

The man stepped closer. With the deep set of his woodsy-green eyes, thick head of dark-roasted-coffee hair and his good, strong features, the face was somehow familiar, and yet she was sure she had never met this man.

“Sylvie.” His grin was big and welcoming to an extent that seemed inappropriate coming from a stranger. “I’m glad to finally meet you. My name is Cade Warren.”

Ah, now she understood the grin. And the sense of familiarity. Her heart beat wildly. She wasn’t ready for this. What did she say to him? This wasn’t how she’d wanted to meet him, if she’d ever been ready to make that leap. And Will, it seemed, couldn’t be trusted with secrets. She thought to glare at him, but she couldn’t take her eyes from her half sibling in the flesh. A weight pressed against her chest. She was bungling this first meeting, and badly, with her reaction. Or rather, trying to hide her reaction to him.

Pain flickered in his eyes but compassion quickly took its place. “I’m your half brother.”

“I know who you are.” She hesitated. “I just don’t know what to say. How to feel.”

Despite her clumsy words, he tossed her another easy smile and she finally relaxed.

“I know this is a shock for you. It’s a lot to happen at once.” He grabbed Will’s shoulder and squeezed. “And please don’t blame Will, but I was there on the scene to get you guys, and well...we weren’t sure if you would make it. Will didn’t think it was right for him to keep your identity from me.”

“I understand. I... I just wasn’t ready for this. For any of it.” For someone trying to kill her. For meeting Cade Warren. “I had dreamed of meeting you under different circumstances.”

Now Sylvie could finally offer her own smile, begging for some grace. By his demeanor and the look in his gaze, she believed he gave her the understanding she needed and much more.

“I can’t keep this to myself, you understand. I need to share the news with the rest of the family.”

“Are you sure you don’t resent me? That they won’t resent me? After all, learning about my existence couldn’t have been pleasant. The circumstances under which I was born...” Sylvie regretted her words. They must open the wound even deeper.

Cade held up a hand to keep her from saying more. “None of that is your fault. I don’t blame you. None of us do. We can’t change the past, so we’ll all go forward and celebrate that we can finally meet and, hopefully, get to know you. I know the family will want to meet you as soon as I tell them.”

She blew out a breath, rested her head against the pillow. “Not yet, please. Give me some time. When I came to southeast Alaska, I was looking for my mother. Other than my stepfather, she was my only family, and now she’s gone. It’s a bit overwhelming to suddenly have brothers and sisters.” Though she’d known for years she had them, and now she wondered why it had taken so long for her to find the courage to connect. She hadn’t initiated the meeting today, and she wasn’t sure she ever would have.

“And a grandmother, and brother-and sisters-in-law, nephews and a niece on the way,” Cade added with a smile. “I’ll give you some time, let’s say a day tops.But they’ll kill me if I keep this news from them for very long.”

“I understand.” He owed more to his family, the brothers and sister he’d grown up with, than he did to her. “But when you do tell them, no one else can know. No one besides family. Agreed?”

“Agreed. You take care of yourself.” Cade glanced from her to Will, his smile still in place. “I’ll leave you two alone now.”

As he left, she almost missed his subtle wink at Will, as if he thought there was something going on between them.

Sylvie rubbed her arms, careful of the IV. How could Cade truly be so gracious? After all, she was the daughter of his father’s mistress. And was his acceptance of her real? Meeting the guy in person, she had a hard time believing he was anything but completely up front. Otherwise, why even come here and introduce himself? But what about the others? Would they be so anxious to meet her? So willing to receive her?

“I’ve already talked to the police.” Will’s soft words broke through her chaotic thoughts. “Given them my statement. They’re going to ask you a lot more questions.” Will’s expression grew somber. “Before things get crazy around here, I want you to know that I’m in this with you for the long haul. I can’t help but think the men after you wanted to stop you from finding the plane. Finding your mother. And my mother. And if that’s the case then the plane crash wasn’t an accident. Is that what you believe?”

“Yes.” Sylvie had suspected all along that it wasn’t an accident because of the words her mother had said to her before she left. But she needed to find the plane.

“We’re in this together. I want to help you find out who tried to kill you. And what happened to that plane carrying precious cargo.”

Precious cargo. Her and Will’s mothers.

“Tried to kill

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