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illusion that you are welcome in this dwelling.”

In Category Military rank is observed whilst in uniform, even though neither individual is currently on active service. Joe had automatically come to attention. He said, stiffly, “Sir, I am calling upon your sister, Dr. Haer.”

“Indeed,” Baron Haer said, his nostrils high in that attitude once perfected by grandees of medieval Spain, landed gentry of England, Prussian Junkers. “I find that my sister, in her capacity as medical scientist, seems to go to extreme in her research. What aspect of the lower classes is she studying in your case, major?”

Joe flushed. “Baron Haer,” he said, “we seem to have got off on the wrong foot when we participated in that fracas against Continental Hovercraft under your father, the late Baron. I would appreciate an opportunity to start over again.”

“Would you indeed?” Balt Haer said loftily. He turned his eye to Philip Holland, whose mouth bore the slightest suggestions of suppressed humor. “Unless I am mistaken, the conversation at the time of my entry seemed to have a distinctly subversive element. Shouldn’t this be somewhat surprising in the secretary of the administration’s foreign minister?”

Philip Holland said crisply, “You must have intruded, um-m-m, that is, entered, at the end of a sentence, Baron Haer. We were merely discussing the various methods, down through the ages, that ruling classes have utilized to perpetuate themselves in power.”

Haer obviously disbelieved him. He said, “For example?”

“There are many examples,” Holland said, reseating himself. “For instance, the medieval feudalistic class who dominated the ignorant and highly superstitious serfdom soon found it expedient to add to their titles by grace of God, as though it was God’s wish that they be count or baron, prince or king. What serf would dare attempt the overthrow of his lord, in the face of God’s wishes?”

“I see,” Balt Haer said. “And other examples?”

Holland shrugged. “The Chinese Mandarins utilized possibly the most unique method of a governing class perpetuating itself ever known, certainly one of the most gentle.”

Haer was scowling at him, obviously out of his depth, as was Joe Mauser for that matter.

Holland said crisply, “The mandarins devised a written language so complicated that it took at least ten years to master reading and writing, thus assuring that only the very well-to-do could afford to educate their sons. When invaded, as so often China has been invaded, only the mandarins were in the position to serve the conquerors by carrying on the paperwork so vital to any advanced society. So, still in control of the machinery of government, they continued to perpetuate themselves, and shortly⁠—as history is reckoned⁠—we found the conquerors assimilated and the mandarins still in power.”

Balt Haer said impatiently, “I seem to be under the impression that you were speaking of more current times, when I entered, Mr. Holland.”

From the door, Nadine said, “Good heavens, Balt, are you badgering my guests again?”

The three men faced her.

Balt said nastily, “I am astonished that you persist in bringing members of the lower orders into my home, Nadine.”

“Our home, Balt. In fact, if you must bring up such matters before outsiders, you will recall that you converted your portion of the family estate into continental Hovercraft stock, shortly before father met Baron Zwerdling’s forces in the recent fracas. No wonder you dislike Major Mauser. Through his efforts, our company won, rather than losing as you had expected.”

Her brother, who could have been only slightly her senior, was obviously enraged. “Are you suggesting that I am not welcome to stay in this, our family home, simply because the property is in your name?”

“Not at all,” she sighed. “You are always at home here, Balt, I simply demand that you exercise common courtesy to my guests.”

He turned and walked stiff kneed from the room.

“Sorry,” Joe said to Nadine.

“Why?” she said simply. “The fact of the matter is that Balt and I are continually at each other. He is quite the active member of the Nathan Hale society.”

Joe frowned his ignorance and looked at Holland.

Holland chuckled. “An ultraconservative⁠—reactionary might be the better term⁠—organization devoted to witch hunting and such in its efforts to maintain the status quo, major. Once again, history repeats itself. Such groups invariably evolve when basic change threatens a socioeconomic system.” He looked at Nadine. “I must be going, my dear. My, how charming you look. If this is the customary garb whilst going a-gliding, I shall have to take up the sport.”

“Why Phil, inane words of flattery from serious old you?”

Joe squirmed inwardly, wondering again upon what basis was the friendship of Nadine Haer and Philip Holland.

The butler entered and said, “A call for Major Mauser, if you please.”

Only Max Mainz, his batman during his last fracas and now permanently attached to Joe, knew that he might be found at this address. Joe said to Nadine, “Would you pardon me for a moment? I assume it’s something important, or I wouldn’t be disturbed.”

She said, demurely, “Undoubtedly one of the feminine members of a Joe Mauser buff club.”

He snorted amusement and followed the butler to the library and the tele-screen.

Max Mainz’s face loomed in the viewing screen. As soon as Joe appeared, he said, “Major, sir, the marshal’s been trying to get hold of you ever since you left the hotel.”

“The marshal?” Joe scowled.

“Marshal Cogswell. That one they call Stonewall Cogswell. And when he wants somebody, he really wants ’em, and I got a feeling it’s a good idea to come on the double.”

Joe laughed. “Stonewall Cogswell’s a tough one all right, Max.”

“You ain’t just a countin’ down, major, sir. He says when I get hold of you to come on over to his headquarters soonest.”

“All right, Max, thanks.” Joe flicked the set off.

Actually, Max was right. You didn’t ignore a summons from Marshal Cogswell. Not if you were in the Category Military and ambitious. The date with Nadine was off. And just when he was beginning to detect signs of her meeting him on his own level.


It was the common practice among

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