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Book online «Famous (The Soul of the World Book 1) David Skato (bill gates books recommendations .txt) 📖». Author David Skato

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in, so shocked at the sight that she dropped her bags, sending groceries flying in every direction.

“What the fuck are you doing Dontae’!” she screamed.

“She tried to-, “ he stammered.

The woman cut him off.  “That boy got the devil in him girl!”

“But-“He tried to defend himself.

Now his aunt was in a frenzy. “-But hell! You got to get your lil ass out my house now!”

“Wait a minute Clara,” The woman spoke up. “I was about to go to church. Just let him go with me. We got to get some God in this boy.”

“You better take his ass on before I- I swear fo’ god,” His aunt screamed.

Dontae’ didn’t know what was happening. Before he knew it, he was on his way to church in swimming shorts, flip flops, and a muscle shirt.  The woman didn’t know how much Clara had witnessed, but she did know that it all had to look like it was Dontae’s fault.  The woman had come up with this stupid plan in an instant, and now she was stuck with him. She knew that the kid wasn’t going for the sexual advances, so with evil in her eyes, she did what she said she would do, took him to church.  They pulled into the church’s packed parking lot. This must have been a special Sunday or something because everyone was dressed to perfection. The boys had on suits, and the girls wore lovely flowery dresses. The woman got out of the car and walked to the passenger side where Dontae’ sat. She opened the door and made sure to stand close to the boy, thinking that he may run.

Donate’ was so confused at this point that running didn’t cross his mind. He walked through the church doors with his head hanging low. Kids in the aisle laughed and giggled as the woman forced him to the front pew. The band was playing a fast-paced song, and people were shouting and praising all around. Dontae’ sunk in his seat, trying not to draw too much attention. He just wanted this nightmare to be over. Finally, the preacher stood and began his sermon.  He talked about finding your path and then directed the subject to something that sent fear through Dontae’s body that he had never felt before.

“The bible says come as you are.” The preacher shouted. “God doesn’t care about what you wear to church!”

People started shouting and screaming, “Amen.” Dontae’ sunk lower. Suddenly, the preacher’s eyes darted towards him. “Oh shit,” the kid muttered before he knew it.

“Look at this young man!” The preacher shouted. “God told him to come today wearing flip flops. What a mighty God we serve. Come on up here!” The man shouted, waving his hand in an urging motion.  The woman grabs Dontae’ by the shoulders and thrust him upwards. He never forgot the evil grin on her face. It was almost like a clown from a twisted horror movie. Dontae’ reluctantly made it onto the stage. His head was pouring with sweat, his eye tearing up. Because of the daze that he was now in, He couldn’t make out what the preacher was saying; all he heard was babble. He could see kids in the back falling out of their pews laughing hysterically. He was thirteen. This wasn’t right. At that moment, he closed his eyes and imagined being anywhere but here. He vowed that the church was a place of hell, and if God lives here and allows this, he never wanted anything to do with God.

Now he stood in the front of “Mt. Sinai Valley Baptist Church.” He notices that there are only three cars in the parking lot but being that this was a very small church, he thought the odds of finding who he was looking for were good. He walks in.

Inside the church was the usual. Jesus on the cross headlined the back wall above the pulpit. The pews lined neatly from front to back with red seats and oak wood frames with each garnishing The Holy Bible in the small back compartment.

Dontae’ sees one woman in the back cleaning a baptism pool.  He approached her with a smile.

“I’m looking for Angela Coker.”

The woman turns and looks down her glasses at him.

“I’m Angela.”

“I’m Detective wade. I want to talk with you about the accident you had about a week ago.

“I thought this was over.” The woman sighed, appearing defeated. She slowly sat down on the edge of the pool. “Okay.”

“I’ll try to make it quick. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Not much to tell really. I was going down Northside Ave, and the guy just ran out in front of me. I got out the car and-” She paused.

“And what?” he pushed.

Angela stared into space like a deer stuck in headlights.  She soon shook it off and bounced back into this reality.

“Nothing. I got out of the car and called 9 - 1 - 1.” She looked down and started to shake her head. “That poor boy. He didn’t have a chance. I- I didn’t try to hit him. He was looking back. Running. He was running from something.”

“You mean from someone.” Angela looks back and up at the Crucifix.

“Angela, please tell me. No matter how it sounds. Just say it.” Dontae’ offered.

She turns back to Dontae’. “Well. When I got out, I looked to see who he was running from. I could have sworn I saw something standing in the ally. Just for a brief second. I saw it.”

She then looks into Dontae’s eyes with a gaze so deep that you would have thought she was looking into his soul. “Detective, do you believe in the devil?”

Dontae’ became very uncomfortable. He breaks the eye contact. “No.”

“Then how can you believe in God?” The woman asked, concerned.

The emotions of a broken thirteen-year-old kid started to rise to the surface. He couldn’t show this stranger his hurt.

“I believe I have to go. Thanks for your cooperation.” He steps away and heads for the door.

The woman

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