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Book online «Billionaires in New York Boxed Set: Billionaires in the City Books 1-3 Laura Burton (books to read this summer .TXT) 📖». Author Laura Burton

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I had to pull a lot of strings to keep filming in Toronto. But I did it.”

Julie dabbed her mouth and picked up a glass as Harry smiled bashfully at her. “I’m boring you, aren’t I? I’m so, sorry.”

Julie swallowed her drink before shaking her head.

“Not at all. It’s fascinating. So you’re a movie producer?” She set her glass down and picked up her knife and fork. The steaming plate of food had her stomach rumbling. Harry spent the entire time talking about… everything. They jumped from movies, to New York traffic, to the matchmaking business, then onto pineapples, and he spent a considerable time telling stories about his work.

“Yes, it’s the best job in the world,” Harry said, smiling broadly. His cheeks were flushed and the speed he was talking had Julie wondering if he was nervous.

“Doesn’t it make you the boss? You know, if you’re the producer?” Julie asked. Harry rubbed the back of his neck and gave her an awkward look.

“I guess….”

“Why didn’t you move the set to Vancouver, then?”

Harry pointed at her before wiping the perspirant from his brow.

“You’re not the first person to ask me that. But this actor was the star of the show, if he left it would kill ratings.”

“Hmm.” Julie glanced out at Central Park in thought. “So, you’re the boss, but you have to keep the star actors happy.” She looked back at Harry who was nodding as he chewed.

“Hit the nail on the head, yes.”

He was so agreeable, Julie noticed. He was charming, yet adorably bashful. Not the typical alpha male she had expected to meet and nothing like her previous boyfriends.

“I’d love to know more about you. I’m sorry I’ve been talking about me a lot. I ramble when I’m nervous. Not that you’re making me nervous, you’re wonderful.” Harry stopped talking and took a breath. His uncertainty was endearing; Julie imagined he must have a whole team around him to stop everyone from taking advantage of him.

“I’m a seamstress. I make clothes for Estelle’s fashion line,” she offered, eyeing his reaction. Usually she received a shrug or a faint smile in return from her dates. Being a seamstress was not considered a glamorous job in the city. Men typically preferred to date the models wearing her dresses.

Harry’s brows raised so high it made his eyes look huge. Like two dark saucers shining in the moonlight.

“That’s remarkable,” he said. There was no sign of sarcasm. He genuinely appeared impressed. Pride rose from Julie’s stomach and she beamed at his response. “You must be the best seamstress in the country. I’ve heard of Estelle, and she’s very picky.”

“Thank you,” Julie said, surprised at his words. She never felt so validated. “I love it. I mean, I constantly have a sore neck and back from hunching over my machine all day, every day, but I wouldn’t change that for a boring nine-to-five.”

“I can give great massages,” Harry said a little too fast. Realization dawned on his face. “I didn’t mean––oh boy. Forget I said that. I was just thinking aloud.”

It was too late, though. Julie’s mind had already raced ahead. She imagined his broad hands rubbing her back and all the tight muscles melting under his touch. She inadvertently moaned.

“No, that’s amazing to know.” She closed her eyes, lost in the vision. Harry cleared his throat, bringing Julie back to her senses. She covered her mouth with her hands and laughed. A casual smirk crossed his face.

From that moment on, the two of them relaxed and enjoyed their food while admiring the beautiful setting. The traffic sounds from below served as the only reminder that they were in New York, and not in a magical fairy garden. They finished their food and just gazed at each other for a long moment. This time, neither of them were blushing.

“I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you,” Harry said, his voice deep and sure. Julie bit against her growing smile.

“Me too” was all she could say. The attraction between them was tangible in the air. It swirled around them and warmed places in Julie’s body that she didn’t expect. Like the hollow of her neck, the curve of her spine. She swallowed against the dryness in her mouth.

Harry leaned forward and gently took her hands in his. Julie’s heart fluttered in response.

“Would it be too presumptuous of me to assume we will have a second date?” he asked, a bit of an Eaton accent coming through. Julie had never heard anyone speak to her in such a formal way, except for the private-school boys back in England. She nodded shyly. “I have to go to a charity event this weekend.” He took a nervous breath and squeezed Julie’s hands. “I would love to take you as my plus one.”

His words sank like rocks in the pit of Julie’s stomach. Sitting in this tight gown for a few hours was torture enough. The idea of attending some fancy charity dinner with cameras, other famous people and all that came with those kinds of affairs had Julie’s stomach doing backflips. She did not like attention. Couldn’t they just hang out at her apartment and watch Netflix like normal people? As she prepared to turn him down, the hopeful look on Harry’s face melted her resolve.

“Okay, but can we do something else first?”

Harry let go of her hands and sat back with his brows raised again. “What did you have in mind?”

Chapter Four

An Ugly Surprise

“I have to admit, I’ve never done this before,” Harry said warily as he helped Julie scale the steps into the carriage. He glanced across the road to Benjamin, who was standing in the shadows and gave him a nod. He craned his neck to look back to see the rest of the security team in position. They were perfectly safe, but it was not advisable for a billionaire to take a nighttime stroll through Central Park. At least they were in a carriage.

“Neither have I,” Julie said. “It’s such a beautiful

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