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tag="{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}a">315. in their port, 395. of former days, 519. of kings, 314. of place, towering in her, 120. of sway, peace and, 339. peasantry their country's, 396. pomp and circumstance, 154. rank pride, 't is, 298. spite of, 316. that apes humility, 501, 507. that licks the dust, 328. that perished in his, 470. that puts the country down, 406. the vice of fools, 323. to relieve the wretched, 396. vain the chief's the sage's, 330. will have a fall, 13. withered in their, 643. Priest, hearing the holy, 31. no Italian, shall tithe, 79. pale-eyed, 251. rich without a fault, 337. Priests altars victims, 333. by the imposition of a mightier hand, 590. tapers temples, 333. Priesthood, literary men a perpetual, 577. Primal duties shine aloft, 481. eldest curse upon 't, 139. Prime, April of her, 161. conception of the joyous, 28. golden, of Haroun Alraschid, 623. wisdom, 237. Primer, schoolmaster with his, 527. Primeval, this is the forest, 615.
Primrose, bring the rathe, 247. by a river's brim, 468. first-born child of Ver, 199. path of dalliance treads, 129. peeps beneath the thorn, 398. soft silken, fading timelessly, 251. sweet as the, 398. yellow, was to him, 468. Primroses that die unmarried, 77. Primy nature, youth of, 129. Prince make a belted knight, 452. of darkness, 147, 256. war the only study of a, 407. Princes and lords may flourish, 396. are the breath of kings, 447. find few real friends, 377. gilded monuments of, 162. like to heavenly bodies, 166. privileged to kill, 425. put not your trust in, 824. that sweet aspect of, 99. the death of, 112. whose merchants are, 394. Princes' favours, hangs on, 99. palaces, 60. service of, 692. Princedoms virtues powers, 235. Princely in bestowing, 101. Princeps copy in blue and gold, 456. Princerples, I don't believe in, 659. Principal thing is wisdom, 825. Principle, act in accordance with, 753. free trade is not a, 607. not expediency, 609. of bliss, the vital, 358. precedent embalms a, 607. reason measured by, 743. [1061]rebels from, 410. Principles of human liberty, 530. of nature, 767. of resistance, 408. oftener changed, their, 311. search men's, 752. turn with times, 321. Print it and shame the fools, 326. I love a ballad in, 78. it, some said John, 265. 't is devils must, 520. to see one's name in, 539. transforms old, 419. Printed in a book, words, 817. Printers have lost, books by which, 222. Printing to be used, caused, 94. Prior, here lies Matthew, 288. Priscian a little scratched, 56. Prism and silent face, 475. Prison, palace and a, 544. stone walls do not a, make, 260. Prison'd soul, take the, 244. Prisoner, takes the reason, 116. Prisoners of hope, 836. Prisoner's life, passing on the, 47. Prison-house, secrets of my, 131. Prithee why so pale, 256. Privacy, an obscure nook, a, 643. let there be an end, a, 643. Private credit is wealth, 689. end, who served no, 323. ends, to gain his, 400. griefs they have, 114. station, post of honour is a, 298, 340. Prive and apert, 4. Privilege of putting him to death, 462. Privileged beyond the common walk, 307. to kill, princes were, 425. Prize, art not strength obtains the, 341. ever grateful for the, 465. me no prizes, 861. not to the worth whiles we enjoy, 53. o' death in battle, 660. of learning love, 649. that which is best, 753. Probability keep in view, 349. Proceed ad infinitum, 290. Process, human thought is the, 530. of the suns, 626. such was the, 150. Procrastination is the thief of time, 307. Procreant cradle, 117. Proctors, prudes for, 629. Procurer of contentedness, 207. Procuress to the lords of hell, 632. Prodigal, chariest maid is, 129. excess, to our own, 483. how like the, 62. the soul lends the tongue vows, 130. within the compass of a guinea, 536. Prodigal's favourite, to be a, 475. Prodigality of nature, framed in, 96. Prodigious ruin, one, 337. Product of a scoffer's pen, 479. Profane, hence ye, 262. no divine ordinances, 398. Profaned the God-given strength, 489. Profanely, not to speak it, 137. Profession, debtor to his, 164. Professions, judge of men by their, 644. Professor of our art, 274. Profit and title I resign, 349. by the folly of others, 720. countenance