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Book online «For The Love Of A God Rosanna Leo (best novels in english txt) 📖». Author Rosanna Leo

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her alone, so would Nemesis. He had to keep Nemesis convinced Maia meant nothing to him.

"Aren't you listening to me?” interrupted Dionysus.

"Not really."

"Eryx, you need to see sense. Embrace your sense of debauchery! You've been punishing yourself long enough. Chloe is long gone."

He flashed him a look of anger. “Don't even say her name."

"Why the hell not? I'm not the one who killed her!” He looked up to the ceiling, as if silently begging for strength. “You know, you've practically beatified Chloe in your own head out of guilt. If she was the great love of your life, why did you even come with me to the orgy? If I recall correctly, it didn't take a lot of persuasion on my part."

"Dionysus!” Eric stood, enraged, his fists clenched. “Just go."

The other god inhaled. “Fine. Be a martyr. Deny yourself what you really want, but I won't.” He walked right up to his cousin and whispered in his ear. “Starting with sweet Sarah. But don't worry. I'll let her finish her shift here first. I'll fuck her later."

Before Eric could react, Dionysus was out the door and laughing with Sarah in the next room.

Eric reached for the nearest heavy object, a glass paperweight, and hurled it at the opposite wall. Not only did the paperweight shatter, but a good chunk of drywall smashed clean through with the impact.

He blinked, and then he calmly went back to his work.

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Chapter Ten

"I want your biggest ice cream, please,” Maia told the street vendor on her lunch break.

"Chocolate or butterscotch sauce on top?” The grizzled vendor raised an eyebrow at her as he filled the biggest cup he had with gooey soft serve.


"Maia,” Dino whispered. “You'll get fat."

She turned abruptly. “Back off, dude, or I will take you down.” Then, smiling sweetly at the vendor, she paid and reached for the overflowing cup. When she swallowed her first large mouthful of ice cream, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

"Shit,” said Dino, taking her arm and walking her back to the museum. “Eric Lord has messed you up good. I've never seen you like this. All ... quivery and shit."

"It's not just Eric. Between him and my dad ... the push on the steps and the woman in my room, I don't know if I'm coming or going. Never mind the fact that statues like to talk to me.” She looked up at Dino. “Be honest with me. Am I losing my mind?"

"Nah, sister, you're just stressed. You need a release. A special kind, if you catch my drift.” He nudged her side. “You've been working really long hours, and there's a lot of pressure on all of us to make the gallery perfect for the grand opening."

"But the woman..."

"She wasn't real, Maia. Just a figment of the imagination."

And yet the Nemesis in her room had been the same one in her nightmare. How was it possible? And if she was the product of an overwrought mind, why would she appear to her just as Eric was driving her insane with the most addictive pleasure she'd ever known?

"God, I can't get Eric out of my mind,” she admitted as she took another huge gulp of ice cream.

"Really good, eh?” Dino's dark eyes widened.

She licked butterscotch off her spoon absentmindedly. “Oh my God ... so good. Like, fallen-angel good."

"Hmm.” Dino looked impressed. “Has he called?"

"No.” Sure, it was only lunchtime, but she'd thought Eric might have called her extension or popped by her desk to say ... something. After all, he'd stayed with her all night long. Like a guardian angel. And that had felt really good too.

Safe. Right. Perfect.

Maybe it was too much, too soon. Maybe she'd scared him away with her crazy talk. God only knew what she said in her sleep.

"I tell you, Dino,” she said as they approached the museum steps, “he's ... done something to me. I can't explain it. I feel I've known him forever. It's lunacy."

"Who cares? As long as the sex is good."

She thought of how he'd nibbled her nipple and almost lost her footing on the steps. “I swear I'd give my right arm to hear him whisper those dirty words in my ear again."

She felt rather than saw Dino stiffen as they took the next step. “Well, baby, this might be your lucky day."

Maia looked up. Eric was at the top of the steps, frowning down at them, hands on hips.

He looked mad. His eyes were trained on the spot where her arm linked with Dino's. Surely he knew Dino was as gay as the day was long, and not the least interested in sampling her wares.

She saw Eric's lips move. For a split second, she swore she heard him utter the word, “Mine."

What the...?

As absurd as the notion was, Dino seemed to notice because he slid his arm away from Maia's. “Hello, Mr. Lord,” he said, patting Eric's lapel as he passed. “Nice Mr. Lord. Good-bye, Mr. Lord.” With a frantic glance back at her, Dino disappeared into the museum.

Determined not to fall apart, Maia climbed the steps after him, conscious of Eric's heated gaze. “Hey,” she said, trying to be casual.

"Hey, yourself."

She reached for the door the same time he reached for her arm. She inhaled as the fiery bolts of lightning shot through her again.

Okay, so the sizzle thing hadn't been a fluke.

"Where've you been? I was looking for you."

"I've been around,” she said, suddenly peeved. “I just went out for my break."

"Oh.” He turned her around so he could scowl at her some more. “Is everything okay today? No strangers lurking around?"

"No,” she replied, mortified. He did think she was insane.

But the relief passing over his face was still almost tangible. “Good.” He looked down at her ice cream. Even though his face remained serious, his eyes smiled. A little. “What a huge sundae."

Now he thought she was a cow. An insane cow.

"Listen,” he said to the batty bovine. “Are you going to the gala

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