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Book online «The Price of Exorcism Dakota Brown (ebooks children's books free txt) 📖». Author Dakota Brown

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similar material to the crystal Sabian had sent me. That wasstill in my jacket pocket.

"How do you do that?"

"It's a glamour."

"Is that how you hide your horns, too?"

Ezra's eyebrows rose before he smiled. "Yes,basically."

My fingers twitched of their own accord. I knew he'dlet me investigate. I also knew I wouldn't get away with just a quick check, soI kept my hands to myself.

"So, hell. What can you tell me?"

"Well, parts of it are extremely unpleasant, andparts of it are quite decent. It's populated by demons and some othercreatures, and it's split into territories. I'll show you around my territoryfirst, so you can get an idea of what we're heading into, and then we'll goretrieve Sabian. If all goes well, it won't take very long."

"How likely is it to be easy?"

Ezra smiled. "I wouldn't hold my breath."


He shrugged. "You want him back. I want him back.This is the only thing I could come up with. Your exorcist powers will work inhell. If you banish a demon there, they will simply be sent back to whateverplace they consider home, as I said."

"So, if we're in their home, it won't be useful,but if we're not, then it'll buy us some time?"

Ezra nodded.

"What else?"

"You should have access to your magical abilities,as well."

"Yeah, except I don't really know any other magicbesides some small spells and stuff."

"I suspect you'll want to work on that."

"Yeah, Mal thinks so, too. It took me a while torecover from that fight, though. You trashed my aura pretty hard."

"I'm sorry for that," Ezra replied, voicesoftening.

I shrugged. It was done and had been necessary. "Okay,so we're stuck here for a couple of days while we chat with these friends ofyours. Why did you bring me again?"

"Associates. Only a handful of them would Iconsider anything close to a friend. Demons, especially princes, do not exactlyhave friends. I brought you in case you noticed something I don't, and becauseI didn't want to come alone."

"Right. When do these meetings start?" Iwasn't sure what to think about me being Ezra's idea of good company forsupernatural meetings.


"Great. So, what are we doing tonight?"

"Dinner?" He tilted his head, questioningly."A night on the town?"


"Then you'll need to change."

"I what?" I was wearing my jacket out ofhabit, though I needed to figure something else out if we were going outside.There was no way I wanted to wear the leather in this damp heat, no matter howmany times it had saved my ass. I also had on a tank top and my normal ripped,acid washed jeans.

"While I'm not trying to impress you," hesaid and grinned. "I would like to treat you to a very nice meal. I knowjust the place, but they have a dress code."

I wrinkled my lips.

"It's worth it, Chris."

"All right, fine, but I didn't bring anythingnice. I'm not even sure I have anything nice."

"That isn't an issue."

"Can't wear dressy clothes if I don't have any."

"Yes. We can either go shopping, or you can trustme to summon something for you."

"You want to go shopping?" I arched aneyebrow and smiled at him, seeing how far his good will was going to extend. Iseriously doubted he actually liked shopping. I didn't, either, but I wasn'tsure if he knew that or not.

He hesitated before replying, "It's not somethingI do often," he allowed, looking a little worried.

I chuckled. "Naw, I hate shopping." Ithought back to a few weeks ago when he'd been in possession of me. There was awhite space he had somehow brought me to where we could talk face to face, asit were. Though apparently it was all in my head. He'd once dressed me in thisrather fancy, black evening dress.

I grinned. "You've got better taste then I do.You can pick."

Looking a little relieved, Ezra nodded. "Heels?"

"Only if you want to freaking carry me."

He nodded and stood, eyes unfocusing for a momentbefore he held out his hand and a long black dress appeared.

"A bit more practical than the other one."He handed it over. "Also, since you really shouldn't go unarmed." He summonedsomething else.

I took it. "Mmm, sexy." It was a thighsheath for my knife.

He grinned and shrugged then handed over a pair offlats that went with the dress.

"So, where did these come from?"

"You want to know?"

"I guess as long as no one is going to miss them."


"Thanks, mate." I headed back to my room tochange.

Ezra did have good taste. The fabric slithered againstmy skin in a most enjoyable fashion. The dress left my arms bare, hugged myframe, and gathered on my chest, showing a bit of cleavage. The skirt was fullenough to hide the knife I'd strapped to my thigh. It wasn't completelyaccessible, but it was better than nothing. I slipped the shoes on, not sure ifI felt ridiculous, or sexy, but I guess this was what I was wearing tonight.

When I came out of the bedroom, Ezra had changed, aswell. He was back in his normal suit and looked very sharp.

"One other problem," I said as I enjoyedlooking at him.


I held up my wallet. "I don't have any way tocarry this without my jacket."

"I'll carry it for you, if you like. Or I canfind you a purse."

I considered, then shrugged and handed my wallet over.He put it in his pocket then offered me his arm.

"That's an awful lot of touching for someone whodoesn't like to be touched." I let him take my arm.

"I told you, I like touching you." Theseduction was back in his voice, but it didn't completely destroy my brain likeit had before. That was a relief.

And so, on a demon's arm, I headed out on the town.

This was certainly a first.

The heat was still high, and sweat beaded on my skin,but I was reasonably comfortable in the light dress. Ezra probably wasn't evenhot. Mayhem trotted along behind us, seeming unconcerned.

We walked for a few blocks, and I took in the sights.High end shops, little cafés, the press of people. Now that I wasn't off kilterfrom running into an old friend, I could settle in to enjoy the sights.

"Hopefully Malak's cooking skills haven'tcompletely ruined you for restaurants," Ezra

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