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Book online «The Russian Billionaire: A Romantic Suspense Novel Georgia Carre (ink ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Georgia Carre

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about their seriously ill sister, but I can’t help it. Something inside my chest is soaring. She’s not a honey pot! This is the reason why I kept getting weird vibes off her. That’s why she was still a virgin at her age. And that’s why alarm bells were going off in my head the whole time. But all she wants is to ask me for my help. Obviously, I’ll check out if her sick sister’s story is legit, but my intuition is good and I’m pretty sure just by looking at how cut up she is that her story is heartfelt.

I wipe the grin from my face. “I’ll pay for your sister’s procedure.”

Her eyes widen with shock. “What?”

“I’ll pay for it. Isn’t that what you wanted to ask from me?”

She recoils as if in horror. “No. Of course not. I honestly thought about asking you for a loan, which I will pay back in full as soon as possible, but I was never just going to ask you to pay for my sister’s medical bills.”

I shrug. “I am happy to pay for it on one condition.”

“What?” she whispers.

“The procedure must be performed by the best doctors in the best hospital in America.”

Her jaw drops. She snaps it shut, then opens it to say something, but nothing comes out, so she shuts it again. Suddenly, her eyes fill with tears, and she slaps her mouth with her hand. Tears start pouring down her face.

She jumps to her feet and looks around her wildly. “I’m sorry,” she mutters. “Please excuse me.” Then she turns and runs the way we came. I see her talk to a waiter who points her in the direction of the toilets.

She seemed so broken I wanted to crush her to me, but I didn’t. I didn’t because I don’t understand what I’m feeling. I do know though that women don’t affect me like this. Never.

A few minutes later she comes back to the table. Her eyes are red and slightly puffy, but she has herself under control again.

She sits down and looks me in the eye. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you or anything like that. It’s just been such a big burden to carry. I could never really talk to anyone about it. I didn’t want anyone to think that I resented the sacrifice, because I truly didn’t. If anything I wished I could do more, but you cannot understand how big the fear has been to think she could die because I couldn’t earn enough money… and… and… no one has ever been so kind to us as you have just been. I couldn’t possibly take so much money from you. You must let me pay it back.”

I shrug. “I don’t want the money back. I own watches that cost many times more than what your sister needs.”

She blinks, then whispers, “Thank you. Thank you so much. I don’t know what I can ever do to repay you.”

It’s all happening too fast and I am already far more affected by her than I care to admit. So I try to look wolfish as I utter the next words and keep everything on a sexual level. “Oh, I can think of a few things you can do.”

She smiles suddenly and it is like the sun coming out from dark clouds. “Thank you again. From the bottom of my heart. You don’t know what you have done for me and my mom.”

Before I can answer her, I see Blake and his wife enter the bar. As soon as they catch my eye they wave and approach our table.

I stand to greet them.


I turn back to see a well-dressed couple heading towards our table. The woman has long black hair and easily the most uniquely colored eyes I have ever seen. Perhaps it is the lighting in the bar, but they appear to be orangey gold. As for the man he has a cold, forbidding look.

“Hello, how nice to see you here,” Konstantin greets politely. They turn towards me, “Raine, meet Blake and Lana Barrington. Blake and Lana, this is Raine Fillander.”

“Hello, Raine,” both Blake and Lana say. Blake’s face remains aloof and detached, but his wife shoots me a genuinely friendly smile.

“Hello,” I greet back shyly.

“I love your dress,” she says softly.

She manages to sound sincere, but I blush. I can tell just by looking at her dress that it is wildly expensive and mine is a second-hand garment I bought a year ago from Facebook.

“How long are you staying?” Blake asks.

“Just the weekend. It’s Raine’s first time so we’re doing the touristy thing.”

“Right,” he says.

“I have a message from your mother.”

Instantly, the mood in the group changes. Both Barringtons become still.

“She wanted me to tell you to kiss her grandson for her.”

Blake frowns and Lana pales, as if she is scared by the innocuous message. Blake curves his hand protectively around her.

“I have no idea how she knew I was coming to London,” Konstantin continues, “but it would seem that she approached me at the Iserby’s party simply to pass this message on.”

Blake nods, his eyes veiled again. “Thank you for the message. I hope you enjoy your stay. See you in New York next month.”

Then Lana steps forward and kisses Konstantin on the cheek, but I notice that she does exactly the same thing the Countess at the party did. She surreptitiously slips something into his hand before she steps back.

She turns to me, a polite smile on her face, but it is clear that she is now troubled and unhappy. “Have a wonderful time, won’t you?”

“Goodnight,” Blake says to both of us, and they walk away.

“It’s getting late. Shall we go into the dining room and have dinner?” Konstantin asks me.

“Yes, let's,” I reply, turning away from the departing couple and looking up at him.

His expression reveals nothing, but I know then, that the meeting with the Barringtons was not accidental. It was planned. That is what we are

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