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Book online «Half Dead World: Book One from the Apocalypse Tales Adrienne Hargrove (interesting books to read .txt) 📖». Author Adrienne Hargrove

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wish she would at least message me and tell me what’s going on. It’s just not like her”

“I’m sure everything is fine, don’t jump to conclusions.”

“You’re right. I’m probably worried over nothing.”

I look to Lucius about to comment on the irony of my friend’s exchange, when I see Fin walk in the school doors looking tired and disheveled. I notice immediately Fin doesn’t have a glow around him. I gasp slightly as I see faint trails of black smoke like evil tendrils trying to grab after him. I raise my hand and point towards them.

“What does that mean? Why is the darkness trailing Fin like that?”

“It means he is coming under attack. The darkness has targeted him because they think they can claim him. They know he is about to find out about your death. Evil will strike when he is at his lowest. It looks as though they have already been at work. He looks tired and it would seem his father has harmed him again.”

My head snaps over to inspect Fin more closely and I notice I red mark across his Jaw just barely beginning to turn purple. “Oh Fin, I’m so sorry.” I whisper to myself.

“Who or what is the darkness?”

“It is hard to say with any certainty. Possibly fallen angels cast out of heaven. I have often wondered if it is simply dark energy. An accumulation of all the sin and depravity on earth. It grows, and feeds off each evil act committed, infecting the world, and its inhabitants. Think about it like an oil spill in the gulf. It covers the water suffocating the purity of life. A pelican covered in it can survive, but it often requires someone to rescue it, to wash it clean.”

I can’t hide the look of devastation written across my face. Fin has no one to rescue him. Lucius bends down to look me in the eyes. “Just because they are attacking does not mean they will succeed. Fin has had a difficult life, but it has made him strong. He will not break easily.”

I nod my head and try to take comfort in Lucius’s words, but I am wracked with guilt for not being a better friend to him. I hate myself for not seeing that he needed me, even as he pushed me away. Fin is strong, but I can’t stand the thought of him suffering for my sake. Why would God let this happen to him...why won’t he rescue Fin?

“Careful now, your thoughts are growing dark.”

I look at him stunned. “How can you tell?”

“Your energy, the color is growing murky.”

“You can see that?”

“Yes, and soon you will be able to as well. You are still adjusting and have not fully gained perspective of your new domain.”

“I just wish I would have done something to help him, I shouldn’t have been so blind.”

“Haven, I haven’t been around Fin as much as you and Jackson because his house has been shrouded in darkness for many years. But I have watched him enough to know that no matter what you did, he would not have allowed you to be involved. He wanted to protect you from the ugliness that surrounded his life.”

I look down not wanting to see the disappointment, and judgement in Lucius’s face when I ask what I really want to know. “Where is God in all of this...why isn’t he helping Fin? Why has he let Fin’s dad hurt him all these years?” There is silence for a moment while I stare at the stained concrete of the breezeway, wishing answers would appear at my feet.

“Haven, look at me.”

I look up, but it’s not disappointment or judgement I see in the face of Lucius. It is compassion and understanding.

“We have all asked that question. It is hard to watch all the pain of this world. I do not have some magic answer for you. But we do have a promise from God. All of this will end. We will live in a time that is free from darkness, and free from all the suffering it brings. You just have to have faith and hold on.”

I give Lucius a sardonic smile, as I motion with my hands palm up, sweeping them away from my body.

“Obviously, faith has never been my strong suit.”

With his head slightly tilted and a knowing look in his eyes, he says.

“Do not worry, it will be. Come, we do not want to be late for school. I am certain of all the things life has to offer; Mr. Daxter is what you will miss the most.”

I laugh and nudge him without thinking. I expect a look of disapproval at the small explosion of color. Instead, I see a boyish grin on my spirit guides face. Just the sight of it relaxes me as we walk into school.

We sit through and uneventful morning and make our way to the lunchroom. About halfway through the thirty-minute break we see the faculty, stir to gather around principle Hebert. Lucius, leans in, “Brace yourself, they are about to be told.” I look at my closest friends Kirra, and Fin, my almost boyfriend Jackson, and all the people I have grown up around. Mr. Herbert moves to the front of the room and quiets the student body.

“Students, I have some tragic news.” His voice shakes slightly before he regains his composure. “Last night Haven Hollock, and her parents, Chris and Kelly Hollock, were killed in a traffic accident on Hwy 31. I know this is a devastating loss for you students and the community as a whole. There will be grief counselors available for the next week. If anyone feels they need support or help coping with this tragic situation, please feel free to go see the counselors at any time during school hours.”

I watch as the blood drains from

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