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in last year's, no, 613. this delicious, 357. Nests, birds of this year in the, of the last, 792. birds in their little, agree, 302. birds of the air have, 839. in order ranged, 242. Nest-eggs to make clients lay, 215. Nestor swear, though, 59. Net, all is fish that cometh to, 15. Nets, ladies spend their time making, 291. Nether millstone, hard as, 818. Nettle danger, out of this, 84. tender-handed stroke a, 313. Neutral, loyal and, in a moment, 120. Neutrality of an impartial judge, 411.
Never alone appear the Immortals, 502. better late than, 13. comes to pass, 454. elated, never dejected, 320. ending still beginning, 272. less alone, 431, 455. loved sae blindly, had we, 452. mention her, no we, 581. met or never parted, had we, 452. [1037]never can forget, 580. says a foolish thing, 279. tell a lie, 757. to hope again, 99. was seen nor never shall be, 182. would lay down my arms, 364. Never-ending flight of days, 227. Never-failing friends, 506. vice of fools, pride the, 323. Nevermore be officer of mine, 152. quoth the raven, 640. shall be lifted, 640. New broom sweeps clean, 16. cost little less than, 296. departure, 858. ever charming ever, 358. fashion, the world's, 54. is not valuable, what is, 532. laws, new lords and, 200. look amaist as weel 's the, 447. or old, ale enough whether, 23. or old, alike fantastic if too, 324. see this is, it may be said, 830. Testament, blessing of the, 164. thing under the sun, no, 830. things succeed, 203. transcends the old, the, 618. what is valuable is not, 532. what was, was false, 374. world into existence, 464. Zealand, traveller from, 591. News, bringer of unwelcome, 88. evil, rides post, 242. from a far country, 828. good, baits, 242. much older than their ale, 397. on the Rialto, what, 61. swallowing a tailor's, 80. New-born babe, pity like a, 118. babe, sinews of the, 139. child, a naked, 478. New England, I sing, 655. lights her fire in every prairie, 655. Newest kind of ways, 90. New-fangled mirth, May's, 54. New-fledged offspring, 396. New-laid eggs roasted rare, 274. New-lighted, herald Mercury, 140. New-made honour doth forget men's names, 78. New-mown hay, 296. New-spangled ore, 248. Newspaper, never look into a, 441. Newspapers are villanous, 441. Newt, eye of, and toe of frog, 123. Newton be, God said let, 330. where stood the statue of, 475. Next doth ride abroad, 417. Niagara stuns with thundering sound, 395. Nicanor lay dead in his harness, 837. Nice of no vile hold to stay him up, 79. too, for a statesman, 399. Nicely sanded floor, 397. Nicer hands, affection hateth, 27. Niche he was ordained to fill, 421. Nicht-goun, in his, 679. Nick, Machiavel, 215. of time, 257. our old, 215. Niggardly rich man, 761. Nigh is grandeur to our dust, 600. Night, a cap by, 397, 401. across the day beyond the, 627. an atheist half believes a God by, 308. and storm and darkness, 544. as darker grows the, 399. attention still as, 227. azure robe of, the, 573. bed by, chest of drawers by day, 397. before Christmas, 't was the, 527. black it stood as, 228. borrower of the, 120. breathed the long long, 639. breathing through the, 583. calm and silent, 642. candles of the, 66. chaos and old, 224. cheek of, hangs upon the, 105. closed his eyes in endless, 382. cometh when no man can work, 843. danger's troubled, 515. darkens the streets, 224. day brought back my, 252. day of woe the watchful, 508. deep of, is crept upon our talk, 115. descending, 331. doomed to walk the, 131. eldest, and chaos, 229. empty-vaulted, 244. except I be by Sylvia in the, 44. fair regent of the, 426. follows the day, 130. for the morrow, desire of the, 567. from busy day the peaceful, 387. gloomy as, he stands, 345. golden lamps in a green, 262. good, and joy be wi' you, 458. good night good, 106. had withdrawn her sable veil, 786. has a thousand eyes, 669. hideous, makes, 331. hideous, making, 131. how beautiful is, 507. imagining some fear in the, 59. in love with, 107. in