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surprised both of us when I answered, “Gentle at times and really attentive, but also like a total aggressive alpha-male. Which I’m totally into. I mean, shit girl, he knows where the clit is and how to pay attention to it.”

Her eyebrows quirked up, and she nudged my shoulder. “Seriously, why are you still here? What are you so afraid of? This guy comes in, saves your wedding day, knows how to fuck you, and seems to want to honestly try to have a marriage with you. Why not give it a shot?”

“I’m afraid it was all a whim, and he’ll get bored of me. He’s been living the single life for a long time, and I don’t think he’s a one-woman guy. Riley has been the king of hookups for a long time; why would he want to be married to me? Also...I don’t love him. I don’t want him to be in a loveless marriage with me and be trapped.”

She eyed me again and crossed her arms over her chest. “You know lots of people get married and don’t love each other, but love finds a way. Also, I totally call bullshit because your face lights up when you talk about him.”

I gave her the finger. She was definitely wrong about that.

“Fi, I know you don’t want to hear it, but you two looked happy together in Vegas.”

I groaned, digging the heel of my hand into my cheek. “Maybe it was because it was Vegas. And we drank a lot of whiskey, that does it to us Irish people.”

She threw up her hands in defeat. “Okay, fine, you can stay here as long as you like, but my couch is not very comfortable.”

“It’s fine,” I tried to convince both of us.

She crossed her arms and stared me down. “Would it be so bad to really try it with this guy? It might be unorthodox, but maybe you can find happiness together.”

“Ugh fine! He’s about to leave for a couple days for some road games anyway,” I gave in and pulled out my phone.

She gave me a dirty look. “Then go be with your husband before he heads out! Oh my God, girl, I love you, but you don’t make smart decisions.”

I gave her the finger again while I put the phone to my ear and dialed Riley’s number. He answered on the second ring. “Hey, so listen,” I started without even saying hello.

“I’m pissed you didn’t come home with me. Damnit, Fiona, I want this marriage to work, but it can’t work if we’re not living together.”

I was taken aback by the venom in his voice. “I didn’t know it bothered you so much,” I snapped back.

“Of course it fucking bothers me,” he huffed out. “I want this marriage to work, Fi. I want us to work.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

His voice was soft like he really was sorry, and I felt bad that I pushed him to yell. I also knew Riley, and I had a feeling his anger wasn’t about me not coming to live with him.

“I have a problem,” I admitted. “Eric’s not moved out yet.”

“Come home with me.”

“That’s why I’m calling!”

“Oh,” he said in a quiet voice.

“I’ve got to go pick up some of my things.”

“I’ve got to run into a team meeting, so you can take your time,” he said. “I’ll come get you.”

I closed my eyes and cringed. I had completely forgotten that he had to rush to practice this morning. No wonder he was in such a shit mood. The Bulldogs season was tanking, and I didn’t think they were making it to the playoffs.

“Shit, I’m sorry, I forgot you had practice. Forget it; I can stay at Katie’s in the meantime.”

“Fi, it’s fine. I’ll come get you when I’m done, okay?”

“Okay,” I said in a small voice. His tone was so irritated that I was sure he was still mad at me. Especially since he hung up without saying goodbye.

I got a bad feeling in my gut. He said he wanted to prove to me that this could work, that he could make me happy, but I wasn’t exactly happy with him right now. Maybe I should have pushed for the divorce.

I slid my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and walked into Katie’s kitchen, where she was scrolling on her phone and pretending she hadn’t been eavesdropping.

“I need to go get some things at my apartment,” I told her.

Her brown eyes lit up. “Are you going to go to your husband’s?”

I gritted my teeth. “Yes, even though he’s irritated with me right now.”

She smirked. “I’m sure you can make it up to him.”

“Don’t start.”

“With your mouth!” she teased.

I laughed into my hands. “Katie, shut up.”

She laughed and grabbed her keys. “Come on, girl, let’s go.”

We went back down to her car and headed to Fishtown, where Eric and I used to live together. I don’t know how my life took this weird turn, but somehow it did. My ex was still living in the apartment I shared with him, but I was married to someone else. Katie dropped me off and asked me three times if I was okay, but I waved her off each time. Thankfully, Eric was out, which I was kind of surprised by since it was a Sunday. I didn’t care, as long as he wasn’t here.

I walked into the apartment and didn’t notice a change in it at all. It was as if nothing had happened this past weekend, like Eric and I were still living here happily like we had been for the past couple of years. I bit my lip. Now I was starting to wonder if maybe I should move out and let Eric have the apartment.

I was still scared about what the future held and if this marriage with Riley could really last. Katie’s words were haunting me. Could we be happy together? Is that what Riley really wanted? Or would

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