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Book online «Stitch Jaime Lewis (miss read books txt) 📖». Author Jaime Lewis

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me out into the boonies, in the dark. I’m mean, you could be a serial killer for all I know.”

She was expecting some type of lecture, but instead, she was thrown for a loop when the big man threw his head back and roared with laughter.

“If it helps settle your nerves, I’m happily married to the love of my life, and we have two amazing little girls.” He pulled a picture from his wallet and showed it to her.

“They’re beautiful.” She looked up at him and gave her shoulder a slight shrug. “I’m sorry. That was a ridiculous thought. Here you are being nice, and I’m acting ungrateful and so disrespectful.”

“Don’t be sorry. It’s actually nice to see you are aware of your surroundings.  Although it is a little late in the game, considering I already have you at the cabin.” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she lowered her head. She felt so stupid.

She went to reach for her bags, but he waved her off, telling her he would get them. He followed, keeping his hand at her back as she walked up the steps to the porch. Jesus, just walking up five steps was like trying to climb a mountain. Her legs shook as they started to cramp. The Sheriff helped her with the last step. She inserted the key, unlocked the door, then disarmed the alarm with the code that Stitch had given her.  She turned toward the Sheriff as he set her bag down next to the couch.

“Stitch and your brother should be here in about thirty minutes.”

“I know it’s Thanksgiving, and you probably want to spend it with your family, but would it be a terrible inconvenience if you stayed until they got here?”

“Not in the least,” he nodded his head toward the couch. “Why don’t you get yourself comfortable and get that leg up? I’ll grab you some ice.  Do you need anything else?”

“I think I’m good. Thank you again for everything.”

“It was my pleasure. Go on and lie down.”

She made herself comfortable and laid her head on one of the many throw pillows, then pulled a blanket draped over the back of the couch onto her. The chill she had was forgotten as soon as she got a whiff of the blanket’s scent. It smelled like the cologne that Stitch wore. She inhaled the woodsy, spicy scent, and damn, did it smell good. She needed to find out what brand he wore and buy him a lifetime supply of it. Her eyeslids began to droop, and within seconds she was overcome with darkness as sleep took over.


Sheriff Prescott pulled an ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it in a dishtowel. He was angry. Actually, angry put it mildly. He was downright pissed off like no tomorrow. He wanted answers—to know the circumstances surrounding her injuries. Mia seemed like a sweet woman, and it upset him that someone had laid a hand on her. He knew Stitch and her brother well, and both were going to lose their shit when they saw the damage inflicted upon her. He almost went against her and drove her to the hospital. Granted, he wasn’t a doctor, but anyone in their right mind could see she needed medical attention. His lips tilted upward. If she wouldn’t go to the hospital, he’d have the hospital come to her.He pulled his cell phone out and sent a text to Doc O’Neal, the local town physician.

He walked back into the living room with the ice in hand and wasn’t surprised to see she had fallen asleep. He couldn’t help the small smile hearing her soft snores. The poor thing had to be exhausted. Traveling from New York by bus in the condition she was in was miraculous. He situated the ice pack on her ankle before fixing the blanket so it covered her whole body.  His phone chimed with an incoming text from Stitch, letting him know they were fifteen minutes out. One of his deputies had met the group at the landing site and would bring them up to the cabin. He planned on sticking around because he wanted to hear Mia’s story. Being the Sheriff, he was responsible for the town and its residents' safety, and if there could be trouble coming this way, he wanted to know so he could prepare.

While he waited for the cavalry to arrive, he made use of the time building a fire in the fireplace. After the fireplace glowed from the orange and purplish flame, he strode back into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee.  He had a feeling they were going to need it. Once the coffee was brewed, he poured himself a cup, checked on Mia again, then went outside to wait.  As he sat there on the porch, he scanned the darkness beyond Stitch’s property for any sign of movement.

Stitch was a quiet guy, liked his space, so the Sheriff had to wonder just how important Mia was to Stitch. Stitch’s cabin was his haven. He didn’t allow just anyone up here. Granted, she was Ace’s sister and probably knew him, but for him to hand over a key to her, she must mean something. Stitch was a hell of a guy. He was a loyal friend, respected SEAL, and shit, he deserved a good woman. He didn’t know a lot about the woman currently sleeping inside, but he was a good judge of character. In his opinion, Mia seemed like a sweet, caring lady, maybe had a little stubborn streak in her, but obviously, she got caught up in a really bad situation. He hoped like hell that Stitch and the guys could get through to her.

Moments later, a set of headlights appeared in the distance. He stood and stepped down off the porch as the SUV came to a stop. Stitch was the first one out.

“Sheriff.” Stitch said before glancing towards the house.  The others got out, and everyone greeted each other. “She’s inside?”


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