Russia, this will last out a, 47. in the dead of, 88. infant crying in the, 632. infinite day excludes the, 303. innumerable as the stars of, 235. is but the daylight sick, 66. is long that never finds the day, 124. is the time to weep, 497. joint labourer with the day, 126. last in the train of, 235. light will repay the wrongs of, 203. lightning in the collied, 57. listening ear of, 640. lovely as a Lapland, 475. lovers' tongues by, 106. many a dreadful, 356. meaner beauties of the, 174. mid the cheerless hours of, 568. motions of his spirit are dull as, 66. my native land good, 540. [1038]nature's laws lay hid in, 330. naughty, to swim in, 147. no evil thing walks by, 244. nor the moon by, 824. O day and, 133. of cloudless climes, 551. of memories and of sighs, 511. of sorrow, a fore-spent, 258. of the grave, 428. of waking, morn of toil, 491. oft in the stilly, 523. oft in the tranquil, 587. passed a miserable, 96. pillar of fire by, 813. pilot 't is a fearful, 581. regent of the, 426. sable goddess, 306. say not good, 433. shades of, 234. shadow of a starless, 564. shall be filled with music, 614. silver lining on the, 243. singeth all, 127. so full of ghastly dreams, 96. so late into the, 553. soft stillness and the, 65. son of the sable, 39. sound of revelry by, 542. stars in empty, 496. steal a few hours from the, 521. sung from morn till, 427. Sylvia in the, except I be by, 44. that makes me or fordoes me, 156. that first we met, 581. that slepen alle, 1. till it be morrow, 106. to bloom for sons of, 520. to each a fair good, 490. toiling upward in the, 616. unto night showeth knowledge, 819. upon the cheek of, 105. vast and middle of the, 128. watch in the, 822. watchman what of the, 833. what is the, 123. when deep sleep falleth, 816. windy, a rainy morrow, 162. wings of, 614. witching time of, 139. with this her solemn bird, 233. womb of uncreated, 227. world in love with, 107. would not spend another such, 96. yield day to, 93. Nights and days to come, all our, 117. are longest in Russia, when, 47. are wholesome, 127. awake, lie ten, 51. dews of summer, 426. forty days and forty, 812. profit of their shining, 54. such as sleep o', 111. three sleepless, I passed, 465. to waste long, in pensive discontent, 29. with sleep, winding up, 92. Night's black arch, 451. black mantle, 781. blue arch adorn, 424. candles are burnt out, 108. dull ear, piercing the, 92. Night-cap decked his brow, 401. Night-flower sees but one moon, 521. Nightingale dies for shame if another bird sings, 188. man who imitated the, 726. no music in the, 44. roar an 't were any, 57. the wakeful, 233. to act the part of a, 743. was mute, the, 589. Nightingale's high note, 551. song in the grove, 428. Nightly pitch my moving tent, 497. to the listening earth, 300. Nil tam difficilest, 203. Nile, allegory on the banks of the, 440. dam up the waters of the, 596. dogs drinking from the, 715, 719. outvenoms all the worms of, 160. show me the fountain of the, 602. where is my serpent of old, 157. Nilotic isle, 240. Nimble and airy servitors, 253. and full of subtle flame, 196. Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself, 117. capers, in a lady's chamber, 95. Nine days' wonder, 6, 16. lives like a cat, 16, 691. moons wasted, 149. Ninety-eight, to speak of, 681. Ninny, Handel 's but a, 351. Ninth part of a hair, I 'll cavil on, 85. Niobe, like, all tears, 128. of nations, 546. Nipping and an eager air, 130. Nips his root, 99. Nisi suadeat intervallis, 857. No better than you should be, 197. day without a line, 720. love lost between us, 178. more like my father, 128. more of that Hal, 85. reckoning made, 107. sooner looked but they loved, 71. sooner met but they looked, 71. sooner sighed but asked the reason, 71. Noah's ark, hunt it into, 416. ark, mouldy rolls of, 268. Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus, 406. Nobility, betwixt the wind and his, 83. idleness is an appendix to, 187. is the only
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