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Book online «Atlas Rising a LitRPG gaming adventure Blake Severson (free books to read .txt) 📖». Author Blake Severson

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new weapon. The new combo felt more natural than those of the knife. His movements were smoother and crisper as he thrust the wooden weapon and used it to bat the creature out of the air. The counters also flowed smoothly now that he had the extra reach and momentum of the swinging staff.

Three bobcats also fell to his attacks before he came across a small clearing. A soft growling noise caused the hair on the back of his neck to rise. He crouched down low and crept through the underbrush as he approached. Grunting echoed through the clearing, and it sounded like a person and not a monster. A cry of pain followed and Atlas dashed into the open space.

An elf stood on a large boulder and was kicking at three leopards. Atlas examined the closest one and saw it listed as Leopard - Level 3. Well, think I found Tillo.

He charged toward the nearest cat and followed the illusionary thrust pattern as the image formed in his vision. The weapon thumped solidly against the leopard and he followed it with its combo swing.

You dealt 7 HP damage to Leopard.

The creature emitted a loud noise that almost sounded like someone sawing on wood before it leaped toward him. He interposed his staff into the path of the attack, and the cat’s jaws closed over the haft of the weapon. A push dislodged the animal, and it landed a short distance away on its feet.

He aimed his next attack for the creature’s head and the swing connected, causing it to roll onto its side. Atlas tried to take advantage of the situation and dove for another attack at the helpless animal. Before he reached the leopard, his vision flashed red, and he saw the image of his staff shift. In a panic he followed the new pattern, unsure of what happened. His staff continued its new path and slammed into the side of one of the other creatures that was diving for him, jaws open. The leopard launched away and Atlas stumbled as he landed off balance.

You dealt 3 HP damage to Leopard with Double Slash. (Interrupted)

You dealt 3 HP damage to Leopard with Counter.

The delay as he regained his footing allowed the initial leopard to return to its feet. Atlas stared at two different animals as they attempted to circle him. Instead of diving in for an attack, he played the defensive. One dove for him and he swept his staff to the side, grazing it and knocking it off course. The red flash from before hit his vision, but no image showed for him to counter.

Before his mind could comprehend that issue, a searing pain tore into his back as it felt like claws ripping through his flesh and tearing downward.

You dealt 1 HP damage to Leopard with Deflect.

Leopard dealt 4 HP damage to you with Rend.

Atlas swung around as the weight left his back and shifted his hands to one end of the staff. He reared back and cocked his shoulder before his attack unfurled and the five-foot chunk of wood whipped around and hit the leopard with a full force home-run swing to the face.

You dealt 12 HP damage to Leopard with Attack. (Critical Hit)

Leopard (Level 2) died.

You gained 10 experience.

The poor creature landed in a crumpled mess. Atlas heaved a breath and snapped his hands back into position on the staff. One down and two to go. He jumped forward to catch the other cat. His attack landed solidly, and he cleanly followed with the combo strike.

You dealt 7 HP damage to Leopard with Double Slash.

Leopard died.

You gained 15 experience.

A mewling noise drifted to his ears. Atlas swung around to see Tillo over the last leopard with a small blade in his hand. The elf looked ragged, and the leopards had shredded his pants during their encounter.

“Tillo?” Atlas asked.

“Yes. Thanks. For. Your. Help,” the man panted out. He leaned forward with his hands on his knees.

“Qua asked me to find you. I guess she thought you may need help.”

Tillo stood straight and sucked in a deep breath of air to steady himself.

“Bless that woman. She really is too good for me. How can I ever thank you?” Tillo asked.

“Just walking by and thought you needed the help. Qua gave me a quest for it, anyway. I’ll collect the reward when I get back to Kilthan. Get back to her. Sure she’s worried about you.”

Tillo walked to the leopard he killed and collected a bundle of fur and meat. He approached Atlas and handed them over.

“I know it’s not much, but my life is worth far more than a few coins and some experience. I have little to offer, so at least take the spoils of the battle.”

Atlas accepted the gift with a nod.

“I’ll see you back in town,” Tillo told him as he left the clearing with a wave. Atlas watched as he jogged out of sight.

With nothing else pressing to attend to, Atlas continued his hunting. He picked off more squirrels and bobcats in the area. His travels also netted him some herbs. It took time to extract them and keep the plants intact, but he knew they’d be worth it in the end. The last bunch he sold were worth a decent amount of money. Oddly enough, the Herbalism skill would never show him experience gains, but he advanced it. Need to ask someone about that.

The day he spent in the game brought back haunting memories of grinding MMORPGs. He accomplished a lot, but it was such tedious work that his mind almost shut off. The pattern was predictable as he walked to town and turned in the quest only to find two more of the same style. Some more killing and herbalism finished those, only to return and get a couple more. This pattern continued for the entire day, and he slowly watched his experience and wealth climb.

During the time in town, he crafted items with the new furs. Since he focused

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