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with my life and hide from Immortalies. Whatever that means.

Maybe I should get out and hit the shops. I packed little last night, rushing to get out as quickly as possible. I am a girl after all, and retail therapy is in our DNA.

I jump up, grabbing my bag and head straight out.

I hadn’t realised I’d been avoiding large groups of people until now. With a firm grip on the door handle. I will the courage to open it. The carpark is bustling behind the boutique shopping centre. Our office in Norwood is near The Parade, a long stretch of cafes, retail and grocery shops.

The pain from walking into the hotel lobby, sits front and centre in my mind. What happens if the amulet doesn’t work? Topher isn’t here to help me. That’s the insecure thoughts running through my head, I know this. I know what I must do. But that voice inside that nags to give up and walk away screams louder. Even if last night it was cursing at me for not being more proactive. Maybe if I had practiced or learnt how to control this ability, I would have never been in the situation. And definitely not sitting in my beat-up car, too scared to go out.

That is not who I am.

I pull the handle and the door opens, my feet hit the ground and I am finally out. An older couple walk past me and I give myself a moment just to confirm I’m ok. They pass and say hello. I smile in response and feel my internal confidence grow. I square my shoulders and continue towards the shop.

The street is buzzing with activity, it’s late afternoon. People around me are having conversations, but I can hear faint chatter in the background like a muffled noise. It’s like this presence is trying to break through the barrier, building pressure in my head. My heart rate picks up and anxiety grips my throat. I close my eyes hard and concentrate.

Be quiet, I say in my head.

The chatter continues.

Quiet. My voice firmer in my mind.

Nothing happens.

When I open my eyes, I see a teenage girl staring at me like I’m crazy. I can’t help but give her a huge smile and wink at her. She turns her head and looks down at her phone.

Maybe I can try willing myself to hear. I walk to a little fashion boutique, not because Topher says I need to look cuter for Leo, but I need some more options since I’m not sure when it’ll be safe to go back to the warehouse.

The bell dings when I walk through the door. A perky, thin, well dressed woman smiles.

“Hi, how are you?” she says.

“Good, thank you.” I walk towards the rack.

“Just so you know, we have a 25% off sale today.”

“Ok, awesome, thanks.”

As I filter through the clothes, I pull a few items, then make my way to the changing room. Once I’m in, it’s time to try this again. Closing my eyes, I try to concentrate on hearing. Nothing happens. I try harder and for longer.

“How is it going in there? Are you ok for sizes?” the woman asks at the door.

Shit, I haven’t even started yet.

Maybe if I remember what it feels like to hear again, I can replicate it. I take off my amulet.

“Yeah, ok for now,” I say back.

I bet she won’t buy anything; she looks like the type.

My mouth drops open. No way she would say that aloud.

“Let me know if you need anything, ok hun?” she says, her voice light again.

“Sure,” I say. Even though I don’t want to buy anything from this place anymore. What type do I look like?

Ugh, why hasn’t he called me back? I called him five times now. I swear he has until I finish. If I don’t hear from him, I am just going past. Asshole.

Ok, I guess I’m doing something right, unlike her boyfriend. He sounds like he is in for it tonight.

That’s enough, I put the amulet back around my neck so I can zone out again. And give her some privacy to her thoughts. As I change, I process what it felt like. Openness, like my whole being was open. Grounded. Centred. Without even trying. There was a connection to something but I can’t figure out what it is. A frequency? Maybe like a radio frequency where I must tune it to the right station. I sound like a nutter.

I rush through the rest of the clothes and buy what I need. I feel bad for the woman, knowing she seems to have some boy troubles. It’s uneasy knowing something so personal about someone without their consent, so I don’t want to stick around. Looking like I’ve stolen something, I hang my head and usher my goodbyes without making eye contact and race out of the store.

I managed to do more shopping, mixing it with research on how to pull the gift when needed. It’s a lot harder with the amulet on, it’s a constant block. But once it’s off, I am nowhere near good enough to block out the voices on my own. I’ll get there, though, I know it.

It’s getting later and some shops have now closed. I just need a few toiletries and personal care items and then I’m done. The general store doesn’t look busy, so I decide to try again. Lifting the amulet from around my neck.

I head straight towards the shampoo. As I’m looking over my options, a tall, large man with glasses walks into the aisle, eyes on the cleaning products. A shiver runs down my spine as his dark eyes meet mine. I concentrate on the shampoo in my hand.

Which bleach should I get? None of them. I need the industrial shit, but I can’t be fucked. I just wanna go home. To her. Mmm, yeah, maybe tonight I will do it. I’ve had her long enough and look at all the other sluts that need to

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