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the guy already.

Instead of replying, he fired up the engine and headed back to the highway. If Jenna wanted to flirt with every guy between Seattle and Douglas, she could go right ahead. It didn't bother him in the least. They were both free agents. No romantic entanglements.

But that didn't explain why he was so pissed off. He must have had too much caffeine today. That was it. Too much coffee and soda.

He wasn't jealous. Not at all.


If Knox had had any doubts about Jenna's adopted family having money, he didn't now. Clearly, the Waters clan had plenty of wealth to hire him and his firm with lots and lots to spare. The large, stately home sat on a huge lot surrounded by mountains and trees, set back from the road by a long, winding driveway, with a large garage on the opposite side. According to Michelle, Jenna's sister, there was a small stream towards the back of the property where they often had picnics.

So there was Michelle Waters. Where Jenna was blonde and blue-eyed, Michelle was dark-haired with soft brown eyes, the mirror image of her twin sister Lori. Michelle seemed open and friendly, smiling when they were introduced. She'd even spontaneously hugged him, whispering her thanks for helping them in his ear. He definitely heard a sob of emotion in her tone and tears sparkled in her eyes.

The unexpected person was Tom Waters, Jr. Knox was positive that Jenna hadn't mentioned having a brother at all but he was real. He had the same coloring as Michelle but appeared to be older by quite a bit. But the man was friendly, shaking Knox's hand and welcoming him to their home. He wasn't as open as Michelle though, seemingly sizing Knox up. That was fine. In a way, it made Knox respect Tom all the more.

Despite the formality of the outside of the home, the inside was light, bright, and cheery. High ceilings, large windows, and overstuffed couches and chairs gave the house a warmth and charm that Knox hadn't expected.

Knox lifted a gold-framed photo off the fireplace mantle, studying the three smiling women in the picture, standing in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"Yes, that's us and Lori," Michelle said, standing at his elbow. "We took that on our twenty-fifth birthday. We were all on a special vacation to celebrate our birthdays. They're all within a month and a half of each other."

"You look like you're having fun."

Lori and Michelle looked almost completely alike. They wore their hair differently and it was clear they had a different fashion sense, but their features were identical. Lori liked to wear bright colors while Michelle preferred a more neutral palette. Jenna fell somewhere in the middle.

"We did. We always had fun together," Michelle said with an audible sigh. "I can't even begin to tell you how close we all were. Jenna's always been like a real sister to us. From the very first. She just...fit in if you know what I mean. Like she was a long-lost family member. Mom and Dad adored her."

"That didn't bother you?"

Knox couldn't help the cynical questions that popped into his mind. He was a cop and that made him wary when he met new people. The vibe he got from Michelle was good and happy but...

Michelle smiled wider. "No, we were thrilled. I don't expect other people to understand it. It seems like something that only happens in the movies and not real life, but we just felt this instant kinship with her. She's the most amazing person."

"I'm sure she is."

Where were Tom and Jenna? They'd disappeared. Knox was alone with Michelle, and she had a certain expression on her face. She wanted to talk about stuff. Stuff he didn't want to talk about.


"I understand that you're upset with my sister," Michelle went on. "You feel like she lied to you and now you think you can't trust her."

He didn't want to discuss this. This wasn't her business.

"I don't think we should–"

"But you can trust her. She's the most trustworthy person I've ever known except for Lori. She's a truly wonderful person, and there's so few of those in the world."

"I'm sure she is," Knox repeated, keeping his tone even. "This is really between Jenna and myself."

Frowning, Michelle shook her head. "I know that I shouldn't butt in. Jenna would be furious if she knew that I was saying any of this but I know that she has feelings for you, Knox. She cares about you."

Knox's fingers tightened on the picture frame, the metal cutting into the flesh.

"I don't want to be rude but I can't talk to you about this." He had to change the subject. Right now. "Why don't you tell me about Michelle and Cal? And about the last time you saw her?"

She nodded and stepped away, sinking down onto a sofa cushion. "I'll be honest with you, Knox. I was never the biggest fan of your brother Cal. From the very beginning, it seemed like he was trying to separate her from her friends and family. He would get upset about the smallest issues and guilt Lori into doing everything his way and on his timetable."

Yep, that sounded like Knox's brother. His dad too.

"I tried reasoning with Lori but she was in love. She kept talking about how wonderful he was in the beginning and I guess she kept thinking that he would go back to that. From what I could see from the outside, he never did though. He just became more petty and demanding as time went on. I was thrilled when she

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