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Book online «Mountain Secrets Elizabeth Goddard (life changing books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Goddard

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had the chance, she had to put as much distance as possible between her and the man after her. Once he found the trail, he could easily catch her.

Jewel found that even on the trail she couldn’t move as fast as she’d hoped. She limped along, tried to keep from breathing so hard, but it was impossible. Her heart pounded too fast from exertion. From terror. And it all drained her energy much too quickly.

All her plans to make it to the road, to use her knowledge of the area, wouldn’t work if she couldn’t move, but her legs felt as if they were stuck in concrete that was quickly drying.

Pulling from what little reserve remained, Jewel limped harder and faster, pushing around the curve in the trail that led deeper into the dark canopy.

She slammed into something.

A body.

A man.

Heart palpitating, Jewel flailed away, fear stabbing through her.

He gripped her arms. Jewel screamed and fought back. Moments ago, she’d felt as if her energy was gone, but in this moment adrenaline fueled her self-defense techniques. She stunned her attacker. And freed herself from the man’s grip.

Surprised, she pushed away from him, but tripped and fell on the trail. She scrambled to her feet to run, fight-or-flight hormones surging through her.


Her brain caught up with her body, cleared away the panic and confusion.

Chief Winters.


She turned to see his approach. Then she collapsed against him.

His arms held her tight, held her up. His words comforted her, calmed her racing heart. She was safe. How many times had she dreamed of being in his arms? Having them around her to comfort her? And how many times had she scolded herself for those forbidden thoughts? But this wasn’t the same thing. She could allow herself this. And for that, she was glad.

Gathering her composure, Jewel leaned away, though he still held her. “It’s not safe here. He’s coming.”

“Who, Jewel? Who is coming?”

“The man who has been trying to kill me. Officer Roberts—”

“Is fine. A crew is pulling him out of the vehicle even now.” Pain flashed in his eyes. “I’m glad you were able to escape. I wasn’t sure—”

“What are you doing here?”

Colin’s broad shoulders straightened. “Looking for you. I thought it would be quicker to head you off at this trail. I figured you would come this way because you know the area.”

“But what about...the man after me?” Jewel had almost said Buck, but she had too many doubts about that. Especially now. He was with Meral, and the Suburban wasn’t his.

“Two officers are searching the woods, following the direction Officer Roberts thought you’d taken.” He pulled her closer. “Jewel.”

The way he said her name sent warmth flooding through her being. This wasn’t how police officers acted with those they were sworn to help. No. Jewel recognized it for what it was.

That forbidden attraction they’d skirted for years. That Jewel had tried to ignore. With her energy focused on staying alive and solving this, the barriers protecting her heart were quickly crumbling. Her attraction to him—which went far beyond the physical—was taking hold.

Her heart pounded harder, almost making her believe she could take the risk with him. A longing she’d forgotten threatened to pull her over and under. She squeezed her eyes shut, savoring the moment—a moment she’d never dreamed would happen. A moment she couldn’t allow to continue.

It was wrong. All wrong.

She stepped from his arms and immediately missed the strength and comfort of his embrace. A chill moved in fast. But she couldn’t risk the pain that she knew would follow eventually. Inevitably.

It was a matter of survival.

Colin lifted his hand to cup her cheek, but the warning look in her gaze stopped him. Conflicting emotions filled her eyes—regret and longing—and those emotions nearly did him in.

He cleared his throat and attempted to put his head and heart straight again. Should he apologize for wanting to comfort her? For wanting to be close?

He hadn’t expected his own reaction. Hadn’t expected to lose control when she’d fallen into his arms, needing safety and comfort. Jewel was strong and self-sufficient and, even in this desperate crisis, he hadn’t expected her need to surface like this. Or maybe he had.

Maybe he wanted her to need him.

Enough with pretense, already. He wanted to hold and comfort Jewel Caraway. And so much more. He always had. But he couldn’t. From now on he should muster more control. Try harder.

Because right now he hadn’t shored up his heart and mind enough. That much was clear. Already his heart was tripping and tumbling inside because she’d been attacked.

“I’m just glad I found you. Are you all right, all things considered?”

“I need to see Doc again, but I’m mostly fine. And I’m glad you found me, too.” She covered her eyes for a moment, then dropped her hands. “It’s not safe. He could still be out there.”

“Did you see him this time?”

She shook her head and searched the woods and trail, as did Colin. “No, I was too busy running, but I heard the footfalls. I even called out to him and asked what he wanted.”

Colin held his weapon, prepared to use it and end this once and for all. He almost wished the man would show himself. But with his officers combing the woods from the opposite direction, it was likely the attacker had taken off.

He used his radio to call his men. A vehicle matching the description of the black monster Suburban used in the attack had been stolen yesterday. As soon as Colin had heard the truck’s description, he had known it belonged to Jim Humphrey. Good man. Made his living as a commercial fisherman. He also knew that Jim was in the hospital fighting an infection.

So far there was no sign of the truck. Colin’s officers had found nothing but tracks. He could work with tracks. There were only two ways on and off this side of the mountain, and neither involved four wheels.

Colin reached for Jewel’s hand. “Come on. Let me get you

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