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Book online «Orion Colony Complete Series Boxed Set J.N. Chaney (books for new readers .txt) 📖». Author J.N. Chaney

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was a smell of rot coming from the vegetables. The vibrant green the heads of cabbage usually wore were now molding and brown. Leaves fell from the center as though it had been left out in the hot sun for days on end.

“I used the tainted water supply to test these cabbages. There was no change at first, so I increased the dosages to a more potent level. In a week, all the vegetables will look like this. The water is also unfit for human consumption or for use topically. Rashes will break out in weeks if it is used to shower. In a month’s time, organs will shut down if it is consumed.”

Stacy and I shared the same look of disbelief on our faces. I knew the Disciples were nuts, but to do this to one hundred thousand people who were just searching for a new home seemed low, even for them. Death by thirst was one way I never thought I’d go out. It would drive people mad here on the ship.

“Have you already told Elon and Arun?” Stacy asked the Cognitive. “Who else knows?”

“They both know, and now so do you,” Iris said, looking at the two of us. “No one else is aware. The slightest whisper could cause widespread panic. Elon and Arun are with the emergency water reserve now, ensuring that it is well-guarded with every security measure at our disposal.”

“There’s a reserve water supply?” I asked, feeling a slight sense of relief. “Iris, you’ve really got to lead with information like that next time.”

“Yes,” Iris said, opening her palm. A holo image appeared in the space above her hand. It showed a room with massive water containers on their sides. They looked big enough to float a boat, but I knew with a hundred thousand mouths to quench, the water would go quickly.

“Will it be enough to last us until we reach Kronos Five?” Stacy asked the question I couldn’t bring myself to.

“Without showers and only used for drinking...” Iris paused for the briefest moment as if she were doing some internal math. “Yes, but only if we are careful and ration it wisely.”

The tension in my shoulders relaxed, but only for a moment. I understood what we were up against better than most. Telling everyone aboard that their water was going to be rationed would cause panic and worry no matter how we positioned it.

If we told them there was a Disciple saboteur on board, there would be widespread mayhem. There was no doubt in my mind about that. Dissention would be sowed, and fingers would be pointed.

“What if this is what the Disciple wants?” Stacy asked, staring at the rotting heads of cabbage. “What if his or her mission is to just create as much chaos as possible in hopes we’ll turn on each other?”

“Then they’re going to be sadly mistaken when I get my hands on them,” I said, cracking the knuckles on both of my fists. “We’ve been chasing this person, and we’re always a step behind for the last few attacks. If I were him, I’d keep going.”

“If I already went after the animals and water, where would I be next?” Stacy asked out loud, catching on to my train of thought. “Iris, what system controls the recycled air in the Orion?”

“That would be level five and the oxygen reclaiming process,” Iris said. She changed the holographic picture in her palm to a room filled with humming machines. “But like everything else, it is carefully guarded and—”

“Carefully guarded doesn’t really apply to trained saboteurs who are invisible,” I said. “Not when they can sneak in with someone who has access to the room.”

“Iris, what’s that?” Stacy nearly yelled as she stabbed a finger at the image in front of us.

I followed her eyes to a large square machine of some kind that let out a billow of smoke. My heart seized in my chest. The smoke looked like it was hitting someone or something hunched down by the ground. The invisible figure was only able to be seen by their outline, thanks to the steam behind them.

“Let’s go!” I said, racing for the door.

“Iris, tell Elon and Arun, and have as many suits as you can lock down the level,” Stacy said, already turning to join me.

“Understood,” Iris said as we ran for the elevator.

It was impossible to tell if we were going to be too late. I had no idea how long the terrorist had been there and how long it would take them to finish whatever it was they were doing.

Stacy and I sprinted for the elevator like the god of Hades was behind us. We pushed past people, receiving shouts of anger in return. If they only knew what we were up to, they would be shouting for us to hurry.

I didn’t want to think what chemical agent the Disciple would be introducing into our air system. I ran faster.


I ran harder than I could ever remember going before. Once we reached the elevator on the garden level, Stacy swiped her magic holo card and got us a lift to level five. It felt like an eternity but couldn’t have been more than a minute.

“We’ll probably get there first,” Stacy said, removing her blaster from a holster on the small of her back and checking it. “Stay behind me.”

I wasn’t that familiar with the model of blaster she held, but I was a fan of the old-school ballistic weapon previously used on Earth. They were more of historical items now. What Stacy carried reminded me of a fat 1911 with a few extra buttons by the grip. I assumed that was where the user toggle was between deadly force and a stun bolt.

“I’m not arguing; you’re the one with the blaster,” I said, eyeing it again.

“Iris, talk to me,” Stacy said as she pulled out her holo card with her other hand. “I need directions.”

“I’ve lost sight of the Disciple.” Iris gave

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