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Book online «The Love Island Bookshop Kate Frost (best ereader for pdf and epub .TXT) 📖». Author Kate Frost

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with a glass of fizz, while others browsed the bookshop and chatted to Mia. Everyone was plied with drinks and the bar staff were kept busy mixing spirits and creating cocktails all evening, while waiters took round trays of tempura prawns, reef fish sashimi and rice-paper vegetable rolls. Like Zander, Freya made an effort to speak to everyone who came. The bookshop was finally open; the last few months had been leading up to this moment and it was beginning to feel like everything was as she hoped it would be.


Mia joined Freya on the edge of the clearing as the last of the guests left, stopping to say goodbye to Zander on their way to the beach. She handed Freya a glass of champagne.

‘That was an immensely enjoyable evening,’ she said, nudging her bare shoulder gently against Freya’s. ‘There’s something very special about having a mix of so many different people from all over the place together like this, and it’s heartening to see their enthusiasm for books and reading.’

‘Yes, one couple said they only ever have the time to read when they’re on holiday.’

‘Which makes you realise how perfect this place is. A bookshop on a tropical island is a genius idea and I’m immensely honoured to have been invited to open it. I shall have lots to tell my husband when I get home.’

Freya frowned. ‘Oh, for some reason I assumed you were single.’

‘Easily done. My husband rarely comes with me to events. We’re blissfully happy but also lead rather independent lives. He’s a lawyer and is quite often out at some do or another and a lot of the time our individual events clash, so we go alone, which suits us both fine. I did invite him out here but lazing by a pool all day while his wife works is not his style – I say more fool him. Zander has been a complete gentleman, though, looking after me. You’ve been wonderful too. I’m just sorry I’m not staying for longer, although I think I may have to come back for a holiday sometime and bring the husband with me.’

‘And I look forward to seeing you again when I get back to London...’

‘If you come back.’ Mia looked at her with raised eyebrows and wide eyes. ‘I’m not sure I’d be able to tear myself away from here if I was you.’

Freya glanced behind them at the bookshop glowing in the darkness. ‘You might be right about that.’

Mia tapped her champagne glass against Freya’s. ‘To you, Zander, and the wonderful love island bookshop.’

Chapter Fourteen

‘All I’ve been hearing over the past couple of days is about the epic bookshop launch.’ Drew came into Freya’s room and plonked herself down on the end of the bed.

‘It’s been a whirlwind to say the least.’

‘I don’t think I’ve seen you properly in about a week.’

‘And now I’m even busier with the bookshop actually open.’

‘It must be a good feeling though, finally getting to see and speak to guests.’

‘Oh, it is. I’ve missed being immersed in books and talking about them to people. And it’s fun, with such a wide range of ages and people from all over the world.’

‘I’ll try and pop in one morning and see it properly.’ Drew stood and smoothed down her Loabi Fushi Spa uniform. ‘Also, after you’ve finished at the bookshop one evening, you should totally come and find me at the spa. Keep me company while I finish up. I’d love to show you where I work.’

They said goodbye and got on with their day: Drew to the spa to massage guests, and Freya to the bookshop. Life on the island revolved around work, so it was good to do something different and see where Drew worked. Even though she’d come to the island certain that she’d be happy with her own company, she was glad to have made a friend in Drew.


The spa was a hidden oasis, hugged by lush vegetation. Freya emerged from the humidity beneath the dense trees to a sight that took her breath away. The pathway led to a wooden bridge over a pond filled with lily pads. Raised stone pots spilled over with oregano and lavender, filling the air with a delicious scent. Three domed interconnecting reed-covered buildings clad in bleached wood filled the far side of the clearing, the middle one open on all sides with cushioned seating. The only sound was the trickle of water from the fountain at the centre of an open pagoda.

The glow of lamplight drew her eye inside. She spied movement through the glass side of one of the buildings that overlooked the pond. She crossed the bridge, soaking up the details of the clear water glowing with lights, the delicate blue lilies dwarfed by the lily pads and the shadows of koi beneath the surface. The lavender scent changed to a more exotic spiced aroma inside the spa. Freya’s first impression was of lots of smooth, warm wood, and glass sides with views to the garden and down to the beach. The trees left enough of a gap to see the glimmering silver of the ocean against the dark green trees and the fading pink light of dusk.

‘You came.’

Freya turned at the sound of the voice. Drew, dressed in her navy spa tunic, greeted her with a hug. She gestured at the bronze wall lights that spilt warmth on to the pale walls and candles flickering on a sideboard. ‘So, what do you think?’

Freya laughed. ‘I thought the bookshop was heaven. This is something else.’

‘You see why I like my job and this island so much.’ She folded a fluffy white towel and placed it with others on a shelf. ‘Beats anything I could do in the UK. And I guess that’s the trouble; I’m spoilt here so I’m not sure anywhere would live up to this.’

‘Do you want to leave?’

‘No. At least not any time soon,’ she said. ‘It’s been good to escape.’

‘From what?’

‘Normality. Life is boring back home.

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