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there is oft a, 648. Scars, gashed with honourable, 496. jests at, that never felt a wound, 105. remaining, they stood aloof the, 500. Scarce expect one of my age, 459. would move a horse, 416. Scarecrows, no eye hath seen such, 86. Scared out of his seven senses, 493. Scarfed bark, 62. Scarfs garters gold, 318. Scatter plenty, 385. Scene be acted over, this lofty, 112. last of all, 69. not one fair, 582. o'er this changing, 535. of man, o'er all this, 314. on which they gazed, 468. that memorable, 263. tread again the, 407. was more beautiful far, 528. was o'er, the proud, 331. Scenes, gay and festive, 678. gay gilded, 299. like these, from, 447. like this, to live and die in, 522. of my childhood, 537. Scent of odorous perfume, 242. of the roses, 522. the fair annoys, whose, 415. the morning air, methinks I, 132. to every flower, gives, 414. Scents, pleasant, salute the nose, 655. Scented the grim feature, 239. Sceptic could inquire for, 210. Sceptre, a barren, in my gripe, 121. all who meet obey, 550. leaden, stretches forth her, 306. our flag the, 550. shows the force of temporal power, 64. Sceptred hermit, a, 677. [1078]isle, this, 81. pall, tragedy in, 250. sovereigns, dead but, 554. sway, mercy is above this, 64. Scheld or wandering Po, 394. Scheme for her own breakfast, 311. Schemes o' mice, best laid, 446. Schiller has the material sublime, 505. Scholar and a gentleman, 447. in the soldier more than in the, 151. rake Christian dupe, 388. ripe and good one, 101. Scholars, base born, the greatest, 190. great men, not great, 638. the land of, 395. Scholar's life assail, the, 365. soldier's eye, 136. School, creeping unwillingly to, 69. days, in my joyful, 509. experience keeps a dear, 360. of mankind, example the, 411. of Stratford, 1. saint in wisdom's, 181. tell tales out of, 12. the Satanic, 508. Schools, flogging in great, 372. jargon of the, 287, 414. old maxim in the, 290. Schoolboy, whining, 69. whips his taxed top, 462. with his satchel, 69, 354. Schoolboys, frisk away like, 447. Schoolboy's tale, a, 541. Schooldays, in my, 60. Schoolmaster is abroad, 527. Science, bright-eyed, 383. eel of, by the tail, 331. fair, frowned not, on his birth, 386. falsely so-called, 848. glare of false, 428. good sense though no, 322. new, that men lere, 6. of our law, the lawless, 627. one, will one genius fit, 323. proud, never taught to stray, 315. sort of hocus-pocus, 350. star-eyed, 513. Sciences, all the abstruse, 556. books must follow, 168. Scilurus on his death-bed, 731. Scio's rocky isle, old man of, 550. Scion of chiefs and monarchs, 547. Scipio buried by the upbraiding shore, 545. Scipio's ghost walks unavenged, 298. Scoff, fools who came to, 397. Scoffer's pen, product of a, 479. Scolding from Carlyle, 637. Scole of Stratford, 1. Scope of my opinion, 126. Score and tally, no books but the, 94. Scorn delights, 247. for the time of, 155. in spite of, 225. laugh a siege to, 125. laugh thee to, 837. laughed his word to, 415. not the sonnet, 485. of consequence, 623. of eyes reflecting gems, 96. of scorn the hate of hate, 623. read to doubt or read to, 494. to laugh to, 71. what a deal of, looks beautiful, 76. Scorns of time, whips and, 135. Scorned, no fury like a woman, 294. slighted, disappointed woman, 296. Scornful jest, most bitter is a, 366. Scorning the base degrees, 111. Scorpion died of the bite, 400. Scot and lot, 178. Scots, a few industrious, 37. wha hae wi Wallace bled, 450. wham Bruce has often led, 450. Scotch nation void of wit, 389. understanding, 459. Scotched the snake, 121. Scotchman, left to a beggarly, 370. much may be made of a, 371. Scotchman's noblest prospect, 370. Scotia's grandeur springs, 447. Scotland at the Orcades, 318. stands, where it did, 124. Scotland's strand, fair, 452. Scoundrel and a coward, 370. last refuge of a, 372. maxim, 357. Scoured with perpetual motion, 88. Scourge inexorable, 226. of God, him that was the, 571. whose iron, 382. Scourged to his dungeon, 572. Scours the plain, Camilla, 324. Scout, the blabbing Eastern, 243. Scraps of learning dote, on, 310. stolen the, 56. Scratched, a little, 't will serve, 56. Screw your courage to the sticking place, 118. Scripture authentic, 310. elder, writ by God, 310. the devil can cite, 61. Scruple of her excellence, 46. Sculptured in stone on poet's pages, 648. marble, although no, 531. Scutcheon, honour a mere, 87. Scuttled ship, that ever, 557. Scylla and Charybdis, 810. your father, 64. Scyllam, incidis in, 64. S'death I 'll print it, 326.
