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Book online «Discovery (Science of Psionics Book #1) Dave Renol (famous ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Dave Renol

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as quiet as possible. Thepatio door was still open, and I paused at the corner before it asI heard what sounded like an argument coming from outside.

“Bullshit!” I heard Sid say. “I tell you,they’re holding back.”

“I doubt it,” Carl countered. “I swear Ialmost had a heart attack myself when Mark collapsed out there. Iwas looking right at him and could see the blood drain from hisface.”

“If they had any intentions of sharing theirpowers, they would have done so by now. Every single task we’ve putto them, they’ve done without much difficulty. Every single taskthat is, except for the one that truly matters.”

“It’s not that simple,” Carl began.

“Yes it is!” Sid interrupted. “Even if Ibelieved them, which I don’t, they could go and get experts tofigure it out. Between your scummy money making schemes, and theirinsistence on secrecy, I’m starting to suspect a threat to nationalsecurity in the works.”

“What?” Carl snorted. “Do you think we’re thepsychic arm of the Taliban here or something? You’re paranoid,delusional, and an asshole to boot!”

“Fuck you, Carl. I’m right and you know it.If you can’t see it, then you’re either blind or stupid.”

“That really hurts, coming from someone witha shoe size larger than his IQ”

Fearing that the argument might soon turnphysical, I lowered myself to the ground and made some noise beforerounding the corner and stepping outside. “Keep it down guys, Markis exhausted and needs some sleep.” I admonished.

“Screw you, sister,” he replied angrily. “I’mtired of the runaround. I had plenty of time to think about thingson our way back tonight, and I figured out that you’re bothsandbagging.”

“How can you say that?” I asked, hurt. “Markalmost killed himself today, and you think we’re just playingaround?”

“I think there’s a reason that you’re keepingthis for yourselves, and I don’t like it. I don’t trust you, and Iwant to bring all this to Major Matt Hatter. He’ll know what todo,” he said with finality.

Stunned at his intensity, I replied slowly,“You gave us your word that you would keep this a secret until wedecided otherwise. Are you going to break your sworn word?”

His face turning purple, he emphaticallyreplied, “My word is my bond. I won’t betray any trust that I havegiven, but I will warn you. There will be consequences.”

Sara stood suddenly and said, “Let me seewhat I can scrounge up for dinner. It’s been a long day, andemotions are running high. Let’s all just calm down for a bit andlay off the threats, accusations, and insults. Come give me ahand,” she said, grabbing my arm and steering me into thekitchen.

“Don’t pay any attention to Sid. He’s justfrustrated and blowing off steam,” she soothed. “The combination ofhunger and frustration has him in butthead mode, but he’ll calmdown.”

“I think he’s a few steps beyond ‘buttheadmode’ as you call it, but I’m all for calming things down. Thenerve of him, saying that we’re sandbagging…”

“I think you need to sit down and relax,” sheinterrupted. “He’s got you worked up, and I can see that you’retired from the day’s excursion. I can handle dinner by myself, sodon’t worry. I only asked you to join me in order to stop y’allfrom fighting. So just chill for a while and let me take care ofthings.”

Not wanting to start an argument with Sara aswell, I complied and sat down on the stool at the end of thekitchen island. She opened a bottle of wine and filled me a glass,taking a smaller one for herself in the process. Sippinggratefully, I tried to relax my tense muscles.

“Do you think he’s going to blab?” I askedafter a while.

“Not a chance. He may yell and scream for awhile, but he takes his oaths very seriously. Don’t worry about it.By tomorrow, things will have sorted themselves out. Just remember,I’ll always be on your side.” With a note of finality, she turnedaway and got busy with making dinner.


Dinner was a tense affair. The brusqueglances exchanged between Sid and Carl was a silent testament tothe argument that had continued in my absence. I was grateful forthe fact that Sid had stopped yelling threats and accusations fornow. Sara tried to make small talk, but gave up after getting onlymonosyllable responses from the boys. Sara had made spaghetti withmarinara meat sauce. It could have been cardboard for all that Itasted. I ate as much as I could stomach and then silently went tocurl up on the living room sofa.

When finished eating, Sara left the boys todo the cleanup and joined me on the sofa. “I put together a platefor Mark. All he has to do is nuke it if he wakes up hungry.”

“Thanks,” I nodded.

“I’m sorry, but Sid is still going on aboutit,” she said sympathetically.

I just shrugged, knowing that confronting himwould just get the argument going full tilt again. “If I knew howit worked, I would have shown you by now. Honest.”

“I believe you,” she soothed. “What’s theworst that he could do? I already guaranteed you that he won’t goshooting his mouth off to anyone.”

“I know. His belligerence was just one morething to wear me down after a long and stressful day.”

Carl, finished with his rudimentary cleaningefforts, brought us our wine glasses and the remainder of thebottle. “Have a drink. You deserve it.”

I gave him a nod of thanks and a weak littlesmile. I took a sip.

“Mind if I use your office for a bit? Sid’sbeing a jerk, and I want some peace and quiet before going tobed.”

“Go ahead,” I waved him on.

Nodding me his thanks, he disappeared aroundthe corner into the office. Sara topped off our glasses and shiftedcloser to me on the sofa.

Looking speculatively toward where Carl hadgone, she said “Between Carl and Mark, they have a lot ofexperience figuring complex stuff out. I think we’re doing right,and Sid just has no patience. If the geeks here can’t figure itout, nobody can.”

She went on in that vein for a while, and ithelped to boost my flagging spirit. Feeling a bit better, I decidedthat it was a good time to go to bed. I also wanted to make surethat Mark was ok. Standing, I

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