and, 164. no, where is no pleasure, 72. of their shining nights, 54. Profitable, revenge is, 430. Profited, what is a man, 840. Progeny of learning, 440. Progress, man's distinctive mark, 650. their mazy, 382. Progressive virtue, 355. Prohibited degrees of kin, 215. Project crossed, thus their, 672. Projects, multitude of, 709. young men fitter for new, 167. Prologue, excuse came, 239. is this a, or the posy of a ring, 138. Prologues, happy, 116. like compliments, 387. Promethean fire, 56. heat, where is that, 156. Promiscuously applied hands, 548. Promise hope believe, we, 551. keep the word of, 126. most given when least said, 38. never, more than you can perform, 711. of celestial worth, 311. of supply, eating the air on, 88. of your early day, 535. to his loss, though he, 851. who broke no, 323. Promises of youth, 368. oft fails where most it, 73. Promised on a time, 30. Promise-keeping, precise in, 47. Promontory, earth seems a sterile, 134. see one, see all, 189. with trees upon 't, 158. Promotion cometh neither from the east nor west, 821. none will sweat but for, 67. Prompting of nature, 718. Prompts the eternal sigh, which, 318. Pronouncing on his bad, before, 578. Proof, give me ocular, 154. of genius, a great poem is, 590. of the pudding, 789. sweetness yieldeth, 484. 't is a common, 111. Proofs of holy writ, 154. Prop, staff of my age my very, 62. that doth sustain my house, 65. Propagate and rot, 317. Propensities, ruined by natural, 411. Propensity of nature, 253. Proper hue, love's, 238. man as one shall see, 57. mean, the, 801. men as ever trod, 110. study of mankind is man, 317. time of day, no, 586. time to marry, 417. Property has its duties, 582. of easiness, 143. [1062]of friends is common, 761, 763. Prophesy in part, we, 845. Prophet, in the name of the, 517. not without honour, 839. Prophets and apostles all poor, 190. do they live forever, 836. is Saul also among the, 814. of the future, 561. perverts the, 539. Prophet's word, sounds like a, 562. Prophetic cell, priest from the, 251. of her end, 306. ray, tints to-morrow with, 550. soul, O my, 132. strain, something like, 250. Propontic and the Hellespont, 155. Proportion, curtailed of fair, 95. in small, we just beauties see, 180. law and the, 839. preserving the sweetness of, 178. Propose, why don't the men, 581. Proposes, man, but God disposes, 7. Propriety, frights the isle from her, 152. of speech, 169. Proprium humani ingenii, 275. Prose and poetry, definition of, 505. or rhyme, unattempted in, 223. run mad, not poetry but, 327. verse will seem, 280. warbler of poetic, 421. what others say in, 329. words in best order, 505. Proserpina, O, for the flowers now, 77. Proserpine gathering flowers, 232. Prospect less, approaches make the, 181. of belief, within the, 116. of his soul, into the eye and, 53. pleases, though every, 536. Scotchman's noblest, 370. so full of goodly, 253. some have looked on a fair, 468. Prospects brightening, 396. distant, please us, 181. gilded scenes and shining, 299. in view are more pleasing, 402. Prosper, surer to, 226. treason doth never, 39. Prospering, we shall march, 647. Prosperity, a jest's, lies in the ear, 56. all sorts of, 800. could have assured us, 226. education an ornament in, 762. in the day of, 830. is not without many fears, 164. makes friends, 713. man that hath been in, 5. the blessing of the Old Testament, 164. things which belong to, 164. within thy palaces, 824. Prosperous to be just, 657. Prosperum ac felix scelus, 39. Prostitute, puff away the, 274. Prostrate the beauteous ruin lies, 453. Protection of habeas corpus, 435. of vultures to lambs, 442. Protecting power, 674. Protest of the weak, 653. too much, the lady doth, 138. Protestants or Papists believe in the essential articles, 370. Protestantism of the Protestant religion, 408. Protests too much, the lady, 138. Proteus rising from the sea, 477. Protracted life is woe, 365. Proud and mighty have, all the, 358. conceited talking spark, 390. ever fair and never, 151. for a wit, too, 399. grief is, 79. his name, though, 488. in humility, 188. in that they are not proud, 188. instruct my sorrows to be, 79. knowledge is, 422. labour is independent and,
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