Sea, alone on a wide wide, 498. as stars look on the, 607. beheld and fled, the great, 261. best thing between England and France, 597. boisterous captain of the, 392. by the deep, where none intrude, 547. cloud out of the, 815. come o'er the moonlit, 611. compassed by the inviolate, 623. desert of the, 833. down to a sunless, 500. dreary, now blows between, 500. far-heard whisper o'er the, 498. first gem of the, 522. [1079]footsteps in the, 423. fountain stream and, 496. give a thousand furlongs of, 42. glad waters of the dark blue, 550. go down to the, in ships, 823. grew civil at her song, 57. his deeds inimitable like the, 36. hollows crowned with summer, 629. home on the rolling, 679. how the fishes live in the, 161. I 'm on the, 538. in rage deaf as the, 80. in the bosom of the, 94, 182. in the flat, sunk, 244. in the rough rude, 81. into that silent, 498. is a thief, 109. is calm, when the, 710. isles that o'erlace the, 645. lane of beams athwart the, 625. light that never was on, 475. like to the Pontic, 155. loved the great, more and more, 538. Marathon looks on the, 557. money to a starving man at, 786. most dangerous, 63. music of the, 503. my bark is on the, 553. no breath came o'er the, 611. nor earth nor boundless, 162. now flows between a dreary, 500. of glory, summers in a, 99. of pines, silent, 501. of troubles, arms against a, 135. of upturned faces, 493, 531. on life's rough, 37. one as the, 496. one foot in, and one on shore, 51, 405. one voice is of the, 478. or fire in earth or air, in, 126. or land, thing of, 242. our flag is known in every, 605. our heritage the, 537. Peri beneath the dark, 526. pouring oil on the, 740. precious stone set in the silver, 81. Proteus rising from the, 477. robs the vast, 109. rolls its waves, while the, 675. scattered in the bottom of the, 96. ships that have gone down at, 527. sight of that immortal, 478. sing the dangers of the, 672. siren who sung under the, 521. stern god of, 253. swelling of the voiceful, 503. the breeze is on the, 494. the open, the blue the fresh, 538. the passenger pukes in, 559. they who plough the, 712. under the deep deep, 583. union with its native, 480. upon the rosy, 524. uttermost parts of the, 824. was roaring, 't was when the, 347. wave o' the, I wish you a, 78. wet sheet and flowing, 537. what thing of, or land, 242. whether in, or fire, 126. Seas, dangers of the, 176. foam of perilous, 575. guard our native, 514. incarnadine, 120. of gore, shedding, 559. of thought, strange, 475. rivers run to, 274. roll to waft me, 316. Severn to the narrow, 483. such a jewel as twenty, 44. two boundless, 525. unsuspected isle in the far, 644. Sea-born treasures, my, 598. Sea-change, suffer a, 42. Sea-coal fire, by a, 89. Sea-girt citadel, winged, 541. Seal, seem to set his, 140. Seals of love but sealed in vain, 49. that close the pestilence, 562. Sealed their letters with their thumbs, 460. Sea-maid's music, to hear the, 57. Seamen, the gentlemen were not, 593. Sea-sand, brown as the ribbed, 498. Search men's principles, 752. not his bottom, 257. not worth the, 60. nothing so hard but, will find it, 203. of deep philosophy, 260. patient, and vigil long, 555. the coffers round, 251. vain my weary, 395. Searches to the bottom, 102. Sea-shore, boy playing on the, 278. Season, each thing that grows in, 54. ever 'gainst that, 127. everything at its proper, 720. from that time unto this, 30. priketh every gentil herte, 2. shock of corn in his, 816. things seasoned by,
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